

*Antidoted by: Coffee, Sinapisms, Arnica, (emetics are of the first importance. Injection of Atropine antagonizes its effects). Lilium t. cured astigmatism of Physo. *Compare: Eserine. In paralyses, Lathyr., Oxyt., Strych., Ciner., Conium, Gelsemium Heart, Phaseol., Phosphorus Eyes, Onos, Lilium t., Rut., Jabor., Belladonna Headache with drowsiness, Brucea, Gins, Hera. Spinal irritation, hungry sensation, numbness, muscles of back rigid, wavering in brain, Actea r. Headache worse by music, Phosphorus, Phos-ac. (Physo. of organ.). Levitation, Phosphorus, Phos-ac. Headache with inability to stop thinking (Phosphorus with increased mental power), Globus, Ignatia Asafoetida worse Descending stairs, Borax. Increased irritability, tetanic spasms, cramp, tenesmus recti, stiff spine and legs, Strych. and Nux (Physo. has diminished reflexes, spinal paralysis, unsteady gait with eyes closed, death by paralysis, Strych. has death from respiratory spasm, dilated pupils). Tetanus, Passi. Tongue as if scalded, Sanguinaria


Emotions. Grief. Bathing. Injuries. Blows.


Uncommon mental activity. Foolish actions, said it made him crazy. Exhilarated in morning, gloomy towards noon. Nothing was right, too many things in room, continually counting them. Irritable. Nervous, cannot endure pain. Exhaustion, cannot remember anything. Disinclined to work. Difficult thinking, cannot concentrate the mind.


Vertigo: on moving, with fainting and muscae volitantes, with nausea, in evening, if people stepped in front of her in the doorway, at night, when reading, on getting up after dinner, when walking, on descending stairs, with dim vision and unsteady gait, wavering in brain, as if drunk, with sensation of wavering in brain. Confusion and dizziness, dull, heavy, oppressive headache. Intolerable pain over both eyes. Head drooping listlessly. Darting pain in various parts, worse motion. Aching in morning with epistaxis left side. Bruised pain in brain all day, worse a heavy step, worse left temple, with general fatigue and sensitiveness to cold or change of temperature. Pressure encircling head, with sleepiness. Constriction as from a bandage or tight cap pressed down as far as temples. Severe, dull, frontal headache, especially in the morning. During pain in forehead, worse motion, and in temples. Sharp pain in supraorbital region, running off towards nose. Pain: over right eye, in morning on waking, by noon pain in whole cerebrum, fulness of blood-vessels of brain, and contracted feeling in forehead, which extended to eyelids, causing an effort to open or close them, in left side at 10 a.m., with heat in abdomen and nausea, the pain is heavy at 11, pain over whole head from 4 till 10 p.m., with nausea and general sweat, headache next day with lame, bruised feeling in region of kidneys. Pain in temples, showing from right temple to 2nd bicuspid. In evening sound of the organ caused headache, worse forehead and temples. One-sided headache with fear of opening eyes lest it should worsen the pain. Inability to stop thinking with headache. Sensation of rush of blood to frontal and temporal regions. Sharp, shooting pains in temples. Throbbing of temporal and carotid arteries, heart beats felt in head on lying down. Intense, painful pressure in vertex and both temples, the pressure in vertex extending over to occiput.


Eyes inflamed, first right., them left., sclerotic dry, red, and swollen, eyeballs pain and smart, lids feel sore. Eyes bloodshot all the forenoon, with burning in them. Pain on attempting to use binocular vision, as in reading, so that one eye must be closed, better by a weak concave glass. Pressure, with muscae volitantes, dark and light long worms or snakes, also tremulous vision. Bright marks when looking at an object, dark yellowish spots covering one or two letters when reading. Sharp, shooting pains, and drawing, twisting sensation in eyes. Eyes sore and painful when moved from side to side. Pain deep in, over top of eyeball, running up from inner canthus to right frontal eminence, then down obliquely outward into temple. Sharp stitches in right eyeball, better by motion in open air. The muscularis internus seems not to do its work rightly, and the axis of the eyes differs in each, eyes feel weak, with lachrymation. Eyes convulsed. Sight blurred, hazy, or misty, film over eyes, objects mixed, after which dull pain over the eyes and between the eyes. Aching in posterior part of orbit, extending back into the brain, worse on reading, causing nausea. Lids (especially l.) heavy, cannot bear to raise them, twitching of lids (upper, worse l.). Contracted sensation in lids with difficulty in opening them and lachrymation when wide open, difficulty in keeping left eye open. Lids immovable. Tight feeling in ciliary region a if something were creeping about in it, with sharp pain, worse reading. Contraction of pupils, in morning, by small and rapid jerks, with sensitiveness to light, then mydriasis, worse morning, seeming to depend on fatigue of sphincter, which was better during day by reflex stimulus of light. Pupils dilated. Pupils contracted when asleep, dilated when aroused. Disturbed accommodation, approximation of far point (myopia) and also of near point (the accommodation recovers before the pupil). Vision abnormally acute, double, dim and indistinct, blurred, hazy, misty. (Lens dislocated by blow.).


Sharp, shooting pains in the ears. Shooting on left ear, in right. Pain in right ear when writing. Hammering in right in evening, with feeling in external ear as from a hot wind. Painful pressure on tympani. Discomfort in r., *with inclination to bore in with finger, after removal of wax some pain, with eructation a sudden pain from throat along Eustachian tube to middle ear. Crawling in left ear. Fulness. Stopped feeling. Partial deafness of r. Sensitive to every sound. Singing or tuning like escaping steam, at night after lying down. Hissing, buzzing, ringing in the ears.


Fluent coryza, sneezing, burning, smarting, itching, and tingling of nostrils, nose stuffed and hot. Twitchings in nose and involuntary expansion of nostrils. Small boil inside right nostril. Epistaxis while at supper. Smarting at end of nose, it feels as if burnt by hot liquid. Tension in skin of nose and forehead.


Face pale, flushings of the face, heat. Neuralgic pain in right side of face. Sensation of cramps or spasms in face extending to neck, with numbness of left hand. Sensation of contraction of left side of face, with numbness. Severe pain in right upper jaw like toothache (though all teeth on that side had been extracted). Numbness of lips.


Dentition: nervous children with vacillating pulse who have trouble when nursing or taking food, pain in stomach as soon as they begin, but going off if they continue to nurse.


Tongue sore on tip and rough. Smarting of end of tongue, feels as if burnt. Scalding sensation left side. Tongue coated, more heavily at root. Numbness and tingling of tongue and lips, with constant desire to moisten them. Bed taste in mouth. Profuse salivation, thick, leathery saliva. Difficult speech. Power of speech retained long after inability to swallow.


Sore throat, painful swallowing. Tonsils and soft palate dark red. Burning, scraping, raw feeling in throat. Tonsils enlarged, swollen, elongated uvula. Small ulcers, with yellow centers in pharynx. Feeling as of a fish-bone in throat, swallowing saliva very painful. Constriction of throat and dysphagia. Pain extending from throat to left ear when swallowing. Feeling as if a ball were coming up in throat. Submaxillary gland tender and tumefied.


Hunger but can find nothing to satisfy it, food has a flat taste. No appetite, disgust for food, tobacco, and coffee, and especially for cold drinks.


Tasteless eructations. Burning in stomach with hot eructations. Violent hiccough. Nausea and vomiting. In stomach, prickling, sharp pains, darting pains, with paralysed feeling of left side, heaviness and weight, as if undigested food were lying there, hard pain, griping, emptiness and weakness, sensation of nervousness and trembling. Soreness in region of stomach. Sensation at epigastrium as when large pieces of food are suddenly swallowed.


Lancinating pains in hypochondria. Hard, sore pain in splenic region, descending to groin and across hypogastrium, worse by motion. Soreness and pain at navel, which was found much inflamed. Severe pain in umbilical region. Pain and soreness in umbilical region. Stitches in left side of abdomen. Much rumbling and distending in abdomen, with discharge of large quantities of flatus. Dull pain in transverse and descending colon. Colicky pains, with feeling as if diarrhoea would occur. Shooting pains in left iliac region and down thigh. Sharp, cutting pains in lower part of abdomen. Dull pain in groins.

Stool and Anus

Stools, copious, soft, thin, watery, yellowish, bilious, part natural, part black like tar, lumpy, mixed with watery discharge, dark and offensive. Constipation, from atony. Sphincter ani swollen and rigid, evacuation painful, rectum protruding, swollen and very sensitive. Tenesmus and burning, with diarrhoea, also tenesmus of bladder. Stool irregular and loose, anus sore and inclined to protrude, piles (absent for three years) return. Severe piles following childbirth.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica