Rhus Toxicodendron

the menstrual period, and frequent minor attacks had occurred in the two years, always at the time of the menses. Later on she had another attack which developed rapidly and greatly alarmed her. The menstrual flow commenced a week ‘before she came to Morey, was very scanty, *dark, and clotted, as had been the case for some time. The flow had scarcely well begun when it ceased suddenly and the eruption appeared. *Croc. was given, and the first dose re-established the flow, which was normal in appearance and quantity, and the eruption at once disappeared. *Peculiar Sensations are: As if intoxicated. As if asleep. As of a weight behind right orbit. As of a band strapped across forehead. As if head were swelling out. Brain, as if loaded, as if torn, as if loose, as if fluctuating, as if a quantity of blood shot into it when stooping. As if muscles of back of head screwed together. As if a hundredweight on nape of neck. As if a veil before eyes. As of sand in eyes. As if lids difficult to move. As if jaw would break. Teeth as if being torn out, too long, loose. As if tongue had been skinned. As if a hernia about to protrude. As if pharynx inactive or paralysed. Stomach, as if overloaded, as if a stone in, as if pit of stomach swollen or drawn together. Hypochondria and abdomen as if beaten. Digging as if caused by a worm. As if a knife in right abdomen. As if something torn loose in abdomen, chest, and inner parts generally. As if a lump lay like a pressing heavy weight in abdomen. As if one side of rectum grown up. As if everything would come out of rectum. As if breath were stopped at pit of stomach. As if sternum were pressed inward. As if sprained or dislocated: back, jaw, arms, wrist, hip, knee, ankle. As if one had been lying in an uncomfortable position. As if bruised in right side of lumbar vertebrae and in small of back. As if flesh of small of back had been beaten. As if back were broken. As if some one were pressing on left shoulder. As if hand were held in hot water. Hand, as if withered, as if lame, as if pins pricking points and palmar surfaces of first phalanges of fingers. Rectus cruris muscle as if bruised. As if hamstrings and tendons of limbs too short. As if knee too short. Legs (and right foot) as if made of wood. Feet and ankles as if asleep. Heels as if stepping on pins. As if running nails under skin of heels. As if walking on needles. Joints as if bruised. As if bones ached. As if sinking through bed. As if something forced him out of bed. Bones, as if being scraped, as if flesh being torn loose from them. As if whole body was burning. As if cold water poured over him. As if blood ran cold through veins. As of subcutaneous ulceration. As if inner parts grown together. *Peculiar Symptoms are: Craving for cold drink and laborious dreams. Herpes alternating with asthma and dysentery. Chokes easily on swallowing. Swallowing causes pain in middle of back. Anorexia in palate and throat. Nausea in chest. Taste of blood with cough (no blood being raised). Coldness in left tibia. Scalp sensitive, worse turning hair back. Hour-glass contraction of abdomen. The symptoms are: worse By tough, better by rubbing. worse From riding, blows, jars, sprains. worse By rest, and commencing motion, better continued motion. (Lying down better colic and diarrhoea.) Lying on hard floor with pillow under back better pain in back. Must hold head to better weight in it. Bending head back ameliorates pain in occiput, causes pain in head and down spine. Limbs lain on fall asleep, no sweat on them. worse Side lain on. Lying on left side causes palpitation and pain in heart. Swallowing causes pain in back. Inclination to stretch. Stretching causes cracking in knees, soreness in abdomen. Unwanted exercise causes paralysis. Over-exertion causes palpitation, worse coxalgia. worse Evening, night, morning after sleep. Sensitive to cold open air, raw North-East winds. Effects of drinking cold water, getting wet, especially after being

heated, cold bathing, sea bathing. better By warmth and hot applications. worse Warmth of bed. Sciatica is better by warmth from exercise. worse Change of weather, damp, stormy weather, before a storm, snowstorm, in autumn, in winter. Nausea worse after eating. Craves cold water, which is vomited immediately.


*Antidoted by: Bryonia, Belladonna, Camph., Coffea, Croton tiglium, Grindelia, Mercurius, Sanguinaria, Sul., Verb. h. *Antidote to: Bryonia, Ranunc., Rhododendron, Antim tart., Sapon. (Arsenicum). *Complementary: Bryonia *Inimical: Apis, before or after, especially in skin affections. *Compatible: Arnica, Arsenicum, Bryonia, Calcarea, Calcareaph., Chamomilla, Conium, Lachesis, Ph-ac., Pulsatilla, Sul. *Followed well by: Calcarea, Belladonna, Graphites, Nux vomica, Pho., Pul., Mercurius, Sepia, Sul., Arsenicum, Bryonia *Compare: The other Rhus and Anacardia. Eye symptoms, better by motion, Comoc. (Rhus better by warmth, Comoc. worse). Rheumatic paralysis from exposure to damp and cold, Causticum (Rhus restless, better by motion day and night, Causticum restless only at night). Parotid gland, Ammonium carb. (Rhus left, Ammonium carb. right). Result of working in water, Calcarea Granular ophthalmia, Arg-n. (Rhus has more spasm, if lids are forced open scalding tears gush out and cause pimples round the eye). Cough excited by cold drink, sil. (better by Causticum). Sweat of body head dry (Silicea sweat of head, body dry). Nose-bleed at beginning of typhoid, Ph.ac. (with Rhus it better, not with Ph-ac.). Enables persons to withstand muscular fatigue, Fl-ac., Arsenicum, Coca. Hypertrophy of heart from over-exertion, Bromium, Arnica, Aco. Ulcers on legs in dropsy, Arsenicum, Lycopodium (Lycopodium in dropsy from liver disease). Fear of being poisoned, Glo., Kali-bro., Hyo., Baptisia Profuse gushing tears excoriating cheek, Euphr. (Rhus worse right eye, pus thinner). Ptosis or any ocular paralysis, Gelsemium (Rhus rheumatic patient, from wetting, Gelsemium with sluggish thought and suffused face). Scarlatina, erysipelas, &c., with drowsiness and oedema, Apis (Rhus dusky red, bodily restlessness, Ap. rosy red, fidgetiness. Rhus itching preponderates, Ap. less tendency to form pus). Enteritis, peritonitis, typhlitis, Lachesis Heart affections with numbness of left arm, Aco. (tingling in fingers), Kalm., Pulsatilla (numbness especially about elbow), Actea right (as though arm tightly bound to body), Phytolacca (right arm). Dreams of business of day, Bryonia (Rhus and Bryonia have opposite Conditions, and Rhus mental. state is hopeless and despondent, Bryonia fretful, peevish, irritable.) Typhoid, Pho. (follows Rhus well, pneumonia, stools yellow and blood-streaked, at times like “flesh water”), Arsenicum (irritable and anxious in spite of prostration), Baptisia (face dark red, besotted, stool dark, fluid, very offensive, drowsy, stupor, tossing about with delusion that limbs are scattered about, bed feels hard), Arnica (complete apathy, involuntary stool and urine, bloody sputa if lungs affected). Empyema and

induration of axillary glands, Belladonna (Belladonna at climaxis, Rhus after labour). Eczema, Mez., Jug. r. (favus). Cough worse from evening to midnight, Mez. (Rhus also from uncovering). Colic better bending double, Coloc. (Rhus also better moving about). Conjunctivitis from getting wet, Calcarea Glaucoma, Causticum Cracking and breaking pain in jaw, Ignatia, Petroleum Paralysis from rheumatic meningitis (from rheumatic myelitis, Dulcamara). Acute spinal paralysis of infants, Sul. (complementary). Averse to be uncovered, Arsenicum, Hepar Bearing down in hypogastrium, Pulsatilla Flesh feels beaten off the bones, Thuja Aversion to darkness, Am-m., Barayta carbonica, Calcarea, Carb-a., Stro., Val., Stramonium Averse to be washed, Antim crud., Clem., Hepar, Sepia, Spi., Sul. Effects of raising arms high to lift things, Pho. Bloody urine discharged in drops, Pul. Phimosis, Can., Mercurius, Sul., nitricum acidum, Sepia, Thuja, Sabi. Hunger in early morning, Agaricus, Antim crud., Asarum europaeum, Calcarea, Carb-a., Lycopodium, Ranunculus bulbosus, Saba., Zn. Semilateral coat of tongue, Daph., Lobelia (Rhus white). Hot breath, Calcarea, Carb-s., Sul. Nocturnal salivation, Chamomilla, Nux vomica, Pho. Difficult swallowing of solids, Atrop., Belladonna, Barayta carbonica, Calcarea, Chi., Drosera, Lycopodium, Plb., Silicea Parotitis, Aurum, Mercurius, Pilo., metastasis to testes, Rhus, Pul., Belladonna, Kali-ca. Yearly returns, Arsenicum Cold from wetting head (Belladonna from hair- cutting). Sensation of subcutaneous ulceration, Ran-b., Pul. Chokes easily when swallowing, K. ca. better Warm food, Lycopodium Epistaxis at night, (Bryonia morning). Punctured wounds as if stepping on nails, Hypericum, Ledum Backache better lying on hard floor, Natrum mur. Hydroa, Natrum mur. Acne from getting wet, or ice-cold drinks, when heated, Bellis. Desires cold drink and vomits it immediately, Arsenicum Ailments from spraining a *single part, muscle, or tendon, Calcarea, Nux. Vertigo worse lying down (Apis ameliorates ), worse rising from lying or stooping, Bryonia Jelly-like stools, Colchicum, Kali-bi.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica