Kali nitricum


Feces hard, difficult, and retarded, evacuated with much effort (by violent pressing). Urgent want to evacuate, with tenesmus. Soft feces, with cutting pains. Diarrhoea after eating veal. Stools: watery, thin fecal, bloody, soft and diarrhoea-like, sluggish, hard like sheep’s dung. Before stool: violent colic, urging. During stool: cutting colic in whole intestinal canal, tenesmus. After stool: cutting colic, tenesmus, burning and stinging in anus. Diarrhoea, sometimes without pain, or colliquative. Frequent pressing n rectum. Dysentery with much cutting pain, great thirst and icy coldness of feet.

Urinary Organs

Frequent want to urinate, and profuse emission of a clear urine, with a reddish cloud. Burning in urethra while urinating and greatly diminished urine.

Male Sexual Organs

Erections, increased sexual desire and pleasure. Prickling sticking in glands. Smarting in orifice of prepuce. Frequent itching of glans. Swelling in left epididymis. After unsatisfied desire, violent drawing tension and pressure in both testes, extending along cords into abdomen, lasting some hours, testicles very painful. Sensitiveness of both testes which are drawn up with a pressive sensation in them.

Female Sexual Organs

Catamenia too early, and too profuse, with discharge of blood black as ink. Menses retarded, suppressed. Abortion at second month. Before and during catamenia, violent pains in abdomen and sacrum. White serous leucorrhoea, which stiffens linen, and is discharged during the sacral pins. Frequent sticking beneath left female breast.

Respiratory Organs

Hoarseness, with roughness and scraping in throat. Tension, and incisive pains in larynx, with obstructed deglutition. Irritation to cough caused by tickling in larynx. Sudden violent irritation to cough in right side near pit of throat, as if in right bronchus, neither painful nor itching, it could be suppressed by a slow, deep breath and by an effort of will. Cough with expectoration and pressive pain beneath sternum. Cutting under sternum when coughing. Pressing pain under sternum when coughing with a feeling of warmth in same locality. Cough which awakens patient about 3 a.m., with violent headache. Cough in open air, or when going up stairs, also whenever the breath is held in. Dry cough, especially in morning. When coughing, incisive pains in chest, until the mucus is detached. Cough, with shootings in chest, and expectoration of pure blood. Cough, with purulent expectoration, and colliquative sweats.


Cannot drink for want of breath, must take it in little sips, children take cup in both hands and drink greedily one sip after another. Obstructed respiration, which dose not permit lying down with the head low. Oppression on chest, when ascending. Pain in chest with pressive tension, accompanied by a sensation of roughness under sternum, which excites violent coughing. Contractive pain in chest, commencing from the back, with sensation of constriction in lungs. Lancinations in chest, especially when taking a full inspiration, when lying down, and when coughing, accompanied by excessive anguish and oppression. (Inflammation of lungs.) _ Sticking in left side near sternum. Sticking in left side of chest, cutting and tearing in lungs.

Heart and Pulse

Violent palpitation of heart, especially when lying in bed, at night, waking him. Stitches in heart. Full pulse.

Back and neck

Pain in nape of neck, extending into shoulders, as if hair were violently pulled. Shooting pains in sacral region. Violent pains in loins, night and morning, on waking. Pains in back on stooping. Full, tense feeling in back as if kidneys engorged (removed at once by I x dil. Cooper). Aching in lumbar region, during repose, worse especially by coughing. Shootings in and between scapula, often accompanied by oppressed respiration, worse at night, when lying on back, better by lying on right side.


Drawing in limbs with paralytic weakness. Tearing in limbs, day and night, better, but for a short time only, by friction. Rheumatic pains and stitches in limbs and joints.

Upper Limbs

Rheumatic tearing in shoulders, at night. Tearing and shooting in joints of arms, elbow, hands and fingers, principally at night, with heaviness, a sensation as if the hand were too large, and swelling of fingers. Numbness and tingling in arms and hands. Drawing and tearing in arms, from shoulder to fingers. Wrenching pain in joints of fingers. Paralysis of the arms after each dose of Kali-n., crude, taken for headache several times repeated. Weakness in arms, hands, and fingers, which prevents the holding of anything firmly. Cramp-like tearing in joints of fingers, alternating with headache. Cramps and rigidity in joints of fingers.

Lower Limbs

Rheumatic pains in the legs. Tearing in legs. Great lassitude and paralytic weakness in legs, after short walk. Jerking tearing in soles. Numbness and tingling in feet. Contraction of toes.


Affected parts feel numb, as if made of wood. Tearing, shootings, and drawing pains._Most symptoms occur in evening, after midnight, and in afternoon. The symptoms which have manifested themselves body. Great dejection in morning, with sensation of heat in face, and burning in forehead. Inflammation of internal organs. Lassitude, which is greater when seated than during movement.


Lancinations in skin, pricking like needles, followed by burning, principally in face. Tubercles, size of a pea, also on face. Burning vesicles, filled with yellowish serum, which break when scratched, and then cease to burn. Sudden dropsical swelling.


Drowsiness during day. Disturbed sleep at night, constant dreaming, with frequent awakening. Coma somnolentum. Anxious and uneasy dreams about dangerous situations. Nightmare.


Pulse full, hard, and rapid. Pulse slow in morning, rapid in afternoon and evening. Extraordinary shiverings not better by hot drinks or coverings. Shivering in evening, with pain. Coldness in afternoon, with thirst, or coldness, preceded by headache, with adipsia, and followed by nocturnal heat, without thirst or sweat. Quotidian fever, with drawing pains in limbs. Profuse and colliquative sweat. Sweat in morning, especially on chest.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica