
Urinary Organs

Single stitches through bladder, with painful weakness in it. Frequent micturition, bladder feels full, but little urine is passed. Pressure in bladder, as if very full. Dark urine with brick-dust sediment, or colouring the vessel red. Muddy (not dark) urine, urine like water mixed with blood.

Male Sexual Organs In evening and at night no proper erection could be obtained. Single stitches in urethra, extending down to corona glandis. Sensation as if testicles were bruised, with pain in abdomen.

Female Sexual Organs

Pain and weakness as if uterus were sinking down, every motion was especially painful, she could not well stand. Heaviness, like a weight in pelvis. Bearing-down pain. Right ovary swollen, sore to pressure, with bearing-down pains. In the region of right ovary, drawing down and forward, better by rubbing (pressure). Pain in right ovary, urgency to urinate but scanty emission and sensation of weight and bearing down in pelvis, prolapsus uteri. Swelling and induration of right ovary, with soreness and a shooting pain from navel to pelvis, with a heaviness and weight in pelvis, worse from exertion and while standing up, better lying on left side. Menses appeared later, at full moon instead of new moon, and accompanied by headache, etc., which were better by Gloninum and Belladonna Pain in abdomen and region of spleen at return of menses. Feels sore in abdomen after menses, with fear and apprehension that something horrible will happen. Menstrual discharge while nursing. Leucorrhoea transparent, like jelly, worse before and after menstruation. Yellow leucorrhoea turned white and thicker and then disappeared.

Respiratory Organs

Frequent hawking of small solid lumps which he must swallow. When making an expectoration, sensation as if something were pushed into head, when taking a deep breath, stitches in chest. Coughing and sneezing worse pain in abdomen.


Stitches in right side of chest, through to the back, worse from taking a long breath, better when walking in the open air. Stitches in right breast near nipple, running in deep, worse deep inspiration.


Pain in region of heart. Pressing deep in the left side of the chest periodical, as if in the heart. Pain in heart, with paralysis of left arm.

Neck and Back

Frequent painful spasm in muscles right side of neck, especially morning. Painful drawing in neck, shoulders, and down left arm. Pain in back and hips, with coldness of Extremities. Tired feeling in back.

Upper Limbs Sudden stitches in right shoulder-joint, rheumatic pains in right shoulder. Sensation as if sprained in right shoulder-joint. Stitches from shoulders into middle of chest. Pain in right arm and temple. Pain in right wrist extending into forearm. Sensation of numbness in left arm, as if paralysed. Numbness of right arm and hand at night.

Lower Limbs

Rheumatic pains in the right hip. Sciatica: right side, dull aching pain, worse towards night and in evening, in cold and from motion, better by warmth and rest. Darting pain from toes to hip, or from trochanter to hollow of knee. Tension in left calf, while walking it becomes tensive in hamstrings. Itching in left ankle.


Aversion to make any effort to exercise, must lie down. Stitches, rheumatic pains, suddenly changing and often lasting but a short time, soreness as if bruised.


Redness of knuckles, warts on knuckles. Itching and crawling as from fleas on different spots, back, arms, abdomen, thighs, ankles.


Great sleepiness, in afternoon (3 p.m.), and early in the evening. Wakeful till 2 a.m. Starting in sleep, afternoon. Dreams: every night, of buildings, wide stairs, many rooms. Symptoms better by sleep.


Chilliness with cold hands and feet, with colic. Coldness of the Extremities, with pain in the back.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica