
Lower Limbs

Wrenching pain in joints of hip and knee. Sensation of soreness in thighs near the genitals. Itching of inner surface of thighs. Sensation as if skin were cold and shrivelled in certain parts of the legs. Perspiration on legs. (Dropsical) swelling of legs and feet. Feet and legs as if asleep. Drawing and tearing in legs and feet as if in periosteum, especially during repose. Excessive coldness of feet, even in a warm room, cannot be got warm in bed, prevents sleep. Pain in tendo-Achillis on stepping. Rheumatic enlargement of great toe mistaken for bunion. Gout with fibrous deposit (not urate of soda). Sensation as if heavy weight were hanging to feet. Corns on feet with shooting pain.


We think of this remedy chiefly for the sufferings that are worse in windy weather, even if the patient be not exposed to it, he may be in bed or in a warm, comfortable room, but the blowing of the wind worse the symptoms. Tendency to faint in young girls of phthisical tendency who grow rapidly and are upset by thunderstorms (***R.T.C.). Affections in general of the right upper extremities, right abdominal ring, left side of nose, testes, right lower extremity, inner surface of thigh. Serous cysts in vagina. Induration or swelling of the testicles, particularly of the right one. Diarrhoea after eating fruit, flatulent colic. Arthritic nodes. Dragging up or rooting sensation, crawling of the skin or over the skin like ants, toothache which ceases suddenly, beginning again in two or three hours, feeling of heaviness in stomach after drinking cold water. Great dejection and painful weariness after the least exercise. Dropsical swellings. Frequent remission of sufferings, and appearance of them generally in morning. Sufferings excited or worse by cold, damp weather, or by the approach of a storm, as also during repose.


Eruptions. Burning and tearing with erysipelas. Itching, burning, and creeping.


Strong disposition to sleep during day, with burning sensation in eyes. Profound sleep before midnight, after having gone to sleep early in evening. Sleeplessness after midnight. Sleep in morning, disturbed by bodily agitation and pain. During sleep oppression of chest, a sort of nightmare.


Pulse slow and weak. Chilliness in morning in bed and during day if cold air blows on him. Shivering alternately with heat. Augmented heat, especially in hands. Fever in evening with heat in head, coldness of the feet (after lying down, continuing long), burning sensation in eyes and nose, painful weariness and adipsia, followed by nocturnal heat and sleeplessness. Sensation of heat, especially in hands, although they feel cold to the touch. Profuse debilitating perspiration, especially when exercising in the open air. Offensive-smelling perspiration in the axilla. While perspiring the skin itches and tingles, like formication. Perspiration with tingling and itching in skin. Perspiration of an aromatic smell.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica