

Frequent and sometimes abortive risings., Sour risings, with bitterness in the mouth. Sour regurgitation of food. Bitter and green regurgitations. Frequent hiccough, especially after a meal. Nausea, especially in the morning, or after every meal, with inclination to vomit. Water-brash, at night. Obstinate vomiting of food. Vomiting after the slightest locating, with great nausea and pinching in the abdomen. Retching, with rising up of mucus. Acid vomitings. Colic, and pressure on the stomach, sometimes with vomiting, better by a recumbent position, and by the heat of the bed. Cramp like pains, or squeezing, as from claws in the stomach. At night, pinching in the stomach, with digging in the chest. Burning pain in the stomach, which compels eating. Cramps in stomach better by eating.


Tension, shootings, and beatings in the hypochondria. Hepatic pains after breakfast, which render it necessary to lie down. Fullness and heaviness in abdomen. Abdomen enlarged, tight, inflated. Inflation of the abdomen, with congestion of blood to the head, heaviness in the head, and vertigo. Hardness in the abdomen. Nocturnal, cramp-like pain in all the intestines, with deficient secretion of urine. Incarcerator and accumulation of flatus in the abdomen. Expulsion of an excessive quantity of fetid flatus, preceded by pinchings. Rumbling in the abdomen. Croaking, as of frogs in the abdomen. Painful sensitiveness of the groins. Painful swelling of the inguinal glands. Erysipelatous inflammation, with large vesicles near the navel. Pressive, stitching, boring pain in region of navel, extending into back and hypochondria, with habitual costiveness, worse evening.

Stool & Anus

Obstinate constipation, with hard feces (the lumps being united by mucous threads), and hardness in the hepatic region. Feces hard, knotty, of too great a size, and scanty, A quantity of white mucus is expelled with the stool. Feces too soft. Stools of a putrid, sour smell (with burning at the rectum), or of sanguineous mucus. Mucous diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, with tightness of the abdomen. Feces of a very small size, like a worm. Lumbrici and ascarides. Tenia. Itching, sensation of excoriation, and swelling of the anus. Large hemorrhoidal excrescences in the anus with pain as from excoriation, especially after a stool. Painful and burning cracks between the hemorrhoidal tumors. Prolapsus recti with the varices, as if the rectum were paralysed.

Urinary Organs

Urgent, anxious, and painful want to make water, with emission drop by drop, with a stitch in me urethra, when emitting it. Scanty secretion of a deep-coloured urine, soon becoming turbid. With white or reddish sediment. Urine of an acrid sour smell. Stream of water small, as if from contraction of the urethra. During micturition pain in the os sacrum. Involuntary emission of urine. Nocturnal emission of urine. Wetting the bed at night. Pain in the coccyx when urinating.

Male Sexual Organs

Tension and cramp-like pains in the genital parts, with troublesome voluptuous ideas. Eruption of pimples on the prepuce, and on the penis. Dropsical swelling of the prepuce and the scrotum. Dropsical swelling of the testes. Voluptuous excitation in the genital parts. Indifference, or extreme excitement of sexual desire. Violence erections. Uncontrollable sexual excitement. Priapism. Absence of erection in the morning. Emission of semen, almost involuntary, without erection. During an embrace painful cramps in the calves. After an embrace coldness of the legs, exhaustion, heat of the body, and perspiration. Absence of emission of semen during coition. Feeble enjoyment during coition. Flatulent colic during the excitement in the genital parts.

Female Sexual Organs

Great aversion to coitus. Vesicles and pimples on the vulva. Excoriation on the vulva and between the thighs. Soreness of the vagina. Painful swelling of the ovaries, worse every time she takes cold or gets her feet wet. Swelling and hardness of ovaries after menses. Tearing, grinding, bursting in right ovary, as if it would burst, before and during menses. Tumour in right iliac fossa, also left Pain in uterus when reaching high with arms. Sensation of bearing down towards the genital parts. Catamenia too slow, too scanty, and too pale. The first menses delay. Suppression of catamenia, with heaviness of the limbs and congestions of blood to the head. Cutting pains on the appearance of the catamenia. During the catamenia, flow of blood from the anus, pains in the limbs, ulcers become worse, swelling of the cheeks or of the feet, catarrh, with hoarseness and coryza, toothache, or cramps and violent cuttings in the abdomen, headache, nausea, pain in the chest, and weakness. Before and during the menstruation, fatiguing cough (morning and during the day.) _ Leucorrhoea, white and liquid, like water, with tension of the abdomen, and weakness in the back. Leucorrhoea, before and after the catamenia. Leucorrhoeal discharge occurs in gushes day or night. Painful sensibility and excoriation of the breasts, with eruption or running phlyctena. Obstruction and induration of the mammary glands. Hard cicatrices remaining after mammary abscess.

Respiratory Organs

Sensitiveness of the larynx. Catarrhal roughness and hoarseness, with sensation of excoriation, burning pain and scraping in the throat, coryza and obstruction in the chest. Voice false (for singing). Accumulation of slimy matter in the chest. Cough, produced by roughness of the throat. Cough at night, or in the evening in bed, excited by taking a full inspiration, with oppression of the chest.


Difficulty of respiration and oppression on the chest. Nocturnal attacks of suffocation, on going to sleep, or on walking in the open air. Suffocative paroxysm at night, awakens him out of sleep, usually after midnight, must quickly jump out of bed, hold himself firmly to something, and quickly eats whatever is at hand, which gives relief, or hoarse cough (asthma). Wheezing respiration. Pain in the chest on ascending, on riding on horseback, on yawning, or on putting the hand on the chest. Perspiration on the sternum every morning. Swelling and induration of the mammary glands. Soreness of the nipples, with small corrosive blisters. Pressive, cramp-like pain in the chest. Spasms in the chest. Shootings in the chest on the least movement.


Palpitation of the heart on the least movement. (Constant emptiness and coldness about the heart and in chest, with sadness.) Region of heart: constriction, pressure, stitches. Sensation like electric shock from heart toward front of neck. Strong pulsations of blood in whole body, but especially about heart, worse by every motion. Throbbing in region of heart, in evening, after lying down, when lying on left side so violent that the covering was moved thereby, with anxiety, disappearing on turning over.

Back and neck

Stiffness in the nape of the neck. Violent pain in the nape of the neck and the shoulders, on stooping the head, and on raising the arms, like a tearing incision. Blisters on the neck. Swelling of the glands of the neck. Tearing in the glands of the neck. Bruising pains in the loins, or violent achings in the loins, like squeezing from claws, or from twisting the body. Contractive pain in the back (between the shoulders). Sensation of tingling in the back. Formication in the back.

Upper Limbs

Tearing and lancinating in the shoulders. Sensation of contraction in the joint of the elbow, on extending the arms. Cramp and tearing in the hands. Emaciation of the hands. Erysipelas, callosities, dry skin, and cracks in the hands. Pain as from dislocation, in the joint of the thumb. Swelling and inflexibility, stiffness and distortion of the fingers. Granulated eruption and corrosive vesicles on the fingers. Arthritic nodosities on the fingers. Tettery excoriation between the fingers. Thickness of the nails of the fingers.

Lower Limbs

Heaviness, lassitude, and numbness of the legs in the open air. Excoriation between the legs. Arthritic tearing in the hip-joint, the feet, and the toes. Numbness and stiffness of the thighs, and of the toes. Restlessness in the legs. Tetters on the thighs, on the hands, and on the tibia. Sensation of contraction in the tendons of the ham, and in the tendo Achillis. Tension in the varices, on extending the legs. Stiffness and want of flexibility in the knee, which does not permit sitting squat. Cramps and starting of the muscles in the calves of the legs. Congestion in the legs and in the feet, when standing upright. Ulcers in the legs. Swelling of the legs and of the feet, with hardness and shooting pain. Stiffness of the instep. Shooting pain, like that of an ulcer, in the heel and in the soles of the feet, on rising from the sitting posture. Cold feet, even in the evening in bed. Feet burning. Fetid sweat on the feet. Contraction of the toes. Swelling and distortion of the toes. Sore pain in the corns. Callous skin, corrosive vesicles and ulcers on the toes. Ulceration on the borders of the big toe. Tettery excoriation between the toes, with violent itching. Thickness and deformity of the toe-nails.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica