Sabal Serrulata

3 x which could not be relieved in any other way.” (This is a noteworthy observation. The connection between gonorrhoea and syphilis and the eye is well known, and I have known several cases of ophthalmia develop in patients who were taking another prostatic remedy, *Solidago virgaurea, for their trouble.) A. L. Davidson (*H. R., x. 525) relates a case of impotence in a man, 51, who had difficult micturition, tenderness of prostatic portion of urethra, loss of power, testicles shrunk, penis shrunk and cold. *Sbl. O, gtt. xv., four times a day, was prescribed. At the end of the first week he complained of drawing pains in spermatic cords, there was freer flow of urine, he slept better and felt better. At the end of the second week the testes were gradually increasing in size, tenderness of urethra had nearly disappeared, and erections were established. In two weeks more the cure was complete, the testes were even larger and firmer than normal. J. Martin Kershaw, of St. Louis, treated a young lady of twenty-three who had great difficulty in controlling her urine all her life. Undue exertion, lifting, straining, laughing, caused it to dribble away Unless she rose several times in the night she was sure to wet the bed. *Sbl. O, gtt. i., four times a day, was given. In one month she was much improved, and under the same remedy she gradually got quite well. Elias C. Price reports these cases. (1) Very nervous lady with chronic inflammation of bladder, frequent painful urination, ten to twelve times in the night and every fifteen to thirty minutes during the day. Spells of pressing pain on rectum, better by warm water enemas, which generally brought away hardened faeces. *Lil-t. 3x removed this temporarily. Rectal examination disclosed a hard fleshy tumour the size of half a hen’s egg on the posterior aspect of the uterus. *Sbl. (Fluid Extract) gtt. v., thrice daily, diminished the tumour by half in two months, and removed it entirely in three more. (2) Mrs. X., prima para, had, five days after confinement, irritation of kidneys, and a week later symptoms of pelvic peritonitis. Uterus much enlarged, very tender. Did not urinate very often, but when she did the pain was so excruciating that she fainted away, and sometimes did not come to for an hour. For three days no remedy did any good. Then she had violent pain right side of head above and behind the ear, and paralysis of left arm and leg, became unconscious and could not be aroused, at times would talk of things which had occurred before her illness, insensible to external impressions. She remained thus ten days. *Sbl. (fluid Extract), gtt. xx., every two hours, relieved the pain on being raised to urinate after the second dose. Recovery from the other condition was very gradual. (3) Miss X., 22, had irregular menses for years, having once gone nine months without a period, when she came to Price she was three months past her time, *one breast was much smaller than the other. *Sbl. (Fluid Extract), gtt. v., thrice daily. In about a month the menses came on freely, lasted four days instead of the usual two. Breasts began to increase in size. In three months one was as large as the other. The following year she again missed her time, and *Sbl. brought it right in a week. Price has cured with *Sbl. cases of pelvic cellulitis, peritonitis, puerperal fever, inflammation of uterus, tubes, ovaries, and even appendicitis, and proctitis, especially if the prostatic gland is involved. Showerman gave Hale a summary of his experience with *Sbl.: (1) A lady who had been for two years unable to rise in the morning without a cup of coffee and something to eat was cured with Sbl. In a week. (2) An impotent man was cured in thirty days. (3) Man, 76, enlarged prostate, had to use catheter for three years. Cured in four months. (4) Man passing blood with urine for six months: cured in two weeks. (5) Cases of incontinence. (6) A lady to whom he gave *Sbl. for nervous debility had to discontinue it because “her sexual passions made her almost furious” from its use. (7)

In catarrhal affections he found it very efficacious, and he cured himself with it in four months of a bronchial trouble of seven years’ duration which no medicine had relieved before. Mullins confirms the value of *Sbl. In catarrhal states, which is one of the uses the remedy was put to by Read, who introduced it. Mullins says: “In chronic bronchitis, with a wheezing, hard cough, worse on lying down till 6 a.m., worse in damp, cool air and cloudy weather, it is promptly curative.” The fattening properties of *Sbl. have been utilized in medicine. For this purpose it has been given in the form of *Saccharated oil (gr. x. to gr. lx.) or *Sabal Maltine. The *Aqua Sabal Hale found useful as a spray. The symptoms are worse in early morning, from rising to bedtime. Worse By motion. better After sleep. Backache worse after coitus. Catarrhal symptoms are worse in cold, damp weather. Cough worse on lying down at night. Worse Before menses (depression). Stinging pains appear to be characteristic. Wandering, radiating, and cramping pains were also prominent. *Sbl. has several groups of associated regions of pain: pains affecting head and ovary, ovaries and breasts, lower back and right temple, prostate and eye.


*Antidoted by: Sil (Sbl. grows on the sandy shore), Pulsatilla (delayed menses, Pulsatilla also grows on sandy soils). *Compare: Stinging pains in ovaries, Apis, Mercurius Pain in right ovary and thigh, Apis. Breasts painful, Conium, Calcarea School-headaches, worse by sympathy, Natrum mur. (Sbl. Is most fruitful nearest the sea, compare Silicea Marina). Prostatic affections, Fe. Pic., Chamomilla, Arg- n., Digitalis, Solid. Prostate and eye, Solid. Worse From coition, Kali-ca. Wandering pains, Kali-bi. (the roots of Sbl. Are very rich in potash salts). Over-worked women, Mg-c. Hale classes *Sbl. With remedies “primarily aphrodisiac” Pho., Turn. aph., Nux vomica, Orig., Coca, Aurum, Can-i., Platina, Lilium tigrinum, Santal., “Primarily anaphrodisiacs” according to him being Conium, Sal. N., Salicin., Agn., Nuph., Arsenicum, Pic. Ac., Caladium, Camph., Iodium, Lupulin.



Unusual, full, confused sensation, thinking difficult, cannot grasp or remember what is read. Irritability, impatience, fretfulness. Immutability with indifference to wants of others, mind self-concentrated on her own sufferings, wants to be left alone. Broods on her symptoms. Sympathy makes her angry. Wants to go away and die alone. Fearfully blue and low down before menses.


Vertigo with headache (from fumes of oil). Severe headache with giddiness and dim vision. Sharp, darting pain coming and going suddenly like Belladonna), now here now there in sides, top, and back of head, through eyes and in temples. Shooting pains in temples and across forehead to both temples, worse r., vague aching on vertex, pain right temple running across vertex to 1. Sharp pain in either right or left temple, running up across forehead, with pain in left ovary and uterus, severe pain in left temple and a sharp pain on vertex. Dull, aching pain in right temple and on vertex, almost unbearable by 3 p.m. Pain running up from nose and centering in forehead. Pain and irritation at base of brain and upper third of cervical spine (like that of Gelsemium). Sensation as if something tightening in brain. (Neuralgic pains before and after catarrhal attacks.).


(Iritis when the prostate gland is involved.).


(Chronic inflammation of middle ear). Fulness in nose and ears, only bits of dry crumbling wax got away on picking. Frequent sharp, stitch-like pains inward from ears. Hearing diminished, voices seem far off (B. proving discontinued in consequence).


Pain running up from nose and centering in forehead. Sneezing and lachrymation, coughing and gagging. Fulness in nostrils compelling him to pick them, only dry crumbs came away.


Papular eruption on left temple and about mouth. Slight neuralgia in right temple and right jaw. Pallor.


Pungent burning sensation in mouth and fauces, extending up and down and causing sneezing, coughing, and gagging, afterwards smooth, numb feeling, as if mouth coated with fat. Burning on tongue as if scalded.


Sharp pain in left side of throat. Pungent, burning sensation in fauces, followed by smooth sensation, as if coated with oil.


Appetite good throughout proving. Appetite poor and capricious. Constant desire for milk (usually disliked). Belching and acidity. Sharp pain running through stomach, severe pain in left side of stomach. Irritation of stomach. Acute gastritis, fearful burning as from Sulphuric acid, could not take meat, vegetable, or pudding, only bread and milk, better by Robin. 3 (B).


Suddenly most intense, cramp-like pain through abdomen, soon radiated in different directions, to legs, stomach, then to ovaries, where it settled. Stinging pains running up left side of abdomen. Sharp pains running up and down front of abdomen, and also right side.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica