

Burning in stomach, with headache. Inflammation of stomach. Sensation of emptiness in stomach soon after eating (faint, feverish feeling). Soreness and pressure in epigastrium, worse after eating. Hiccough whilst smoking. Spasmodic eructation of flatus. Frequent fetid eructations with disposition to vomit and pale face. Pyrosis. Nausea, which is not better by vomiting. Extreme nausea with great salivation and constant spitting. Nausea with headache, and with chill and heat. Vomiting Preceded by anxiety Vomiting: of bitter water of sour, acrid fluids, of ingesta, of worms, with craving to eat in order to quiet the nausea. Vomiting and diarrhoea. Sudden attacks of constriction in pit of stomach as if suffocating. Goneness with sick headache. Jerking or jumping in stomach as if from something alive. Neurosis of stomach pain in stomach-pit extending down into bowels, causing rumbling.


Hot streaming from breast towards liver. Sensation as if hot water poured itself from breast into abdomen, followed by diarrhoea. Dull burning in right hypochondrium and chest. Awoke with severe pain in region of spleen. Violent stitches in spleen. Pain in left hypochondrium, worse by coughing, better by pressure and lying on left side. Jaundice. Liver-cough. Colic, with torpor of liver. Beating and spasms in abdomen. (Flatus, cough and sneezing. ***R.T.C.). Flatulent distension of abdomen, evening, with escape of flatus from vagina (the os uteri being dilated). Beating in abdomen. Indurations in abdomen. Cutting bellyache from right to left of iliac fossa, thence to rectum. Throbbing in abdomen. Knife-thrusts in abdomen followed by watery stools. Cramp extending from place to place.

Stool and Anus

Ineffectual urging to stool, then vomiting. Urging to stool, afternoon, but only discharges of flatus. Distressing, cutting, spasmodic sensation in rectum in evening, recurred several days. Ineffectual desire with sensation of thick mass in anus, repeated several times in the day without stool. Diarrhoeic stools with much flatulence. Copious apple-green stools with flatus (offensive) and sudden urging (agg. –***R.T.C.). Frequent discharges of very offensive flatus. Colic followed by diarrhoea. Diarrhoea with disappearance of coryza, catarrh, or pains in chest and cough. Stools undigested. Dysentery. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation. Constipation, stools in hard lumps. Haemorrhoids.

Urinary Organs

Dull, heavy pain across kidneys. Pain from kidneys penetrates right iliac fossa, then shoots through sigmoid flexure to rectum. Frequent and copious nocturnal urination, urine as clear as water. (Retention of urine consequent on gravel and calculus.). Urine is thick and white next day (agg. from 200Th. ***R.T.C.). Copious urination goes on all night with much better to chest symptoms (in a lady.-***R.T.C.). Very copious urine at night, with pain in left hypochondrium, worse from coughing, better from pressure and lying on left side. Urine: dark yellow, high- coloured, red sediment. Ardor urine.

Male Sexual Organs

Burning in glans. Emissions two nights in succession, after which he felt very well. Gleet, old cases. Cheesy secretions from glans (syphilis).

Female Sexual Organs

Climacteric disorders, especially flushes of heat and corrosive, fetid leucorrhoea. Burning of palms and soles at climaxis compelling to throw off clothes. Painful enlargement of breasts at climaxis. Abdominal pains as if menses would appear. (Delaying menses, chilliness followed by flushes of heat and occasional palpitation, faintness, vertigo, nausea, and violent vomiting, burning in oesophagus, neuralgia in right temple, in left chest (mamma) and lower extremities, occasional hacking cough and gastralgia. Carmichael.) Menstruation too early, with a discharge of black blood. Menses: more profuse than usual, with headache right side, at night time, very offensive, putrid, bright red, clotting, becoming darker towards end and less offensive. Amenorrhoea. Metrorrhagia. Dysmenorrhoea of feeble, torpid subjects, with tendency to congestion of lungs, liver, or head. Burning pain between breasts in afternoon, worse on right side. Shootings in bosom and pain in mammae as from excoriation. The nipples are sore and painful. Stitches in nipples, especially right Sharp, piercing pain in right breast, just beneath nipple, worse deep breath, some dyspnoea. Pain in right breast extends to shoulder, can hardly place hand on head. Threatened abortion, pains in loins extending through epigastric and iliac regions and down thighs. Hydrops uteri.

Respiratory Organs

Dryness in throat and sensation of swelling in larynx, with expectoration of thick mucus. Aphonia with swelling in throat. Oedema of larynx. Tickling in throat, evening, after lying down, with dry, hacking cough and headache. Crawling sensation extending down behind sternum. Tracheal irritation secondary to heart disease. Croup: hoarse, muffled cough, complete aphonia, spasmodic cough, painful crowing, stridulous breathing. Cough dry, tickling in throat-pit. Distressing, spasmodic, exhaustive cough. Dry cough, awakens him from sleep, which did not cease until he sat upright in bed, and flatus was discharged both upwards and downwards. Continual severe cough, with circumscribed redness of cheeks, with pain in chest, with coryza, then diarrhoea. Coughs in old men with left earache, and pains going from left throat to ear. Expectoration: tough, difficult, rust- coloured, extreme dyspnoea, hepatization. Breath and sputa smell badly even to patient. Pulmonary consumption, expectoration and breath exceedingly offensive. Whooping-cough. Severe cough after whooping-cough, the cough returns every time patient takes cold. Asthma: excessive dyspnoea, especially after “rose-cold,’ worse from odours.


Hydrothorax. Haemoptysis. Pneumonia: catarrhal, chronic, right side, left side, with heart disease. Typhoid pneumonia, with very difficult respiration, cheeks and hands livid, pulse full, soft, vibrating, and easily compressed. Severe dyspnoea and constriction of chest, with inclination to take deep inspirations. Sharp stitches in right chest. Stitches in lower part of left breast to shoulder. Pain in breast with periodic cough. A shooting, sticking pain beneath sternum. Persistent pain beneath sternum and in right breast. Intense burning between breasts, worse right side. Sharp, piercing, neuralgic pain half- way between sternum and nipple. Hot, burning streaming from right chest to liver. Pain under left clavicle on waking. Constriction across both breasts. Violent stitches under short ribs. Burning and pressing in breast, followed by heat through abdomen and diarrhoea. Pain in right chest to shoulder, can only with difficulty place hand to head.


Painful stitches or pressive pain beneath praecordial region. Surging of blood and racing palpitation, with dry and burning skin. Weak feeling about heart. Metastasis of rheumatism (or gout) to heart from outward applications. Palpitation of heart. Irregularity of heart’s action and of the pulse, with coldness, insensibility, &c. Pulse slow, irregular, feeble.

Back and neck

Soreness of nape on being touched. Rheumatic pain in nape, shoulders, and arms. Pain in right side of neck as if strained, in left side. Soreness down muscles of back, pains shifting about, feels pain more when drawing long breath. Pain in inner border of right shoulder-blade. Pain in sacrum from lifting, the pain in sacrum is better on bending forward. Pain in sacrum and bowels.


Rheumatic pain in limbs, especially in shoulders, arms, and thighs, and worse at night. Burning in hands and feet worse night.

Upper Limbs

Itching in axillae before menses. Rheumatic pain in right arm and shoulder, worse at night in bed, cannot raise arm, motion (turning in bed) much worse it. Pain in top of right shoulder. Pain in right deltoid. R. arm hung helpless. Coldness in body and right arm. Burning of palms. Stiffness of finger-joints. Aching in ball of right thumb. Fungoid growth between second and third metacarpal bones, protruding about a quarter of an inch out of palm. Ulceration at roots of nails on all the fingers of both hands. Panaritium, first right then left finger. Shooting pains from right thumb to symphysis menti.

Lower Limbs

Rheumatic pain in left hip. Rheumatic pain inside of right thigh. Bruise-like pain in thigh, alternating with burning and pressure in chest. Stiffness of knees. Burning of soles, worse at night. Rheumatic pains in limbs, pain in those places where the bones are least covered with flesh, but not in the joints, on touching the painful part the pain immediately vanished and appeared in some other part. (Have seen ulcers connected with carious ankles and shins change almost visibly after Sanguinaria Gutteridge). Sharp pain in right ankle and great toe-joint. Cold feet, afternoon.


Great debility and weakness in limbs (especially in morning on waking), whilst walking in the open air. Paralysis of right side. General torpor and languor. An uncomfortable, prickling sensation of warmth spreading over whole body. Weakness and palpitation of heart, fainting weakness. Convulsive rigidity of limbs. We find this very useful where there is a pain rising from the back of the neck over the top of the head, running down into the forehead, this symptom may occur alone, or in connection with some other trouble (H.N.G.). Often useful for troubles occurring in females at the climacteric period of life such as flashes of heat, &c. (H.N.G.).

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica