

Stormy weather. Thunder. Sprains. Eating fruit. Getting wet. Catching cold.


Delirium, staggers, falls asleep on his knees, starts and appears terrified in sleep but awakes cheerful. Mental derangement. Frightful visions. Sombre, morose humor. Excessive indifference, with dread of all kinds of labour. Nervous persons who dread a storm, and especially thunder. Excessive forgetfulness. Sudden loss of ideas. Leaves out whole words when writing. While talking forgets what he is talking about.


Reeling sensation in head, brain feels as if surrounded with a fog. Head bewildered in the morning after rising, with sleepiness. Intoxication. Vertigo with anguish. whirling vertigo in bed, as if the head were about to be turned backwards. Headache (in forehead and temples) excited or worse by wine or by cold, damp weather (better by after rising and moving about). Tension in the forehead. Drawing pressure in sinciput and temples, principally in bones. Violent drawing and tearing in bones and periosteum of cranial bones, worse when at rest, in morning, better from wrapping head up warmly, from dry heat and from exercise. Aching in left half of forehead, spreading to left temple, continuous, worse by wine. Tearing boring in left temple. Lancinations in the sinciput and sides of the head. Throbbing in head. Painful sensibility of the exterior of head as from subcutaneous ulceration. Pain as from contusion or blows in the occiput. Violent pain right occiput as if a foreign body had been forced in. Gnawing itching (biting and burning) in scalp, especially in evening. Hair stands up as if electrified (***R.T.C.).


Pressive shootings in the margin of orbits, with spasmodic contraction of eyelids. Darting like arrows through eye from head worse before a storm. (Severe right keratitis with aching in right side of head and forehead, worse in thunder. ***R.T.C.). Aching in eyes, commencing on one side of face. Sticking pain in right eyeball, as with a red-hot needle darting from within outward. Sensation of dryness and burning in eyes from time to time, especially in bright daylight and when looking steadily at an object. Suppuration of lids at night. Irritation of lids (agg. ***R.T.C.). Swollen lids which become easily red. Agglutination of lids. Quivering jerks in lids. Contraction of one pupil while the other is dilated. Clouded sight when reading and writing. Eyes tire easily (agg. and cure. ***R.T.C.).


Otalgia (right ear) with jerking tearings. Tearing and boring in and near the ears. Sensation as of a worm in ear. Continued dull humming in ears, worse by swallowing. Loud sounds re-echo long. Continued buzzing in ears, feeling as if water rushing into them.


Epistaxis. Diminished smell. Semilateral obstruction at root of nose, especially in morning. Fluent coryza with obstruction of one nostril (l. nostril, sometimes alternating with right, better in open air), and loss of smell and taste. Increased secretion of nasal mucus in open air. A bright red spot on nose, sensitive to touch, lasting several days.


Shuddering chilliness over face. Violent tearing, jerking face ache, worse in wind and changes, better while eating and from warmth. Prosopalgia extends from temple to chin, spreads over right side of face. Lips dry and burning. Vesicles on the lips (on inner side of under lip), with pains as from excoriation when eating.


Toothache with drawing tearing in molars, in cold, damp weather, or on approach of or during a storm, worse by touch. Rheumatic toothache radiating from right lower jaw to teeth. Nocturnal odontalgia with otalgia. Itching in the gums. Swelling and pain as from excoriation between lower gums and cheek.


Copious accumulation of saliva in mouth, with dryness of gullet and smarting vesicles under tongue. Greenish coated tongue with bitter, putrid taste.


Scraping in throat, sensation as if lined with mucus. Constriction and burning sensation in throat.


Dullness of taste. Food has no flavor. Augmented thirst. Gnawing, hungry sensation before a meal. Speedy satiety, with good appetite, followed by uneasiness.


Nausea, with inclination to vomit, pressure in stomach, and water brash, better by eructations. Gulping of rancid or bitter fluid. Empty eructations. Vomiting of green, bitter substances. Vomiting after anything fluid, especially cold water. Aching (and heaviness) in stomach at night, or after drinking cold water. Contractive pressure in scrobiculus with obstructed respiration. Pressive shootings in pit of stomach and hypochondria.


Spasmodic pains in hypochondria. Pain as from tension under short ribs. Tension in the region of the spleen (when or ) after stooping. Shootings in spleen on walking quickly. Distension of abdomen, especially in upper part, with sensation of fullness, which hinders respiration, morning and evening. Painful incarceration of flatus in hypochondria and loins. Grumbling and borborygmi in abdomen, with risings and expulsion of fetid flatus. Drawing pain in right and (slighter) left inguinal ring while sitting.

Stool and Anus

Urgent want to evacuate, with slow evacuation. As soon as he gets out of bed diarrhoea comes on. Difficult evacuation, even of soft faeces. Faeces of consistence of pap. Mucous evacuations. Diarrhoea after eating fruit or in cold, damp weather, food passes undigested. Diarrhoea which does not weaken. Shooting pain in rectum extending to just below ribs. Crawling in anus as from ascarides. Throbbing in anus. Drawing from rectum to genital organs.

Urinary Organs

More frequent want to urinate, with drawing in the region of the bladder and in the groins. Pain in urethra as from subcutaneous ulceration. Increased discharge of a fetid urine. Urine clear, greenish, hot. Twitching and stitches at urethral orifice between acts of micturition.

Male Sexual Organs

Pain as from excoriation between genitals and thighs. Throbbings and shootings under glans. Drawing and pain as from a bruise in testes extending into abdomen and thighs. Testes, especially epididymis, intensely painful to touch. Testes swollen and retracted. Itching, sweat, and shrinking in scrotum. Transparent swelling of the scrotum, as from hydrocele. Swelling of the testicles after gonorrhoea. Induration of testes, induration and swelling of left testicle. Contusive pain in first one then in the other testicle. Drawing pain in right testis and cord, better by motion, sometimes pricking, beginning right testis, spreading in zigzag manner along perineum to anus, so violent it arrested breathing. Crawling pain in testes. Increased desire. Aversion to coitus and want of erections. Profuse emission with amorous dreams.

Female Sexual Organs

Suppressed catamenia. Premature and too profuse catamenia. Fever with headache at each menstrual period. Pain in ovaries, worse in change of weather. Caused rupture of cyst in right ovary. Serous cysts in vagina. After parturition, burning in uterus alternately with pains in limbs, fingers flexed.

Respiratory Organs

Catarrh and hoarseness of trachea. Dry, shaking cough, with oppression of chest and roughness of throat, especially night and morning (in paroxysms from tickling in the trachea). Scraping cough with scanty expectoration of mucus.


Transient, dull pain from chest to left hypochondrium when walking fast. Pressure at chest with obstructed respiration. Dyspnoea from constriction of chest. Warm undulation in chest and about the heart. Rush of blood to chest. Bruised pain at chest externally. Knife-like cuttings in left chest when bending to right and backward.


Boring pain in region of heart. Warm undulations at heart. (Heart irritable, pulse weak and quick. ***R.T.C.). Heart beats stronger. Pulse: slow, feeble, small, and slow.

Neck and Back

Rigidity of nape. Rheumatic tension and drawing in muscles of nape and of neck. Stiff-neck, gums and teeth sore, pains fly about everywhere. Pain in sacrum, becoming intolerable on stooping. Wrenching or contusive pains in back and loins (worse at rest and in rainy weather). Small of back painful when sitting as if back had been bent too long, or as if he had been lying on it too long. Rheumatic drawing and tearing in back and shoulders.


Rheumatic and arthritic drawing and tearings as if in the periosteum of limbs, excited by rough weather and worse by repose. Wrenching pain and searching drawings in joints, with redness and swelling. Chronic rheumatism affecting the smaller joints and their ligaments. Restlessness, tingling, weakness, and sensation of paralytic stiffness in some of the limbs.

Upper Limbs

Drawing pains in arms in rough weather. Sensation as if the blood did not circulate in arms. Weakness with tingling and heaviness in arms, extending to tips of fingers during repose. Pulling and tearing in forearms and hands as if in periosteum (during wet, cold weather), worse during repose. Wrenching pain in joints of hands. Sensation as if the wrists were sprained. On small spot of metacarpal bones painful sensation as if an exostosis would form. Increased heat in hands, even in cold weather. Itching of right middle and ring fingers with erysipelatous redness.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica