Sabal Serrulata

Stool and Anus

Stools unusually easy, free from haemorrhoidal troubles (to which the prover Boocock was subject). (Some return of haemorrhoids with dryness of stool and pressure from within out. Stools dark, almost black B.).

Urinary Organs

Painful urination, connected with ovarian pain (L). Tenesmus as in cystitis, a few drops of blood voided on one or two occasions (L). Feeling as if bladder too full, starting the flow was painful as if forced through very narrow meatus (B). Feeling as of a stricture about two inches down urethra (B). Pain extending from bladder up above pubes, with a radiating pain across epigastrium, stitching in region of left kidney, severe headache with giddiness and dim vision (B). Scalding on passing water, burning smarting after, slight gluing of meatus and twisted stream (all removed in the proving, stream larger and stronger, no longer required to rise at night-B). Pain or irritation in region of kidneys, later a trace of albumen and a few renal cells. Excruciating pain and fainting on being raised up to urinate (cured in a puerperal case).

Male Sexual Organs

Slight irritation of prostate. Some increase of sexual power. Great excitement first two days and throughout proving, discharge of prostatic fluid. Amorous feelings, firm erections but fully under control, testes very warm, slight itching deep in perinaeum (sperm ducts?), better by deep pressure. Increased power and enjoyment in coitus. Semen feels thick and flows slowly, but causes a hot feeling along the cord. Testicles tightly drawn up, almost painfully (one of the most prominent and constant symptoms B). Sense of coldness extending into external genitals, sharp pain extending up into abdomen, tenesmus, frequent micturition, despondent, irritable, sympathy causes anger, constipation, enlarged prostate (Sabal O cured and removed at same time a distressing eczema of hands). (Coldness of external genitals, dull aching in prostate extending into abdomen.) (Pain in back much worse after coitus.) Drawing pains in spermatic cords, shrunk testes increase in size. Hard erection, slight twisting chordee as if stretched from the root.

Female Sexual Organs

Furious sexual passion. Awakened by stinging pain running up from left ovary into abdomen, and also a sharp pain in r. ovary. Slight stinging pain in left ovary at 2 p.m. Sharp pain in r. ovary, running down r. thigh. Stinging pain in uterus. Stinging pain in right ovary. A tense, slightly heavy feeling over womb. Pain in left ovary, running down the thigh. Menses delay four days, nine days. Sore feeling in left ovary. Pain in left ovary after going to bed. Slight pain low down over womb. Awakened by a most distressing itching of labia majora. Pain in left ovary and uterus, coming and going between 2 and 7 p.m. Sore, heavy feeling in uterus until bedtime. Intense pain through abdomen radiated down into legs, up towards stomach, then to ovaries, where it settled, never knew the exact location of the ovaries before, painful urination was added on awaking next day, mental indifference with irritability (L). (Uterine tumour.) Breasts increase in size, pains in. (Defective lactation.) In nursing woman, for four months after confinement, stinging pain in both breasts, worse right commencing at nipple and extending into and pervading entire gland about fifteen minutes after child had been at breast, caused excessively nervous state and affected whole body, Helonias relieved somewhat, Sabal O cured in two days.

Respiratory Organs

Voice changed, throat feels husky.


Sharp pain in left side of chest, running through left mamma. Breasts quite tender from pressure, stinging soreness after cold bath. Breasts feel swollen and sore for many days. Very sharp pains in mammary glands. Itching of breasts (1.). Breasts increased fully one-third in size (in less than three months.-R).

Back and neck

Aching across lower part of back. Deep pains in back, low down. Fearful backache, low down, before and at commencement of menses. Pain in back much worse after coitus (prostatic case).

Upper Limbs

(Annoying eczema of hands.).

Lower Limbs

Sharp pain running down right thigh, third day. Sharp pain in right thigh, fourth day. Pain running down left thigh, second day. Sharp pain in right thigh, second day. Aching in calf of right leg, seventh day. Aching in left knee and calf of leg, first day, which continued until bedtime. Pains frequently in left thigh, fourth day.


A feeling of buoyancy all the time notwithstanding the pains. Increased feeling of vitality and strength all the time the medicine was taken, and for a week after felt as if a stimulant had been taken from her (R). Much nervous erethism, cannot keep quiet. Weakness. (Poorly nourished women. Neuralgia of all kinds. Feeble patients. “Anti-lean.”) All pains were worse in early morning, or from noon until bedtime. Pains in ovaries or uterus, worse on motion. Character of pains mostly sharp and stinging. Most pains ameliorated by sleep. An uncomfortable feeling all over the body, third day.


Papular eruption on face. (Annoying eczema of hands).


Fears to fall asleep lest something (undefined danger) should happen, starts up with this fear as he is dozing. Awakened by stinging pains in both ovaries, second day. Awakened at 5 a.m. by a severe stinging in right ovary, fifth day. Awakened at left a.m. by a most distressing itching of labia majora, eighth day.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica