

Antidoted by: Aconite (vascular erethism), Nux (violent pulsations in every part of body), according to Teste, Ferrum met. is the best antidote, especially for over-action of re. in lively, sanguine, and vigorous children. Incompatible: Carb-v., also after chi. Followed well by: Sul., Arsenicum (in malignant disease), Belladonna, Calcarea, Kali-ca., Lycopodium, nitricum acidum, Rhus., Sepia Compare: Eupion and Kreosotum, as might be expected, have many identical symptoms, notably haemorrhages, pulsations, and menstrual disorders. The Carbons and inimical with it. Pix. Compares in phthisis. Kali-ca. (product of burning wood, stitches, worse after coitus). Sepia (intermittent menses, outward pressure in genitals, painful coitus, vomiting of pregnancy, red sand in urine, turbid, offensive: but menses usually copious, accompanied with difficult hearing, noises and humming and roaring in head, dragging in back better by motion _ Sepia worse from motion _ and leucorrhoea is more irritating, even excoriating, smells like green corn, Sepia has not the acridity or the malignancy), Murex (passes copious pale urine at night, wakes with a start and violent desire, re. cannot get out of bed quickly enough, urine offensive), Lilium t. (bearing down), Belladonna (enuresis, dentition, child worries all night, must be petted and tossed about, teeth decay rapidly, bearing down worse lying, better standing _ re. worse rest, better motion), Calcarea (cholera infantum), Nux (irritable weakness of stomach, food cannot be digested: but re. retains food several hours and vomits it undigested), Pho. (vomiting, but Pho. vomits food or drink as soon as it becomes warm in stomach): Platina (vaginismus, but re. has flow of blood after coitus), Arg-n. (inflammation of eyelids in children or adults, but re. has discharge of scalding tears early in morning), Arsenicum (neuralgia with burning pains), Staphysagria (teeth, worse after coitus), Bryonia (neuralgia of sound teeth, severe pains worse by motion, better by pressing head hard on pillow, and by cold applications: Kreosotum, neuralgia of face, burning pains in nervous, irritable people, worse by motion and talking, teeth decay rapidly), Chamomilla, Carb-v., Belladonna and Arsenicum (menses offensive). Agn. c., staining yellow). Lachesis (change of life), Phosphorus (haemorrhagic diathesis, dark, slight, lean, ill-developed, ill-nourished, overgrown patients), Abrotanum (children old-looking, wrinkled), Iodium (scrofulous, psoric affections, rapid emaciation, inordinate appetite, wasting of mammae), Hamamelis (dark, oozing haemorrhage), Ol. anim. (stitches in breasts: Ol-an., “shooting out of nipple”), Baptisia (effects of bad smells).


Bad smells. Sprains.


Restlessness when seated, with shivering, and frequent want to draw a long breath, which, however, is impossible. Music and other emotional causes impel him to weep. Lachrymose humor, sometimes with moroseness or melancholy. Continual excitement, with obstinacy, and disposition to be angry. Ill humor. Mental dejection and despair of being cured, towards evening. Mild melancholy, with desire for death. Easy loss of ideas. Weakness of memory. Frequent absence of mind, and a sort of stupidity.


Vertigo, which causes falling, sometimes in morning in open air. Headache, like that which results from intoxication. Headache caused by mental emotions. Headache with inclination to sleep, and drawing in eyelids, or redness of face, lassitude (especially in legs), bitter taste, ill-humor, and tendency to shed tears. Sensation of tension, of heaviness and of fullness in head, sometimes as if everything were going to protrude through forehead, worse on stooping. Sensation of a weight in occiput, as if the head were going to fall backwards. Painful pressure and compression, especially in the vertex, temples, and forehead (when awaking in morning), with heat in face. Pulsative pain and throbbing in the head, especially the forehead. Drawing pains, acute pullings and shootings in the head, sometimes extending to the jaws and teeth. The headaches sometimes commence on waking in morning. Shootings in side of head, with loss of ideas. Buzzing in head. Soreness of scalp in being touched. Falling off of hair. Miliary pimples on forehead. Pimples on forehead like those seen in drunkards.


Eyes red and moist, as after weeping. Eyes dull and sunken. Itching in eyes with soreness after scratching them, inflammatory redness of the sclerotica, and pressure as from sand. Continual heat, and burning sensation in eyes, and frequent lachrymation, even on waking in morning, and especially on beholding light of day. Eyes constantly, as it were, bathed in tears. Burning and corrosive tears. The tears are like salt water. Interstitial keratitis, with pegged teeth. Nocturnal agglutination of eyelids. Redness and swelling of eyelids, and their margins. Furfuraceous tetter on eyelids. Quivering of eyelids (uncontrollable). Slight confused as when looking through a veil, or as if there were down before eyes. Sensation as if something were floating before eyes, obliging one to wipe them constantly.


Heat and burning in ears. Inflammatory swelling of the ear, with tensive, burning pains, or else with painful stiffness of neck, on side affected, with swelling of the cervical glands and livid grey complexion, pains extending to shoulders and arm, heat in forehead, and pressure above eyes. Inflammation of ) (left) outer ear, red, hot, swollen, burning, proceeding from a pimple in the concha, with stiffness and pain in left side of neck, shoulder, and arm. Pullings and shootings in ears, or cramp-like, pressive, and expansive pains. Deafness, or aural vertigo, with signs of hereditary syphilis. Buzzing in ears, with hardness of hearing, alternately with tingling and whistling in head. Roaring in head, also humming and difficulty of hearing before and during menses. Humid tetters on ears. Itching in ears (and soles of feet).


Offensive and fetid smell before nose, sometimes with want of appetite. Bad smell before nose (on waking). Nose constantly moist. Bleeding of nose, even in morning, blood bright red and thin, or thick and black. Frequent sneezing, especially in the morning. Fluent coryza, with a painful sensibility of the nasal fossa, on breathing the air. Coryza, with sensation of erosion under sternum. Dry coryza, with frequent sneezing. Chronic catarrh with old people.


Frequent, and even constant heat in face (during siesta), sometimes with throbbing in cheeks and forehead, and with a deep red colour of whole face, frequent want to make water. Acne. Face pale green with swelling of cervical glands. Greyish, earthy colour of the face. Furfuraceous tetters on cheeks, on eyelids, and round mouth. Acute drawing pain in right side of face, from jaw to temple. Dryness of lips (with peeling off), as if caused by internal heat. Burning pains, worse talking or exertion, better lying on unaffected side. Pustulous pimples on chin and cheek, which are covered with yellowish scabs.


Drawing pains and successive pullings in teeth, even on waking in morning, and sometimes with pains in diseased side of face, extending to temple. Elongation of teeth. Drawing, throbbing, jerking pains in teeth. Bad odor from decayed teeth. Teeth wedge- shaped (syphilitic deafness). Dentition, great restlessness, wants to be constantly in motion, screaming all night. Teeth show dark specks and begin to decay as soon as they appear. After extraction, oozing of dark, slightly coagulated blood. Inflammatory redness of gums (left upper side). Gums bluish red, soft, spongy. Protruding gums infiltrated with dark watery fluid. Gums bleed readily, scorbutic, spongy, and ulcerated. Absorption of gums and alveolar processes.


Putrid odor from mouth. Anesthesia and paralysis of palate. Tongue pale and flabby, with an accumulation of thin saliva in mouth.


Continual dryness in throat, with burning and frequent thirst. Scraping and roughness in throat with dryness and pain as of excoriation or pressure in throat on swallowing. Painful sensation of choking at bottom of gullet, extending to chest and back. Upper oesophagus eroded.


Greedy drinking followed by vomiting, great thirst. Keen appetite, especially for meat, craves smoked meats. Cold food worse, warm food better. Dares not remain fasting ( worse fasting). Bitter taste, especially in throat, and when swallowing food. Water after it is swallowed tastes bitter. Sickly taste in mouth. Entire loss of appetite, sometimes with pale and flaccid tongue, accumulation of saliva in mouth, and burning thirst.


Risings of flatus and sour regurgitations. Frequent and violent eructations. Nausea, with inclination to vomit, salivation, and shivering over whole body, or with a burning sensation in mouth. Retching, especially when fasting in morning, as during pregnancy, and sometimes with vomiting of water and of mucus, dryness of nose, heat and pressive pain in forehead, thirst, and coldness in hands and feet. Vomiting of sweetish water, when fasting in morning. Vomiting, with dreadful burning at chest. Stomach weak, cannot digest, food is immediately rejected, or vomited undigested some hours after eating. Oppression of stomach, and of epigastrium which renders the pressure of clothing insupportable. Hardness in epigastric region, with painful sensibility to touch. Cancer of stomach. Pulsation in region of stomach, extending to all the upper part of body, especially when in motion.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica

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