Rhus Toxicodendron


Slightest anger. Cold. From wetting head. Damp sheets. Bathing, in fresh or salt water. Getting wet when heated. Strains. Over- exertion. Over-lifting. Raising arms high to lift things. Drinking ice-water. Beer (headache).


Anxious sadness and excessive anguish, especially (at twilight) in evening and at night, with wish for solitude and inclination to weep. Restlessness which will not suffer the patient to remain seated, and compels him to throw himself about in bed. Anguish with fear of death and sighs. Fear of being poisoned. Suicidal mania (desire to throw himself into the water). Irritability and ill-humor, with repugnance to labour. Moral dejection with anthropophobia. Helplessness and profound despondency. Uneasiness respecting one’s children, affairs, and the future, with want of self-confidence. Weakness of memory and forgetfulness (cannot remember the most recent events). Want of ideas and of mental energy. Difficult comprehension. Slowness of conception and mental dulness. Delusions of the imagination and visions. Mild delirium, with insensibility.


Head bewildered as from intoxication. Stupefaction, with tingling in head and pain in limbs, better on motion. Staggering gait without vertigo. Staggers to right when walking. Vertigo and staggering as if about to fall, especially when getting out of bed (chilliness and pressure behind eyes). Vertigo as if he were held up high, while sitting. Emptiness in head. Vertigo, with fear of death, on lying down in evening. Headache (worse in the morning, while lying, from cold) immediately after a meal or after drinking beer, and also on moving the arms (better by heat and when moving about). Headache worse morning, right side, with vertigo as if she would fall back on getting out of bed, acute darting pains in both temples, can hardly hold up, and a mist comes before sight when doing anything quickly or getting up in a hurry (produced. ***R.T.C.). (Incito-motor function defective). Attacks of headache with need to lie down, every vexation and exercise in the open air renews the attacks. Periodical headache. Pain in head as if brain were bruised, especially in morning, worse by moving and lifting up head. Passive congestion of head better by repose. Heaviness and pressive fullness of head (especially in forehead, as if a weight were falling forward, with heat in face), with sensation, on stooping, as if the brain were about to burst. Head so heavy obliged to hold it upright to better the weight pressing forward into forehead. Sensation of compression or expansion in head. Drawings and tearings in head, and especially in temples, principally in evening and at night. Lancinating headache day and night, extending as far as ears, root of nose, and the cheek-bones, with the teeth set on edge. Beating and pulsations in head, especially in occiput. Pains, especially in occipital protuberances. Sanguineous congestion in head. Burning sensation, especially in forehead (when walking) and occiput. Occipital headache with rheumatic stiffness in nape (*R.rad).-Painful tingling in head. Sensation as if a quantity of blood shot into brain when stooping. Rush of blood to head with burning-tingling and beating in brain, bright redness of face, great restlessness of body in morning when at rest, worse after eating. Liability to take cold from having head wetted. Buzzing and noise in head. Balancing and sensation of fluctuation in head at every step, as if brain loose, also when shaking head. Painful sensibility of exterior of head, as from subcutaneous ulceration, especially on turning up hair and on touching it, worse on side on which he does not lie, and from becoming warm in bed. Contraction of the scalp as if the hair were pulled. Drawing and tearing in scalp. Swelling of head. Erysipelatous swelling of head and face with vesicles drying up and forming itching scabs. Gnawing tingling in scalp. Dry herpes on scalp. Periodical scald- head, reappearing every year. Scald-head with thick scabs, which destroy the hair, with greenish pus (offensive smell), and violent itching at night. (Eczema of entire hairy scalp, causing loss of hair. ***R.T.C.). Small, soft tubercles on the scalp. Wen of many years’ duration cured with Rhus. tox. @, which caused erysipelas at same time (H.W., xxxi. 199).


Pains in eyes on moving ball of eye. Pressure and burning sensation in eyes. Eyes fixed, dull, and downcast. Smarting in eyes and lids. Affections of internal surface of eyelids. Inflammation of the eyes and lids, with redness and nocturnal agglutination. Profuse lachrymation (eyes full of water, blear- eyedness) with oedematous swelling round eyes. Meibomian glands enlarged, cilia fall out. Photophobia. Bladder-like swelling of the lids, closing the eyes. Swelling (erysipelatous) of whole eye and of surrounding parts. Rheumatic ophthalmia, particularly of right eye. Gouty keratitis, worse in damp, rainy weather, sight dim. Paralytic rigidity of the eyelids. Jerking and quivering of eyes and eyelids. Blue colour about the eyes. Heaviness of the eyelids. Styes, on the lower eyelids. Veil before eyes and weak sight, all objects appear pale.


Otalgia. Painful throbbing in ear at night. Swelling of ears. Discharge of sanguineous pus from ears, with deafness. Whistling, squeaking, or ringing in ears when walking, changes to low resonance when lying down, as if membrana tympani were burst. Swelling and inflammation of parotids with fever. Suppuration of parotids.


Redness of point of nose, with pain as from excoriation on touching the part. Hot swelling of the nose. Breath seems so hot it burns the nostrils. Dryness of the nose. Discharge of greenish fetid pus from nose. Epistaxis also at night and on stooping or hawking, blood dark, scabs about nares. Frequent violent and almost spasmodic sneezing. Abundant discharge of mucus from nose, without coryza.


Face pale, sickly, wan, with eyes surrounded by a blue circle and nose pointed. Drawing and burning in superciliary region and in cheekbones. Face disfigured and convulsed. Face red, with burning heat. Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of face, with pressive and tensive shootings and burning tingling. Vesicular erysipelas, with yellow serum in the vesicles. Humid eruption and thick scabs on face, with running of fetid and sanguineous serum. Acne. (Acne. rosacea, impetigo on the face or on forehead.) Commissures of lips sore and ulcerated. Herpetic, crusty eruption round mouth and nose, with itching, jerking, and burning sensation. Exanthema on cheeks, chin, and around mouth. Desquamation of skin of face. Incisive contractions and burning spasmodic pains in cheeks (which are red and hot). Cold sweat on face. Eruptions of burning pimples round lips and chin. Cramp- like pain in jaw-joint when at rest and when moving the jaw, with cracking on least movement, better by strong pressure from without and by taking warm things. Spasms in the jaw. Constant desire to yawn until it seems as though the jaw would break. Hard and painful swelling (pressive digging) of the parotid and submaxillary glands (with sticking on swallowing). Lips dry and brownish.


Toothache as from excoriation, or with tearings, shootings, jerkings, digging, and tingling, frequently at night, or worse in open air and better by external heat (and in warm room), sometimes also in consequence of a chill. Looseness of teeth. Teeth feel elongated. Looseness of lower incisors, cannot bite with them. Fetid exhalation from carious teeth. Burning pain in gums as from excoriation, also at night.


Dryness of mouth with violent thirst. Copious accumulation of saliva in mouth. A yellow, and sometimes also a sanguineous, saliva flow from mouth at night. While sitting asleep in afternoon saliva runs from mouth. In morning in bed mouth full of salt water. In morning mucus and tongue are salt. Copious accumulation of viscid mucus in mouth and throat, with frequent expectoration. Offensive smell from mouth. Tongue: dry, red or brownish, and cracked, triangular red tip, yellowish-white at root. Tongue white, often on one side. Sensation as if tongue covered with a skin.


Sensation of dryness of throat. Sore throat, as if caused by internal swelling, with pain as from a bruise even when speaking, and with pressure and shootings during deglutition. Sensation in throat as if something were torn out of it. (Sore throat after exertion in speaking.) Difficulty in deglutition and pain in swallowing solid food as from contraction of throat and oesophagus, difficult swallowing of liquids as from paralysis. Brandy causes an extraordinary burning sensation in throat. Copious accumulation of mucus in throat, with frequent hawking in morning. Pulsative pain in bottom of gullet.


Putrid taste, especially in morning and after a meal. Insipid, clammy, acrid, bitter, sour, or metallic taste. Greasy taste in mouth but food tastes all right. Taste as if stomach had been deranged with putrid meat, but food tastes right. Sweetish taste in mouth. Bitter taste of food, especially of bread, which appears rough and dry. Anorexia with repugnance to all food, especially bread, meat, coffee, and wine. Anorexia in palate and throat with empty feeling at stomach, and at same time ravenous hunger, which goes off after sitting for some time. Sensation of fullness and satiety in stomach, which takes away all appetite. After a meal strong disposition to sleep, pressure and fulness in stomach and abdomen, nausea with inclination to vomit, lassitude, vertigo, and shuddering. When eating sudden vomiting. Bread lies heavy on stomach. Want of appetite with unquenchable thirst. Hunger without appetite. Pain and heat of head after drinking beer. Thirst most frequently from a sensation of dryness in mouth, also at night or in morning, with desire chiefly for cold water and cold milk. Craving for dainties, for oysters.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica