Picricum Acidum


Fatigue. Study. Mental exertion.


Nervous feeling, which I never have except when fever is leaving me, feeling as if about to be crushed by the bed-clothes, arms, face, tongue, and forepart of brain seemed to reach the clouds when I was going to sleep. Although enjoying the society of men, idea of marriage unendurable. Desire to be alone. Irritable. Low spirits. Indifference, lack of will power to undertake anything. Disinclination for mental or physical work, aversion to talking or movement, with headache. Mental prostration after reading a little, after writing a little. The least study causes burning along spine and other symptoms.


Vertigo: at noon, worse rising from a seat, at 6 p.m. on least motion, with nausea, both repeated at 9 p.m., with pain in forehead and vertex and inability to sit up, on stooping or bending head or lying down, worse evening. Headache: worse rising, better open air, better pressure, better bandaging head, morning, probably from over-sleeping, in forenoon, worse afternoon, in with thirst and heat, chiefly in temples, and burning in external ears, worse stooping, causes vertigo, head feels too small, scalp sore to touch, sore aching in infra- orbital region. Heat and congestion of head with nose-bleed. Pressure outward as if head would fly apart, at 8 p.m., worse motion and study. Heaviness, and dulness, alternating with emptiness. Head feels as if falling forward. Shooting from outside to center of forehead in evening. Intermittent, sharp, and vibrating pain in right supraorbital region. Aching in right supraorbital region, and in nape. Throbbing over right eye. Shooting from right to left temple with headache. Neuralgic pain alternately in left and right temples. Pressure outward at sides of head at 9 p.m., worse turning head, moving eyes or least motion, with sensation as if frontal bones would split open. Contracted, squeezed sensation in left hemisphere of brain at 6.30 p.m. on going into open air. Pain in right lower occiput, with sensation as of a hand passing along right parietal eminence. Pain in occiput and in nape, pain in right lower occiput, as if right side of cerebellum were loose, 6 till 7 p.m. worse walking, better quiet, with throbbing. Heavy pain extending down neck and spine. Heavy throbbing and burning pains, extending from nape to supraorbital foramen and thence into eyes, which throb and feel sore to touch. (Pain shooting up from spine into head.) Confusion in base of brain.


Eyes yellow. Shooting in center of eye. extending along optic nerve to occiput, with soreness of balls on touch, and photophobia. Sensation of sand in eyes, with smarting pain and acid tears. Feeling as if sticks were in eyes on waking, with inflammation, afterwards feeling as if sticks were in them in evening. Styes, with sore feeling. Eyes worse on moving them. Lachrymation. Pupils dilated. Conjunctivitis, worse right eye, better washing with cold water and by cold air, worse warm room, with difficulty in keeping eyes open, and sticky feeling on reading. Shooting from right eyeball to left side to occiput, pain worse moving eyes, better closing them and quiet, with soreness, heavy, smarting, and burning pains, better pressure, sore pains, worse strong light and by turning eyes. Throbbing pain in left eyeball much worse going upstairs. Inability to keep eyes open when studying. Air looks smoky. Vision: dim and confused, dim, can read clearly at only one point, about five inches from eyes, blurred, whirling of objects. Vision of sparks.


Puffy and burning sensation in ears as if worms were crawling in them. Pain behind right ear running down side of neck. Painful boils in meatus. Buzzing and hissing in ears. (Noises in ears, with vertigo and headache at the base of brain.) (Chronic deafness, apparently caused by excessive headache, with noises in the ears when tired, membrane pale.).


Boil in left nostril. Stinging on right side of nose. Acne along edges and sides of nose, indurated, elevated papules, rather dark red, painless but sore to touch, very small pustules on tips. Weight or pressure on bridge. Nose full of mucus, can breathe only through mouth, better open air. Bleeding from r, nostril, with heat and congestion of head.


Pustular acne on face, burning and stinging when touched, on chin. Irregular pain in lower jaw, with beating in molars. Tingling in lips.


White, frothy saliva hang in strings to the floor. Taste: bitter, with thirst, sour, bitter, sour, bad,, of gas.


Redness of throat, with raw, scraped, stiff, and hot feeling, as if burnt, and with thick white mucus on tonsils, difficulty in swallowing, with sensation as if throat would split open. Rawness in left side, extending forward to submaxillary gland, worse swallowing, rawness with roughness and scraping. Soreness back of and above soft palate, with debility. Dry and husky. Feeling of a plug on swallowing saliva and afterwards. Sensation of something in lower part of oesophagus.


Appetite great in evening, increased, then lost,, lost for breakfast. Aversion to food, at noon. Thirst: great, with bitter taste, unquenchable, for cold water.


Eructations, empty, sour, of gas and ingesta, bitter after breakfast. Water brash. Nausea: on retiring, after retiring, with headache, deathlike, in stomach and abdomen on waking at 5 a.m., worse rising and moving about, returned on waking a second time, repeated next morning on waking. Vomiting. Sharp pain in epigastric region, when eating breakfast. Oppression of epigastric region. Weight in pit of stomach, with ineffectual desire to eructate. Faint feeling in epigastrium most of the time.


Sticking through hepatic region, worse in muscles. Liver full of fat granules (in animals poisoned with Pic-ac.). Tendency to jaundice. Fulness of abdomen. Rumbling: in small intestines, at 7 a.m., on waking, with colic, with crampy pain and flatus. Emission of flatus, during the day, in evening. Crawling stinging. Pain in abdomen all forenoon, with slight headache. Pain in abdomen on waking, with strong erections, and on moving emission of much flatus. Pain in neck of bladder. Sticking backward through left umbilical region. Sharp pain left side of umbilicus. Shooting, wandering pain in region of coccyx, bladder, rectum, and umbilicus, caused by wind. Sharp pain in right iliac region, above ovary at 11 p.m., with soreness on pressure. Pain: in lower part of large intestines, in left groin on walking, worse ascending stairs. Occasional sensation of giving way in hypogastrium all day. Vacant and sore feeling in hypogastric region.

Stool and Anus

Stinging in anus during and after stool, with itching. Shooting around anus at 9 p.m. Stool like gruel, yellow or yellowish grey, twice before 9 a.m. Diarrhoea: with burning and smarting at anus, frequent with prostration, light-coloured, with cutting and smarting at anus during and after stool. Stool: soft, light- coloured, with tenesmus, then drawing up of anus, scanty, with burning and smarting at anus, in plugs, easy, shooting away, then much flatus, yellowish, copious, oily, frequent. Stool quick, as if greased, of sweetish smell, as of boiling sap, at night and morning, then with much wind. Difficult stool, next day ineffectual desire for stool.

Urinary Organs

Sharp pain in region of bladder, in evening, worse right side. Frequent micturition in morning. Dribbling micturition. Urethra, jerking drawing in, pain in after micturition, burning pain during micturition. Urine: yellow, of a milky, olive hue, dark, indications of sugar, dark yellow, with strong odour, dark yellow, scanty, afterwards profuse and yellow, red, dark, in evening. Urine copious and pale, and light coloured, sp. gr. increased, and hot when passed, with burning pain in urethra, afterwards scanty. Urates abundant. Urine contained much indican, numerous granular cylinders and fatty degenerated epithelium.

Male Sexual Organs

Erections: in morning on waking, at 11 a.m., with bruised pain in left testicle, extending up cord to external abdominal right, firm in morning, with pain in abdomen, next morning woke with emission and firm erection, which lasted about ten minutes after the emission, terrible at night, with restless sleep violent, all night, violent, all night, then profuse emissions. Lascivious thoughts in presence of any women. Desire: at night, with emissions, at night, with hard erections, lewd dreams and emission, priapism night and day.

Female Sexual Organs

Occasional aching and twinges in left ovarian region. Menses delayed, during the period yellowish-brown leucorrhoea. During menses, bruised pain in abdomen with sickening sensation. Excessive and voluptuous pruritus at night, after retiring, making her feel irritable and exasperated (night before menses, usually had slight pruritus *after menses, never *before). (Used locally in diseases of nipples, inflammation diminishes, skin becomes tougher.).

Respiratory Organs

Dry cough, as from dust in throat, then nausea. Can get the breath only half-way down.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica