Kali Bromatum

Respiratory Organs

After parturition voice changed, whispering. Hyperesthesia of laryngeal nerves. Loss of sensibility. Chronic catarrh with purulent slate-colored sputa. Follicular and catarrhal laryngitis. Laryngismus stridulous, uncomplicated, from neurosis or reflex irritation. Laryngeal crises of locomotor ataxy. Spasmodic, dry croup, occurring suddenly from reflex irritation, teething, worms, not catarrhal. Membranous croup, with whitish exudation. Breath hot and hurried. Breathlessness, nervous headache, and want of sleep. Spasmodic asthma, with dry, nervous, spasmodic cough, great tightness of breathing. Paroxysmal, dry cough. Dry, fatiguing cough at intervals of two or three hours, with difficult respiration, followed by vomiting of mucus and food, worse at night and when lying down, tightness of chest when breathing. Weak, nervous children, arouse with a dry, spasmodic cough, which greatly frightens them, causing them to cry out in terror. Nervous, dry, hysterical cough of women, especially if pregnant. Whooping-cough, with spasmodic, dry cough, spasm of glottis, with convulsions.


Burning in chest. Pneumonia in drunkards.

Heart and Pulse

Feeble intermitting action, so nervous she must be busy and walk, slow and small pulse, heart’s beat wanting in energy, and its sounds distant and feeble, action of heart slow and fluttering. Pulse, accelerated, later becomes slower. (Cardiac neuroses from spinal or uterine irritation.).

Back and neck

Tabes dorsalis from sexual excesses. Backache, tired lameness of legs (seminal emissions).

Upper Limbs

Trembling of hands during voluntary motion, or, as in delirium tremens. Hands and fingers in constant action, busy twitching of fingers.

Lower Limbs

Cannot stand erect, legs weak. Unsteady gait, frequently taken for a drunken man. Loss of sensibility, pinching or burning causes no pain (locomotor ataxia).


Nervous, busy, must occupy one’s self, often in nervous women. Incoordination of muscles, nervous weakness, even paralysis of motion and numbness. Weakness of extensors of legs and feet. Temperature lowered, with coldness of extremities, hands and wrists icy cold and wet, cerebral irritation, in cholera infantum.


Skin cold, blue, spotted, corrugated (cholera infantum). Moist eczema of legs with pityriasis of scalp. Moist eruptions. Slightly elevated, smooth, red patches, like urticaria, but with hardened bases, like erythema nodosum, itching at night in bed

and in a high temperature, appear in winter. Acne simplex and indurate, bluish red, pustular, worse on face and chest, especially in lymphatic constitutions. Rose-colored mammillated eruption on lower extremities, sometimes pustules in center of patches that become umbilicated, exuding a creamy moisture and forming thick, yellow scabs. Eruption of small boils in successive crops, mostly on face and trunk, with troublesome itching. Large, indolent, painful pustules, boils. Long-lasting scrofulous ulcerations. Syphilitic psoriasis.


Sleepiness, deep sleep, often broken by a start, though waking is very difficult, confused dreams. Sleepy, drops asleep in his chair, if aroused falls right asleep again, during day. Sleepless, restless, can only calm herself by incessant occupation. Sleeplessness: in anaemic patients, or nervous persons who are exhausted but irritated, from over fullness of cerebral blood-vessels, during convalescence from acute diseases, in case of mercurial poisoning, accompanying mental anxiety, hysteria, pregnancy, and general nervous irritability, from sexual excitement. Deep, profound, and quite slumber. Profound and yet disturbed sleep, always awakens with a mental struggle, not knowing at first where he was or what had become of him. Night terrors of children, grinding teeth in sleep, moans, cries horrible dreams. Somnambulism in children. Waking with severe headache in a child.


Body cold, skin corrugated and mottled. Shivering with cold and cold skin, although child was covered with mustard plasters. Chilliness and general feeling of coldness, more pronounced about extremities (ague). Heat, like cold stage, not very strongly marked. Head hot, feels as if in a furnace, with coldness and chills. Sweat abundant and viscid, all over body, unusually long lasting and exhausting (ague).

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica