Kali Bromatum

indigestion), with screaming in sleep, trembling, unconsciousness of what is around them, cannot recognize, nor be comforted by, their friends, sometimes followed by squinting.


Heaviness, confusion, slow speech, staggers as if drunk. Dizziness, noises in ear, nervous excitement, sleepless. Vertigo: palpitation, nausea, even unconsciousness, memory growing weak, as if ground gave way, staggering gait, confusion and heat of head, drowsiness, stupor, fainting and nausea followed by sound sleep. Constrictive sensation in brain as if too tight, with a feeling of anaesthesia of brain. Headache in right frontal protuberance, sleepy. Severe, throbbing aching pains in occipital region extending down as far as dorsal region, cannot sit up or walk or shake head without feeling worse, great weakness and depression of mind. Violent headache, particularly in occiput. Flushed face, throbbing of carotids and temporals, suffusion of eyes, feeling of fullness of head. Brain irritated. Anaemia of brain from loss of fluids, constant drowsiness, coma, pupils dilated, eye sunken, eyeballs moving in every direction without taking any notice, feet and hands blue and cold, pulse imperceptible. (Hydrocephalus.). Bad results from overtaxing brain, especially with grief or anxiety, nervousness. Violent headache from concussion of brain. Mercurial headache. Drooping of head, cannot hold it erect. Scalp feels tight, brain numb, confused. Seborrhoea. Pityriasis.


Vision dim, pupils dilated, with heavy lids and invincible drowsiness. Eyes sunken, lusterless, gaze fixed. Eyeballs moving in every direction. Pupils dilated, contract sluggishly, vertigo and confusion of head, pupils contracted Vessels of fundus enlarged, conjunctivae congested. Eyes suffused. Squinting, after night terrors of children.


Ringing in ears. Roaring in ears at night synchronous with pulse. Sounds echo in ears, headache. Hardness of hearing.


Smell impaired. Thick mucus and yellow scabs in nostrils. Erythematous swelling of nose.


Expression: pale, but otherwise appeared as one drunk, with hallucinations, etc., wearied, anxious, dull, stupefied, imbecile. Expressionless face, incipient softening of brain. Complexion yellow, cachectic. Face flushed. Acne, on face in young fleshy people of gross habit. Papular rash.


Odontitis of children. Difficult dentition of children. Vomiting and diarrhoea of teething children.


Difficult speech, action of tongue disordered, slow and difficult after waking, stammering. Tongue: red, dry, enlarged: red, later dry and brown, white, involving edges as well as dorsum, with languor and sleepiness, pale and cold. Fetid breath, a peculiar sickening odor, tongue white. Saliva profuse, with fetid breath. Suppressed salivation in teething children.


Anaesthesia of mouth, throat, and pharynx, (chronic alcoholism). Dysphagia of liquids (in infants), can swallow only solids. Uvula and fauces congested, then Oedematous. Dryness of throat. Diphtheritis with quick pulse, fever, dry tongue, offensive breath, highly injected and dusky red fauces, patches of wash- leather exudation on tonsils or pharynx.

Appetite :

Taste: foul, salty, lost. Anorexia, foul breath, white tongue, involving edges as well as dorsum, and not necessarily furred, great languor, violent headache, loathing vomiturition or vomiting of mucus, saltish taste in mouth. Thirst intense with dry mouth. (Children who from time of birth can swallow solids with ease, yet choke every time they try to drink). Troublesome pressure at stomach after dinner, lassitude.


Repeated retching and emesis, sick and giddy. Hysterical women who vomit their food after each meal, especially if subjected to exciting emotions. Vomiting, with intense thirst, of drunkards after a debauch, in whooping-cough, of meconium. Weakness of stomach, dyspepsia. Troublesome pressure at stomach after dinner.


Enlargement of liver and spleen. Small tumour in region of spleen. Sensation as if bowels were falling out. Internal coldness of abdomen. Abdomen sunken, almost stuck to vertebral column (cholera infantum). Colic in young children, walls of belly are retracted and hard, while intestines can be seen at one spot contracted into a hard lump, of size of a small orange, travelling from one part of intestines to another, attacks frequent and excruciating, unconnected with diarrhoea or constipation, but often associated with an aphthous condition of mouth. Periodic colic in infants, occurring about 5 p.m. Flatulent colic in children and hysterical women. Ascites of hepatic or splenic origin.


Painless diarrhoea, with great chilliness, even in a hot room. Stools, watery (like rice-water), painless. Frequent, green, water discharges, with violent abdominal spasms, during which abdomen gets hard, thrush in mouth, convulsive motions of eyes and limbs. Bloody mucopurulent diarrhoea; with intense thirst, vomiting, eyes sunken, pupils dilated, skin corrugated and spotted blue, body cold, tongue red and dry, pulse imperceptible, urine suppressed. Cerebral irritation during cholera infantum. Asiatic cholera, first stage, vomiting, cramps, rice-water discharges, restores secretion of urine. Constipation, stools very dry, hard and infrequent. Retention of meconium, with vomiting of all food and obstinate constipation. During stool: sensation as if bowels were falling out, dribbling of urine Spasmodic stricture of sphincter ani. Constant diarrhoea and more or less tenesmus, and passage of much blood, on making efforts to expel, protrusion of several elongated bodies resembling earthworms, with this expulsion there was always a yellow, very fetid discharge, feces flattened, flatulent distension of bowels, patient pale and sickly looking (polypus of rectum). Blind, intensely painful varices with black stools. Pain in haemorrhoids, fissure of rectum and painful growths.

Urinary Organs

Pain in region of kidneys extending in direction of ascending colon, afterwards copious urine. Neuralgia of neck of bladder. Diminution of sensibility of urethra. Urine: profuse with thirst, with abundance of phosphates, copious, pale, scanty, even suppressed in collapse, scanty, dribbling a few drops at beginning of every stool. Incontinence of urine. Thin, yellowish urine. Nocturnal involuntary emissions of urine. Emaciation, paleness, skin cold and dry, pulse rapid and feeble, tongue red and tender, gums spongy and bleeding, thirst excessive, appetite voracious, bowels constipated, urine pale, frequent, large quantity, of high density, and loaded with sugar, liver tumid and tender (diabetes mellitus).

Male Sexual Organs

Sensual and lascivious fancies and dreams. Excessive sexual desires, with constant erections at night. Satyriasis. Diminution of sexual desire, lessened even to impotence. Erections at night, backache, uncontrollable fidgetiness. Impotence with melancholy, loss of memory, nervous prostration, epilepsy. Effects of sexual excesses, such as impotency, paralysis and spasms from exhaustion of spinal cord. Seminal emissions, with depressed spirits, dull thought, backache, staggering gait and great weakness. SpermatorrhOea, before paralytic symptoms have set in, erections normal but teasing and persistent, with nocturnal emissions and nervous disturbances growing out of unsatisfied sexual desire. Chordee during gonorrhoea.

Female Sexual Organs

Nymphomania. Sterility from excessive sexual indulgence. Abolition of all sexual feeling during coition. Aversion to coition, menses scanty. Induration of uterus, enlargement of uterus (after parturition), with abnormal discharges. Uterine fibroids. Ovarian neuralgia from ungratified sexual desire, nervous unrest. Neuralgia of ovaries, pain, swelling, tenderness of left ovary, diminution of sexual desire. Epilepsy from ovarian irritation. Large tumour, smooth and tense, in hypogastric and right iliac region, tumour slightly tender when pressed, and there is distinct fluctuation, measurement of abdomen taken in a line with crests of ilium shows an increase of size of ten inches, urine scanty and frequent calls to pass it (ovarian cystic tumour). Abdomen large but not tense, on palpation, well defined, elastic tumour, yielding indistinct fluctuation, in left iliac region, here also movements are felt as in quickening (ovarian enlargement). Metrorrhagia from reflex irritation, or of nervous origin. Menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, nymphomania, and menstrual epilepsy, nervous symptoms led to its use. Menorrhagia from ovarian irritation caused by strong sexual desire. Flooding, especially in young women. Erotomania, a few days after menses. Before menses: headache. During menses: epileptic spasms, nymphomania, itching, burning, and excitement in vulva, pudenda, and clitoris. After menses: headache, insomnia, and heat in genitals. Epileptic attacks at or near menstrual periods. Scanty menstruation in fleshy women. Change of life: restless, must be on the move, sleepless, trembling, flushings of face and much congestion of blood to head, palpitation of heart, menorrhagia. Vaginismus. Pruritus of external genitals, arising from imitation of irritation of uterus, or ovaries, or any hyperesthesia of veins of that location, sexual excitement intense, often actual nymphomania. Nymphomania during puerperal state. Frightful imagining at night, that she has committed some great crime as the murder of her children or husband (during pregnancy.) _ Morning sickness and vomiting during pregnancy. Nervous cough during pregnancy, threatening abortion, the cough dry, hard, and almost incessant. Convulsions during labor. Enlarged uterus.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica