
Urinary Organs

Bruised, sore feeling in region of kidneys. Bladder feels distended. Frequent desire to urinate, often ineffectual. Frequent and copious urination. Urine: yellow, high coloured, strong-smelling, clear, muddy, pale and copious.

Male Sexual Organs

Frequent erections with but slight desire. Two emissions without dreams or excitement. Strong-smelling sweat about genitals, prepuce tender and swollen, many small vesicles on glans with burning itching.

Female Sexual Organs

Leucorrhoea, worse exercising during day, especially about 4 p.m., with inclination to sigh, sighing worse when leucorrhoea is

worse, dread of cold water. Menses irregular. Numbness of womb with pain in back. Condition like that produced by flooding after delivery. Metrorrhagia. Pain as if menses were coming on. Menstruation, with palpitation, congestion of the eyes, with tonic spasms, rigidity, sighing respiration, consciousness retained.

Respiratory Organs

Cough from tickling in throat. Slight constant inclination to cough from filling lungs. Laboured, sighing respiration, yawning.


Stitches in the chest. Cannot fill left lung as inspiration causes dull pain at left apex, better by pressure. Stitches under inferior angles of scapulae during expiration. Heavy weight at chest. Twitches across pectoral muscles. Stitches in left breast, and unable to draw on breath.

Heart and Pulse

Dull pain, uneasiness and distress about the heart. Violent palpitation of the heart, with feeling of pulsation through whole body. As the fresh, bracing air strikes me, a choking sensation with fluttering of heart. Heart’s action irregular and tumultuous, when lying on left side, better when lying on the back. Pulse: variable, accelerated, small, frequent, slow, feeble, intermittent.

Neck and Back

Inclination to stretch out the neck. Pain at base of brain as if it were cutting off body from head, going through to back part of throat, which is stiff and sore. Stiffness in neck. On waking, pain in right head and neck as if latter was stiff. While taking morning bath suddenly stiff neck (right). Drawing on turning head. Rheumatic pains in left neck. Chilly, creeping sensations up back, 7 p.m. Back very weak, unable to stand erect. Dull pain in back. Backache (in renal region) kept him restless all night, no better in all positions, passed copious colourless urine. Creeping numbness from back of head down spine. Cramp-like stitches up and down the spine. Pain under right shoulder-blade.

Dull, heavy pain in lumbar region, also over left hip, extending to back. Pain in back between hips, with numbness of womb. Pain in (left) sacral region, as if strained by lifting, worse on motion. Contractive pain of anterior surface of coccyx, as if dysentery coming on, (since verified).


Limbs feel weary, as after great fatigue. (Pleasant) numbness in all the limbs, and paralytic feeling. Neuralgic pains in the limbs. Stiffness or bruised feeling in the joints. Staggering gait. Cold extremities.

Upper Limbs

Wrists feel weak, dull aching pain in them. Sharp, shooting pain in left shoulder. Itching of left palm. Paroxysms of burning in palms. Hands feel cold, then hot and red. Pain in right deltoid better only by violent motion. Numbness in left arm. Sharp pain in left, then right arm.

Lower Limbs

Unsteadiness from knee downward when walking, especially with eyes shut. dragging pain in left hip towards back. Thrusts with aching down left thigh from iliac region. Stiffness in hip and knee. Cramp like pain in left (and r.) popliteal space. Sensation of a drawing cord behind leg and knee, impeding walking. Gnawing in left tibia. Legs feel asleep. Numbness in left foot.


Indescribable torpidity as from opium, “this is not debility but volition is inoperative” (Christison’s experiment). Great sense of fatigue and weariness, weakness. Convulsive twitchings. Constant fibrillary twitchings of the muscles. Violent trembling all over the body. Great prostration of the muscular system. Diminished reflex action. Omits bath on account of horror for cold water. Sore and stiff all over, as from a cold. Severe, sharp pains in various parts of the body. In nerves in front of body waves like tremblings going up and down, at back nerves paralysed and numbed with pain as when the nerve of a tooth is being killed. Stiff all over as after taking cold. Paralysed feeling in left side. On raising foot in walking, momentary feeling as if he were floating upwards, and on foot touching ground an unpleasant feeling making a shuddering sensation pass all over him.


Irresistible desire to sleep, soporific sleep. Restless sleep with dreams. During sleep mind so active was unaware he had been asleep. Falls asleep frequently, but awakes suddenly without relief, following night scarcely closed eyes in sleep, thoughts very active, an idea once started kept on with unusual persistence.


Creeping, chilly sensation in back, yawning, every movement and draft causes shuddering. Hands and feet cold. Cold, clammy skin. Heat in head and face, flushed and hot. Heat in face and down back with chilliness of legs. Dry burning in hands. Perspires very easily. Cold sweat in drops over whole body. Strong-smelling sweat around genitals. Copious sweat all over body.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica