
Upper Limbs

Rheumatic pains in shoulders, rheumatic drawing in left shoulder in morning. Burning pain in wrist, and he hung down his arm, from which a few drops of blood fell (from the bite). Swelling: of hand and thumb, of hand and arm, with spots, of bitten hand, and of arm and breast of same side, with livid spots. Numbness (crampy) and shifting rheumatic pains, worse in shoulder-joints, and numbness of hands as if asleep. Numb pain and feeling as if ether had been allowed to evaporate. Aching in right fourth and little fingers, then sensation of digging in middle of left triceps, acute pain under left thumb-nail (where virus had entered) running up arm. (Sweating palms.).

Lower Limbs

Sudden weakness when walking in evening. Staggering when walking. Dragging when walking, with weariness. Pressive and drawing sensations on points in lower limbs and feet. Pain anteriorly in right thigh, posteriorly in thighs in afternoon. Shooting down leg and tingling in feet. Drawing pain in lower part of tendo Achillis, worse motion, afterwards increased to lameness, better evening. Pain in the bitten toe, ascending to top thigh, then pain in belly, which was tense and swollen, then the pain descended in the same track in which it has risen.


Languor, fatigue, torpor. Organs seem to be drawn together, esp., ovary and heart. Depression of both mental and physical powers. Symptoms worse from stimulants, better when walking in open air. Swelling of body. Local inflammation. Appearance as if intoxicated. Convulsive movement of mouth and limbs. Rolling about as if weak and faint. Moaned, grasped his throat, tossed his head from side to side and moved his arms and legs uneasily. Unnatural quiet, with groans and complaints of slight pains in the bitten arm. Sensation of wasting away. Restlessness in afternoon. Inclination to lie in bed in morning. Inability to support himself in a sitting posture. Swooning fits. Loss of sense of feeling.


Creeping, itching, and tingling sensation in skin. Skin swelled, mottled, and of dark purple, livid colour. Large pimples on inflamed base. Small white blisters on inflamed base, with much itching. Gangrene. Boil-like swelling on back of middle phalanx of right little finger. Painful chilblains on feet. Pimple: on upper lip, on left ala nasi, on inflamed base, on tip of nose sore in consequence, painful on brow. White itching blisters on inflamed base, on neck, nose and body in afternoon.


Yawning, great sleepiness. Restless, disturbed sleep. Vivid dreams. Little inclination for sleep, brain irritable. Sleepiness in evening, and weakness, went to bed at 9 p.m. and fell asleep immediately, worse after tea, better hard walking and profuse sweat. Dozing and moaning. Long and vivid dreams, little recollection of the subjects. A vivid dreamy night, affairs of the day recalled, with additions, and new plans for the morrow. Dreams of murders, suicides, fires, etc.


Body cold and collapsed. Extremities very cold, icy coldness of feet. Burning heat in face. Feels very uncomfortable, hot, and feverish. Free perspiration. Heat, but he refused water, heat with prostration, with discomfort, dry lips, and tender, hot mouth. Head hot, and full of blood. Burning of ear. Flushes of heat in face at different times of day, flushes in face, worse left side. Heads hot, and much sweat in palms. General sweat, cold, clammy.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica