

*It antidotes: Opium. *Compatible: Belladonna (scarlatina). *Compare: Botan., Chelidonium, Opium In rheumatism of right deltoid, Mg. c. (of left, Ferrum, Nux. m.). Headache extending forward from occiput and settling over (right) eye, Spi. (left eye), Silicea, Sepia (both eyes), extending forward, Gelsemium, Lac caninum, (Backward, Anacardium, Bryonia, Chi. s., Naj., Nux). Headache better by hard pressure, Chi., Indg., Mg. m. Paroxysms of headache ending in profuse urination, Ignatia, Gelsemium, Verbascum Menstrual headache, Sepia (Sepia scanty flow: Sanguinaria profuse). Offensive breath with cough, Caps. Faint from odours, Pho., Ig., Val., Nux. Right side, throbbing, congestive headache, worse light and noise, Belladonna (Belladonna has “cold feet, hot head,” and is better sitting propped up, Sanguinaria headache has more of the gastric form, and is better lying down), Meli. Periodic sick headaches, Ir. v. (Ir. v. every eighth day, every seventh, Saba., Sanguinaria, Sil, Sul.). Pneumonia, Verbascum v. (more marked arterial excitement), Pho., Antim tart. (face livid, blood carbonized, rattling cough), Sul. (resolution imperfect)(Sanguinaria has sputa very offensive, even to patient). Rheumatism of right ankle, Chelidonium better Lying left side, Lil-t. Painfulness to touch of parts where pain has been, Lcprs. Sensitive to sudden sounds, Brx. Jerking or jumping as from something alive in stomach, Croc. Physometra, Lycopodium, Bovista Liver-cough (Scil. spleen cough). Pain in bones covered only with skin, Rh. ven. Laryngeal and nasal polypi, Sanguinaria n., pso., Teuc. Eruption on face of young women during scanty menses, Bels., Calcarea, Jamb., Pso. Right-side complaints, right to left, Lycopodium, Chelidonium better By sleep. Pho.



Angry irritability, moroseness. Anxiety and dread preceding the vomiting. Mind confused, better by eructations. Mental torpor, stupor, heaviness, sleepiness. Hopefulness, sanguine of recovery. Disgusting ideas. Dreamy state with eyes open.


Vertigo: terrible, when moving head rapidly and looking upward, with nausea, fainting, and headache, with ringing in ears, on rising from a sitting or stooping position, on quickly turning the head, with dim vision, with dull, heavy feeling in stomach as if caused by some hard substance there, in cold weather, during sleep, at climaxis. Head swims on lying down suddenly, gets pain left side of back near waist, as from spleen, bowels confined, complexion spotty (cured in woman, 32.–***R.T.C.). Sensation of heaviness in head. Determination of blood to head, with whizzing in ears, flushes of heat, accumulation of water in mouth. Headache over whole head from 5 p.m. to midnight, then free, and then sickness (vomiting) from 5 p.m. to midnight (agg. — ***R.T.C.). Headache, with rheumatic pains and stiffness of limbs and neck. Periodical sick headache, with vomiting of bile, begins in morning, worse during day, lasts till evening, worse from motion, stooping, noise, and light, only endurable when lying still, and better by sleep or after vomiting, especially severe over right eye. Headache returns periodically. Heaviness in head from vertex to center of forehead, with pressing in glabella and buzzing in head, eyes dull. Terrific headache as if caused by approaching coryza which does not come, in forehead and middle of vertex, with pressure in eyes, which burn and are moved with difficulty. Terrific headache during the fever. Dull, pressive frontal headache. Headache as if forehead would burst, with chill and burning in stomach. Frontal headache extending into cheek- bones. Headache or neuralgia over right eye. Headache as if it must burst, or as if eyes would be pressed out, better walking in open air. Headache with shuddering. Headache begins in occiput, spreads upward, and settles over right eye. Pain in head in rays drawing upwards from neck. Headache with nausea and chilliness, followed by flushes of heat, extending from head to stomach. Headache with flushed face. Pains in head in spots. Pains in head, which pass rapidly from one place to another, like electric shocks. Pulsations in head (throbbing headache), with bitter vomiting, worse from motion. Headache rising up from neck. Feeling as if head were drawn forward. Distension of veins on head, especially on temples, perceptible to the touch and sore. Sensation of mobility in the scalp. Head very painful to touch, where pain has been. Distension of veins in temples, sore when touched.


Neuralgia in and over left eye. Burning and watering of right eye, which is painful to the touch, followed by coryza. Acute conjunctivitis with ecchymoses, tending to trachoma. Blepharitis. Burning dryness in eyes, followed by copious lachrymation. Retinal congestion with flushed face and congestive headache. Yellow sclerotica, jaundice. Catarrhal ophthalmia, granular lids. Redness of eyes in morning. Hard swelling like scirrhus over eyebrows. Dim eyes, with sensation as if hairs were in them. Pain in eyeballs on moving them. Balls sore, with darting through them and dim vision. Violent twittering before eyes. Vapour or cloud before eyes.


Burning of ears, with redness of cheeks. Earache, with headache, with singing in ears and vertigo. Humming and roaring in ears with painful sensitiveness to sudden sounds in women at climaxis. Cracking in right ear while stroking cheek. Every stroke of a hammer heard near a blacksmith’s shop is painful to right ear. Vein on right temple swells up in woman, 50, subject to neuralgia and old vascular deafness after *Sanguinaria O, one dose, hearing improves for six days strikingly, and then reverts (***R.T.C.). Throat affections causing deafness and earache. Acts strongly on 1. Eustachian tube (*Hydrast. on r.); acts on ethmoid cells specially (***R.T.C.). Increased redness of external ear, with humming and roaring in ears from increased circulation of blood through aural structures. Burning ears, cheeks red. Aural polypus.


Fluent coryza with frequent sneezing, worse right side. Heat in nose, coryza, rawness in throat, pain in breast, cough, and finally diarrhoea. Coryza, watery, acrid, with tingling, with heavy pain at root of nose and stinging in nose. Dry coryza, as from a sudden cold. Alternately fluent and dry coryza. Smell in nose like roasted onion. Rose-cold, with subsequent asthma, sick and faint from odour of flowers. Loss of smell and taste. Dislike to odour of syrup. Nasal polypus.


Circumscribed redness of one or both cheeks. Paleness of face, with disposition to vomit. Pain in cheek. Stitches left side of face with pains in forehead. Neuralgia in upper jaw, extending to nose, eye, ear, neck, and side of head, shooting, burning pains, must kneel down and hold head tightly to the floor. Face bloated, with sensation of rigidity and fulness. Veins distended, feel stiff and sore to touch. Twitching of cheeks toward eyes. Stiffness of articulation of jaws. Fullness and tenderness behind angles of jaw (a keynote. ***R.T.C.). Red cheeks, with burning ears, with cough. Lips feel dry. Under lip burns, is swollen, hard, and blistered, blisters dry up and form crusts which fall off.


Pain in hollow teeth, especially when touched by food. Toothache from picking teeth. Pain in carious teeth after cold drinking. Looseness of teeth (with salivation). Bleeding, spongy, fungoid gums.


Pricking on the point of the tongue. Tongue feels as if burned or as if sore, is coated white. White coated tongue with slimy, fatty taste. Red streak through middle of tongue. Tip of tongue burns as if scalded. Pricking in tip of tongue. Stitches in left side of tongue. Crawling on tip of tongue followed by astringent sensation of whole tongue, on waking. Dry, acrid sensations, beginning right side and extending over whole tongue. Prickling on tongue and hard palate as after chewing *Mezereum. Sweet things taste bitter, followed by burning in fauces. Loss of smell and taste, with a burnt feeling on tongue. Sore on gums and roof of mouth. Fetid breath, clammy mouth, sticky teeth. White patches on mucous membrane.


Ulcerated sore throat, as if raw and denuded. Feeling of swelling in throat on swallowing, worse on right side. Throat feels swollen as if to suffocation, aphonia. Tonsillitis, promotes suppuration. Throat so dry, seems as if it would crack. Feeling of dryness in throat( with tickling cough), not better by drinking. Sensation in pharynx as if scalded by hot drink. Uvula sore and burning. Burning pharynx and oesophagus. Heat in throat ameliorated better by drawing in cold air. Inflammation in throat. Warming sensation in fauces, especially soft palate. Burning in fauces extending to center of sternal region.


Craving for he knows not what, with loss of appetite, wants piquant, spiced things. Loss of appetite with great weakness of digestion. Aversion to butter, which leaves a sweetish taste. Sugar tastes bitter and causes burning. Tormenting thirst. Sweet things worse, causes burning. Soon after eating: feels empty, difficult breathing, nausea, water brash, lassitude almost to fainting, cold sweat to 12 p.m., after a little food. If goes without food, gets bilious headaches (keynote. ***R.T.C.).

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica