

Shooting and pressive pains in hepatic region. Sensation of fullness, and pain as from contusion, in liver. Pressure in region of spleen, the spot is painful to external pressure, especially when sitting down soon after rising from bed in morning. Pain, as from ulceration, in abdomen, when breathing and moving, the pains sometimes hinder sleep during night. Painful sensation of coldness in abdomen with too scanty emission of urine. Inflation and tension of abdomen (as after a copious meal), sometimes with shortness of breath. Contractive pain in abdomen, even at night, towards morning, with a sensation as if there were a hard compact mass in umbilical region. Shootings in abdomen, sometimes extending to sexual parts. Colic, resembling labour pains, sometimes with frequent want to make water (which is finally emitted in small quantities and hot), ill-humor and irascibility, shiverings after the attack, and come times also a milky discharge from the vagina. (Obstinate flatus in old abdominal disease.).


Stools: watery, papescent, dark brown, watery, putrid, containing undigested food, greyish or white, chipped very fetid, frequent, greenish, watery, cadaverous-smelling. Ineffectual painful urging. Children struggle and scream during act of defecation, and scream as if they would go into fits. Evacuations hard, dry, difficult, and only every third or fourth day. Several evacuations daily. Pulling, acute drawing pains, and cramp-like pains in rectum (towards the left groin).

Urinary Organs

Diminished or excessively increased secretion of urine (also, he drinks much, with frequent desire to micturate, passing but little at a time.) Frequent and urgent want to make water, even at night. (Relieves thirst in diabetes.). Frequent urging with copious pale discharge, at night cannot get out of bed quick enough. Wets bed at night, dreams he is urinating properly. Urine spurts from her during each cough. Can only urinate when lying. Incontinence worse lying down. Urine of a chestnut colour, or turbid. Urine fetid and colourless. Reddish, or whitish sediment in the urine. Burning corrosive urine. Before urinating, discharge of bland leucorrhoea. During micturition, burning between the labia.

Male Sexual Organs

Burning in genitals (during coition) and impotence. Prepuce bluish black with haemorrhages and gangrene.

Female Sexual Organs

Premature catamenia. Of too long continuance, and too copious, with a discharge of black blood. During an embrace, burning in the parts, followed next day by menstrual discharge of dark blood. Appearance of menses in third month of pregnancy (blood black, flows in a stream.) _ Before the catamenia, abdominal spasms, leucorrhoea, irritation, and inquietude, vomiting of mucus or frothy risings, and inflation of the abdomen. During menses: Hardness of hearing, discharge of fetid wind, constipation, and incarceration of flatus, buzzing and roaring in head, with pressive pains, colic, cuttings, sacral pains, constant shivering, or sweat on the back, and on the chest. After menses, Abdominal spasms, pressure in the genitals, leucorrhoea, and many other sufferings. Pains during menses, but worse after. Menses flow only when lying down, cease on sitting or walking about. Metrorrhagia worse lying better getting up and walking about. Metrorrhagia, in fungoid disease of endometrium. Leucorrhoea, corrosive or mild, and sometimes followed by exhaustion and fatigue, especially in legs. Leucorrhoea of a yellow colour, staining linen yellow, with great weakness in legs. White leucorrhoea, having odor of green corn. Nausea during pregnancy, ptyalism, excoriating lochia. Dwindling away of mammae, with small, hard, painful lumps in them. Leucorrhoea putrid, with accompanying complaints, leucorrhoea in general, especially if very fetid and exhausting. Complaints of females at changes of life. Cramp-like pains in external genitals. Excoriation, with smarting pains between genitals and thighs. Shootings in vagina, as if produced by electricity. Voluptuous itching in vagina. Itching in vagina, inducing rubbing in evening, succeeded by smarting, swelling, heat, and induration of external parts, with soreness in vagina when urinating. Desire for coition, in females, especially in morning. After coition, pain, as of excoriation, and hard knottiness in neck of uterus, or swelling of the genital parts (both male and female) with burning pains (worse in morning than in evening). After coition discharge of dark blood the next day. Prolapsus vaginae. Prolapsus uteri. Pulling, stitches, and shootings in the mammary glands.

Respiratory Organs

Scraping and roughness in throat, with roughness and hoarseness of voice ( better by sneezing in morning). Paralysis of palate. Dry cough, excited by a scraping in throat, or by a tickling in bronchia. Dry, wheezing cough. Cough, with shortness of breath. Cough in evening, in bed, caused by crawling below larynx, with involuntary micturition. Constant cough, with sleep and shiverings, followed by dry heat. Convulsive cough, with retching, especially in morning. Continual hoarse and hollow cough, excited by an accumulation of mucus in throat, with easy expectoration of whitish, or of yellowish and thick mucus. Cough, with pain in chest and sternum, compelling to press the hand on it, stitches and soreness in chest. The mucus which is expectorated has sometimes a sweetish taste. Involuntary emission of urine, and concussion in abdomen on coughing.


Shortness of breath, sometimes with a sensation of heaviness in chest, and desire to make a deep inspiration, or with pain, as of a bruise, in chest (especially sternum), when breathing. Difficult and anxious respiration. Frequent blood-spitting, afternoon fever and morning sweat. Violent shootings in chest, in the region of heart, in ribs, and in intercostal muscles, sometimes when breathing, or with suspended respiration, these shootings manifest themselves also at night. Burning pain in chest, as after drinking brandy, the pain extends from center of chest to throat and tongue, and is accompanied by heat, redness, and tension in face. Terrible burning at chest, as from hot coals. Stitches in chest above heart, with oppression of breathing, in right side, extending under scapula, arresting breathing.


Stitches in heart. Pulsation in all arteries when at rest.

Back and neck

Glands of neck swollen. Pain in back, great sleepiness and profound sleep. Pain as if small of back would break, worse at rest, better from motion. Pain in back at night, worse when lying. Scapulae feel as if bruised. Pain under (left) shoulder blade, better hard pressure by warmth, worse riding in carriage and by any motion. Pains in small of back, like spasmodic pains of labour, with urgent want to make water, and to evacuate, or with leucorrhoea. Pains, as of ulceration, in the lumbar vertebrae. Nocturnal pains in back, more violent during repose. Continuous burning in small of back. Drawing pain along coccyx to rectum and vagina, where a spasmodic, contractive pain is felt.


Analgesia of left arm and part of left leg.

Upper Limbs

Shootings in muscles and joints of shoulders. Pain, as from contusion, in arms. Pain in shoulders as if they had been uncovered all night. Painful paralytic sensation in fore-arms and fingers. Cramp-like pains in elbows and fore-arms. Stiffness of hands, with cracked skin. Pimples in hand with violent itching, especially in evening in bed. Tetters on elbow, hand, and fingers. Pain, as from dislocation, in thumbs. Left thumb pains as if sprained and stiff. Fingers dead, they grow pale and insensible, early in morning, when rising, with tingling. Numbness of fingers.

Lower Limbs

Pain, as from fatigue, in hips and legs. Bruised pain on crest of ilium, as if from a heavy burden or after running, stitches from same through abdomen, pain in spine and in lumbar vertebrae, in morning, as if tired. Drawing and shooting pains in thigh, worse by movement. Pains, as of a bruise, and bluish spots on thigh. Pains in hams, as from contraction of tendons. Heaviness in legs. Drawing and shooting pains in limbs, alternately with sufferings in eyes. Pain, as from dislocation, in joints of knees and feet. Skin in ham red and rough, like herpes. Tension and cramps in calves. Pain, as of ulceration, and burning (itching) sensation in soles. Edematous (White) swelling of the feet, from toes to calves. Coldness (and heaviness) of feet. Sweat on feet. Tetters on ankles.


Pain, as from excoriation and ulceration, painful partly tic sensation, pulling and shooting pains Haemorrhages, small wounds bleed much. Putrid ulcers of any king, putrid diarrhoea. Glossitis. Exanthema on face, on cheeks, around mouth, on upper lip, on forehead, burning urine, erethism of blood, yawning in general, complaints accompanying yawning. Pulse changed in general. Pinching pains, and shootings, especially in joints. Lassitude, heaviness, and painful weariness in all limbs, especially in legs. Shocks in limbs, especially when asleep at night. Nocturnal pains. Fainting fits on waking in morning. Fainting (in morning, when rising too early). Disposition to faint in a warm room, with heat of face and shortness of breath. Numbness, loss of sensation. Rapid emaciation. Attacks of stupor, with paleness and coldness or several parts, which seem then as if dead. Pains, as from a bruise or contusion. Excessive excitement of whole body. Restlessness in whole body. Restlessness in whole body, worse during repose. Pains worse during repose.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica

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