

Vertigo, lasting a short time, followed by “astounding” pain in right side of head. Feeling of hollowness over entire head. Confusion and dulness in head, in morning. Dull frontal headache. Very severe headache with intense depression. Constriction across forehead. Sensation as if brain of forehead was loose. Severe throbbing and aching in temples. Heat and congestion in head _ Headache supervening on cessation of menses. Headache: all day, in morning on waking, in evening. Very bad headache and stomach- ache at p.m. caused by eating a pear. Headache at night, slept much but conscious of headache in sleep. Headache with intense depression, pain usually began in temples, worse right, deep- seated, involving eyes, occasionally shooting, extending as a dull aching over forehead and vertex, worse notion, slightly better open air, better smoking and alcoholic liquors. Throbbing aching at 3 p.m _ Bad headache, just like a scald, worse over left eye, after breakfast, oppressive, at 8.30 a.m. Neuralgic headache extending backwards from orbital region. Heaviness. Aching in temples, in morning on waking, with heaviness in eyes, about noon over right temple and gradually extending to forehead, better afternoon: in evening. Aching in vertex, with cold feet. Shooting up occiput. Feeling as of a blow from behind on head and nape. Scurf on scalp. Sensitiveness of scalp. Hair falls off, especially crown.


Eyes fixed and staring, wind open and insensible to light. Heaviness in eyelids. Loss of the sense of vision. Eyes requires constant cleansing with lids, frequent prickling, vision confused on looking at small print, have to rub eyes and look at it closely. Pupils dilate. Pain in balls requiring them to be rubbed frequently, with tired feeling on looking a book. Hot pain at back of balls. Ptosis and paralysis of iris. Eyes wide open and insensible to light. Lids swollen in morning.


Whizzing in left, ear with insipid, almost nauseous taste in mouth. Noise as of a mill, waking him in morning.


Severe coryza, thin, acrid secretion. Nose sore, hot, and swollen, with thin discharge. Stuffing of nose, beginning in morning, increasing later, worse in open air, better by discharge of thin, watery mucus. Soreness of left wing, with irritation, soreness of right nostril, with ulcerated feeling. Wing of nose becomes sore, with heat and tenderness, worse next day with swelling and pain, secretion suffused, next day better by an eruption on its edge.


Pale, thin, haggard, greenish-yellow colour, livid. Neuralgic pains in face, sometime shooting to eye and temple. Lips dry, parched, and cracked, hot and sore. Jaws firmly clenched. Face red on rising, better washing, and covered with knots like erysipelas. Face red in evening and burning. Cheeks red, especially cheek-bones, patchy. Gnawing in left upper jaw, soon after midnight, worse moving it. Drawing pain in right jaw. Sore on under lip opposite canine tooth, and gum swollen and inflamed. Pimple on upper lip. Purple sordes on lips, gum swollen and inflamed. Pimple on upper lip. Purple sordes on lips, gum, and tongue. Lips dry, black pores and cracks, dry, painful, excoriation.


Gnawing toothache, gums hot, swollen, and painful to touch. Gnawing and aching in left teeth and side of jaw. Pain in stumps of decayed teeth towards evening, with feeling in face and limbs as after catching cold, pain in face worse night, and gums hot, swollen, and painful to touch, third day the swelling of gums extended to the other side, afterwards gnawing in left sound teeth, next day drawing aching in left teeth, worse when stomach is empty.


Mouth wide open, tongue cold. Tongue coated thick yellow, white, dry, no thirst, _ Ulcers on frenum. Great dryness of the mouth. Foaming at mouth. Taste insipid, bitter, sour, metallic. Loss of speech.


Much mucus in throat. Pressure and gagging in throat. Roughness and scraping in throat. Grasping at throat, with sense of choking. Dryness and constriction of throat and fauces. Soreness and pricking in left side of throat. Stricture of the oesophagus, deglutition difficult or impossible. Dark red colour of the fauces. Redness of left side in morning, with pain on swallowing. Inflammation of left tonsil at 8 a.m., with pain. Shooting in left tonsil. Spasm. Starting about his throat (external).


Loss of appetite. Craving for stimulants, which worse the sufferings. Thirst.


Eructations, heartburn. Nausea, with faint feeling, vomiting. Uneasy, disagreeable feeling in stomach, as from indigestion, pressure as from stones, after a meal. Eructations tasting like barley-water, eructations of hot, foul air. Acidity in stomach.


Cutting, twisting, griping pains. Much flatulence, with rumbling and colicky pains. Swelling, with feeling of tightness and flatulence, swelling with tension and pain, the tightness spreading towards heart. Rumbling in afternoon, with cutting, rumbling in evening after dinner, with aching as before diarrhoea, and often when sitting still a heavy pulsation appeared almost to lift up the bowels, rumbling after dinner with aching. Flatulence, during day, at night, with pain. Intermittent sticking backwards in hypochondria during the day. Anguish in left hypochondrium and left loin after dinner with flatulence. Frequent griping in umbilical region. Frequent cutting in umbilical region and small of back in afternoon, then profuse and sudden leucorrhoea.

Stool & Anus

Sudden urging to stool. Bilious diarrhoea _ Constipation. Feeling of a large stool which when voided was small. Urging always sudden, whether followed by diarrhoea or not. Sudden urging, then small bilious stool. Heat in anal region, with itching smarting at anus. Diarrhoea: with pain in abdomen, profuse, sudden, slimy, white or green (in an infant), bilious, always preceded by sudden urging and griping in abdomen, then stool omitted for two days, then stool partly costive, partly loose, with pain in abdomen.

Urinary Organs

Uneasiness and pressure in bladder. Urine deposits red sediment, mixed with mucus. Urine of deep straw colour. Urine loaded with lithates and mucus.

Male Sexual Organs

Increased sexual desire. Nocturnal emissions. Peculiar distress, great desire, but no physical power, with depression of mind. Stinging, somewhat burning pain along right side of penis, immediately under skin, at night in bed and in morning after rising. Instinct and power excited. Desire on going to bed with little physical power, with frequent waking, vivid imaginations, painful state of mind, involuntary emissions, then prostration & distress.

Female Sexual Organs

Crampy pain in left ovary. Aching in left ovary with pains in heart, come on a week before menses, grow worse ill menses appear, then easier till next month. Thin, whitish leucorrhoea in afternoon. Milk decreased, next day returned freely, afterwards scanty.

Respiratory Organs

Cough with tightness and fulness in larynx. Irritation and tickling in larynx and trachea. Hoarseness, short, hoarse cough. Short, puffing cough, every minute, 4 p.m. Dry, hacking cough, blood-spitting. Expectoration of whitish viscid mucus in morning on waking. Spitting of blood, which had no tendency to coagulate. Respiration very slow, shallow, and scarcely perceptible, laboured and difficult, gasping for breath.


Uneasiness and dull, heavy pain in chest. Lancinating pains, worse on deep inspiration. Asthmatic constriction of chest, cannot expand lungs, followed by mucous expectoration. Pain in left pectoral muscles in forenoon. Occasional pain top of both mammae. Most acute pain and oppression in chest as if a hot iron had been run in and a hundred-weight put on top of it, instantly better by hartshorn and water. Heavy pain over lower half of right chest, with stabbing on deep inspiration, cannot cough for the stabbing, worse lying left side, better lying on affected side. Dull pain to right of sternum. Tenderness over sternum and in throat.

Heart and Pulse

Feeling of depression and uneasiness about heart. Severe pain in region of heart. Fluttering and palpitation of heart. Audible beating of heart. Pulse slow and irregular in rhythm and force, weak and thready, scarcely perceptible. Action only recognized by pushing hand up behind sternum, then felt only a faint thrill resembling the cardiac thrill felt in the same way on a newborn infant. Pulse rapid, and full, 120, some beats tolerably full and strong, afterwards 32, irregular in rhythm and force, some of the beats full and bounding.

Neck and Back

Cutting in nape. Aching in nape. Shooting from inner and upper angle of left scapula to front of chest. Tired feeling in dorsal vertebrae all day, with the peculiar burning often attendant on exhaustion. Rheumatic pains in neck and back. Pain between the shoulders as if in spine, afterwards involving scapula, in morning on waking, worse moving arms. Dragging sensation in spine between shoulders. Aching in loins. Acute pain in small of back, gnawing pain.


Sudden prostration of strength in limbs. Rheumatic pains in limbs. Drawing, lacerating in various parts of r limbs, worse motion. Aching: in ankles, lower part of thighs, wrists, and shoulder-joints, in all parts on waking, bruised, on waking. In afternoon occasional rheumatic pains in thighs and arms, worse shoulder-joints, shifting rheumatism, (drawing aching), pain in arms, shoulders, and legs, worse left.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica