


Anxiety, with trembling of the feet.- The mental depression is caused by the pains, anxiety also occurs after seminal emissions.- Thinking about the food he has eaten causes nausea.- Despondency, gloominess, amounting to despair.- Moroseness and ill-humor, with inclination to work, but unfitness for exertion.- Irascibility and susceptibility.-Fickleness (changeable disposition).-Impatient, thinks she cannot bear the headache, child cannot bear the itching.


Vertigo after gazing fixedly on an object for some time.- Vertigo, with nausea and sour rising.- Heaviness in head. Dull, stupid feeling, cannot keep mind fixed on study.- Staggers, falls forward in open air. Headache with nausea and sour vomiting.- Lancinating or pressive headache, or else pressive and lancinating at same time. Pressing and stitching pains in left side of head.- Semilateral spasmodic pains in head, as if head were squeezed in a vice, with cloudiness of eyes or flickering, necessity to lie down, and vibration in brain at every word that is uttered.- Inner semilateral head, either side, old neuralgic headaches.- Neuralgic headache, right side, throbbing, stitching, starting from occiput.- (Headache which causes jerking of head to one side and screaming.- Griggs.)- Sensation as of tight band around head and forehead, which is very painful, as if the hat were too tight, has to remove it often and involuntarily, but without relief.-Sound in the head as if a bell were striking, when talking.- Throbbing pains in head. Noise and buzzing in head.- Pressive and incisive, or pressive, lancinating drawing and tearing pains in exterior of head, worse by touch and by walking.- Seborrhoea cured by decoction (***R.T.C.).- Sensibility of scalp.- Falling off of hair.- Plica polonica.


Pains in eyes, caused by daylight.- Aching in eyes, especially in evening when reading by candle-light.- Shootings in eyes.- Burning sensation in eyes and lids.- Stinging in eyes on closing lids, violent pain when closed eyes are pressed on.- Quivering of right upper lid.- Itch-like eruption on lids. Agglutination of lids in morning.- Red strip from cornea to outer canthus.- Internal canthi blue and swollen.- Cloudiness before eyes, like a fog, worse after emissions. A red colour is reflected from white paper in evening.- Flickering before eyes with headache.- Halo round candle.


Shootings in ears.- Shooting pains from left ear to root of nose.- Contraction and pressure in ears.- Burning, itching scabs on lobes of ear.- Tinkling and ringing in ears.


Epistaxis.-Scabious eruption upon, under, and in nose.-Dry coryza and obstruction of nose.- Very thick mucus in nose.- Base of nose and eyes swollen.- R. nostril stopped up and scabby.- Pain in nose, inflamed spots on septum.


Face yellow, wrinkled, old-looking.-Pimples.-Facial eruption.- Itching eruption on forehead, with burning sensation, and oozing after having scratched.- Rough, pale-red spots on forehead.-Thick scabs on the face (like milk crust).- Rigidity and tension in masseters and maxillary joints.- Herpes on upper lip.- Purulent and itching vesicles on chin.


Toothache, with drawing tearings, from a cold current of air or from cold drinks.- Upper teeth sensitive, set on edge.- Tearing in gums.- Gums swollen, with pain as from excoriation.


Dryness of mouth.-Aphthae on tongue and palate.-Offensive breath.


Sore throat (right side), with shooting pain during deglutition.- Spasmodic pressure at throat, like strangulation, with obstructed respiration, must loosen cravat.- Dryness and roughness in throat, especially in morning. Accumulation of viscid mucus in throat.- Trichotomous ulcers after suppression of plica polonica.


Want of appetite.- Bitter, or acid and clammy, or else sweetish, metallic, and herbaceous taste.-Bread has a bitter taste.- Insipidity of food.- After a meal sensation of emptiness in stomach, as while fasting, or else disgust when merely thinking of what has been eaten.- After eating stomach has no sensation, feels as if he had eaten nothing.-After eating a little, distended as if he had eaten much.- Worse from warm diet, better from cold.- Drinking water causes vomiting.- Thirst, especially for water, also in morning.


Risings and regurgitations, especially during and after a meal, generally bitter or sour.- Belching, with diarrhoea.-Hiccough 6 p.m.- Frequent or continued nausea, with fruitless inclination to vomit.-Sour vomitings.- Constrictive pains in stomach.- Aching at pit of stomach.- Heat and burning sensation in stomach, especially after eating bread.


Contusive pain in the left hypochondrium.- Shootings in the left hypochondrium.- Great sensibility of the abdomen to external pressure.- Constrictive and spasmodic pains in the intestines.- Cutting pains, especially in the umbilical region.- Shootings in sides of abdomen, especially in left side.-Severe tension in right groin.- Pinching in left groin.- Hernia.- Soreness in bend of right groin on appearance of menses.- Sensation of coldness, or heat and burning sensation in abdomen.- Sensation of emptiness and borborygmi in abdomen.-Rumbling and fermenting in abdomen, expulsion of much fetid flatus.- Inertia of intestines.

Stool & Anus

Hard, retarded, and scanty faeces, often with urgent want to evacuate.- Painful, difficult evacuations, with contractive pains in the abdomen and violent downward pressure.-Obstinate constipation, with frequent want to urinate.-Pitchy, sticky, adhesive stools.-Blood with stool.-Loose, acrid, corrosive evacuations, with pains in abdomen.-Fainting during an evacuation.-Pain as from excoriation, and burning itching in anus.- Wakened in night with sore pain in anus, which changes into a (burning) itching which lasts all day.

Urinary Organs

Diminished secretion of urine.- Frequent discharge of pale, copious urine.- Tenesmus, with pressure on bladder, and discharge of a white and turbid matter, mixed with mucus.-Frequent and ineffectual want to urinate, or with scanty emission.-Frequent urination with hard stool.- Burning while urine passes with discharge of elongated flakes. Frequent and profuse emission of pale urine, day and night, often without any sensation in urinary organs.- Turbid urine, like clay water.- Fiery, scanty, red urine.- Thread-like flakes in urine.- Blood in urine towards the end of an emission (after which the pain, when urinating, abates).-Urine charged with gravel or small pebbles.-(Nephritic calculi.)- Where the patient has gravel, and there is considerable deposit in the urine which looks like grey sand, also pus in urine.-Great pain just as the urine ceases to flow, excessive pain in urethra which may run back into abdomen.- The infant cries before and during micturition, passes large quantities of sand.- Can pass urine only when standing, when he sits it dribbles.- Burning sensation in urethra during every urination.- (Burning in urethra with incontinence of urine, worse in daytime, worse when urine is high-coloured, and worse after drinking beer.-Much scalding up urethra while urinating, urine high-coloured with lithates, enuresis day and night. ***R.T.C.)- Cramps in bladder, with contractive pain. Stones in the bladder.- Discharge of pus from the urethra as in gonorrhoea.- Jerking sensation along male urethra.- Pain at meatus urinarius with women.

Male Sexual Organs

Fetid exhalation from genital organs. Inflammation and redness of glans.- (Blennorrhoea).- Herpes on the prepuce. Desire for coition, with frequent and painful pollutions.- Bloody pollutions, spermatic cords swollen, sexual excitement makes them ache and sensitive.- Swelling of cords from unrequited sexual excitement.- Bad effects from gonorrhoea suppressed by *Mercury.- Old dry sycotic warts remaining after mercurial treatment for gouty pains.

Female Sexual Organs

Catamenia retarded, scanty, and acrid, very copious, even to haemorrhage (in an old maid).- During menses, want to urinate, excoriation between thighs, pinchings in abdomen, and squeezing, as if by a claw, in loins and pit of stomach.-Dysmenorrhoea, began in morning, with bitter vomiting, diarrhoea, and fainting fits, with exceedingly cold sweats, left breast so tender help her hand in front of it to avoid contact.-Mucous leucorrhoea.- Leucorrhoea: on walking, pain at meatus urinarius after urinating. Climaxis: asthma worse lying down, back pains worse by pressure. Suppuration of breasts. Nipples retracted, shrivelled, insensitive, not irritable.

Respiratory Organs

Violent cough from a tickling sensation of ulceration in gullet, or from a roughness in throat.- Short and obstructed respiration.-Violent dyspnoea and choking from a sensation of constriction in throat, and which forces the removal of all clothing from throat and chest.


Spasmodic oppression of chest.- Frequent recurrence of deep respiration.-Sensation as if a foreign body had stopped in the back on taking a full inspiration.- Pressure on chest, often with shortness of breath. Pressive pain on sternum, worse by touching it.-Shooting in sides of chest, which often forces patient to bend double.-Tensive pain in exterior of chest, as from contraction, on rising up.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica