Picricum Acidum


Twitching: in left side over eighth and ninth ribs, in left side over tenth and eleventh ribs from 6 till 11 p.m., with throbbing in muscles. Pain in right side, extending across l. Pain in left lung in evening. Sharp pain under right clavicle. A heavy throbbing in left chest under tenth and eleventh ribs at 11 a.m., changing at noon to region of kidneys, extending at 2 p.m. into legs, worse l. Stunning pain at 9.30 a.m., with twitching in throat. Tightness of chest, as if encircled by a band. Numbness in lower part of sternum.

Heart and Pulse

Pain in apex of heart in evening. Intermittent fluttering at base of heart all day, it seemed to move. Palpitation. Pulse: frequent, slow, feeble, afterwards rapid, slow, small, and feeble, irregular.

Neck and Back

Terrible pains in neck and occiput, extending to supraorbital notch and thence into eyes. Muscles on right side of neck felt as it they would give way in afternoon when lying, at night when lying on right side, with feeling as if neck would be dislocated. Pain in back and lower limbs, with heaviness, tried aching, and weakness. Burning along spine and very great weakness, worse by study. Heat in lower spine, aching and digging in loins, worse from motion. Pain extending from right scapula to right loin when bending forward. Sticking: under right scapula, in lumbar region or bending forward when sitting. Pain in lumbar region, and anteriorly in thighs, in muscles, worse motion, with weakness in the same, worse legs, extending upward and downward till they meet between scapulae, at 2 p.m. Weakness in sacral and lumbar regions. (Myelitis with tonic and clonic spasms, keeps legs wide apart when standing, looks steadily at objects as if could not make them out. Spinal exhaustion following acute disease.) Sharp pain in region of coccyx.


Rheumatic pains in joints. Weakness from a short walk, with excessive heaviness. Heaviness, worse left., of arms and legs on exertion, worse legs, legs weak and heavy all the time. Extremities cold.

Upper Limbs

Lame sensation in shoulders. Shoulders tired and sore, right Twitching of lower part of left biceps, in forenoon. Shooting in left elbow, extending down arm. Pain in right elbow between ulna and radius. Shooting in hands. Left hand goes to sleep.

Lower Limbs

Weakness of limbs (worse left), on ascending stairs, and heaviness. Numbness and crawling in legs with trembling and pricking as from needles. Twitching on back of left hip at 9 a.m. Pain anteriorly in left thigh, can hardly flex and extend legs. Hips and legs heavy all day. Knees weak. Twitching of flesh of right leg. Sticking in legs and feet. Pain in legs anteriorly, on touch, in calves all night. Deep-seated, sore pain in upper part of left Scarpa’s triangle, worse night, better sleep, returning on waking. Numb, sleepy sensation, extending to soles, better cold water and in the open air. Calves lame and sore. Weakness of legs, worse left., which trembles, with soreness, with heaviness.

Heaviness of legs, worse left. Numbness of anterior muscles. Crawling pain in left sole and under patella. Feet feel as if frostbitten. Numbness of left foot. Soreness in ball of left big toe in afternoon and evening, better continued walking.


Veins sunken and small, worse left side. Bright yellow colour os sclerotic, skin, and urine. Cancerous cachexia. Trembling of all muscles. Rheumatic stitches in different parts, with muscular debility. Darting pains in various parts, extending into bones, every hour of the day. All pains lasted till 8 p.m. Soreness and lameness, worse left side, in morning when rising, with heavy, throbbing pains and dilated pupils, conjunctivitis and lachrymation. Tired feeling: in morning on waking, with heaviness, on least exertion, better open air, with lame sensation over whole body, with no desire to talk or do anything, indifferent to anything around, sleepiness and desire to lie down. Numbness, with pains, as when taking cold.


Yellow skin. Pimples on face and neck that he had for years were now increased in number and size. Reddish, painful boils about mouth and face, when opened they exude a thin, clear serum, which dries into a transparent scab, then become painful and contain pus like condensed milk. Reddish boils on face, becoming pustular, with burning stinging on touch. Erythema of abdomen and feet. Tight feeling in skin over epigastrium. Itching, at night. (Burns.).


Frequent gaping in church. Sleepiness, slept an hour in afternoon, then felt better. Sleepiness in evening, better walking in open air, at 9 p.m. Sleep sound but unrefreshing.

Sleepless all night. Late falling asleep from a crowd of ideas. Woke earlier than usual and dozed till time to rise. Woke at 3 a.m., then difficulty in going to sleep. Constant dreams, dreamt that she was pregnant.


Chilliness, with cold, clammy sweat. Cold limbs, feet, hands and feet. Fever, and chilliness, then cold, clammy sweat. Chilliness predominates. Heat in head, right side, in forehead. Burning: along coronal suture, along spine, worse trying to study, better

motion. Heat in lower dorsal and lumbar regions. Sweat. Cold, clammy sweat: in evening, on hands, on hands and feet in daytime, on hands in forenoon, on feet in evening, next day feet cold and sweaty all day.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica