

*Antidoted by: Aconite, Arsenicum Nux-v. *Antidote to: Arsenicum Iodium, Rhus-t. *It follows: Calcarea, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sul. *Complementary: Causticum, Hepar, Lycopodium *Compare: Petrol., Lachesis, Carb-v., Carb. a., Causticum, Nit ac., Rhus (erysipelas, left then right, Graphites, right then left), Antim crud., Ratan., Peon, Nit ac., Silicea In priapism. Pic., ac. In affections of right ovary, Pallad., Opium Laughing and weeping alternately,. Aur, Pul., Lycopodium Stramonium, Alumina Hears better in cars. Nit ac. Obesity, Calc-a. Trichiasis, Borax. Erysipelas beginning on nose, Cantharis Fat constitutions, Calcarea Burning excoriating discharge from eyes, Arsenicum (but with Arsenicum There is spasmodic closing of lids), Sul. has margins of lids reddened, with Graphites they are paler then usual, Euphr. has thick, purulent discharge, Graphites has thin. Profuse salivation, Bism. Graphites is a chronic, or overgrown Pulsatilla (but Pulsatilla has worse, and Graphites has better from milk).


Grief. Fear. Overlifting.



Dejection, sadness and profound melancholy with discouragement and much weeping. Feels miserably unhappy. Agitation, compression of the heart, and anguish, as if at the point of death, or under the fear of some calamity, often with headache, vertigo, nausea, and perspiration. Anxious agitation (with inclination to grief, anxiety about the futures). Agitation and inquietude in the morning. Much inclined grieve and cry in evening, whilst in forenoon she had laughed about every trifle, contrary to her habit. Weeping without cause. Obliged to weep at music. Timid disposition. Irresoluteness with excessive cautiousness and hesitation. Too great susceptibility to impressions. Tendency to be frightened. Irascibility. Dread of labour. Extreme hesitation, unable to make up her mind about anything. Absence of mind. Forgetfulness with misapplication of words in speaking or writing.


Fatigue in consequence of intellectual labour. Sensation of numbness in the head. Intoxication and vertigo, especially in the morning on rising, or on awaking (the forehead is contracted, with nausea and vomiting), as well as in the evening, with want to lie down. Confusion in the head. Attacks of headache, sometimes semi-lateral, with nausea and acid vomiting. Feeling of looseness of the whole brain. Violent headache with eructations and nausea, during menstruation. Periodical unilateral headache, with constipation and amenorrhea. Pain in the head as if the head were numb and pithy. Violent headache in the morning, driving out of a cold perspiration, and inducing syncope. Headache from the motion of a carriage, as well as on moving the head, or during and after a meal. Headache on the side which presses the pillow. Tension and pressive constriction in the occiput, with stiffness at the nape of the neck. Intense heavy weight, or dull pressure, in upper part of occiput, with a feeling as if the head were drawn back, obliging him to rest his head, unable to read or work while pain lasts. Sensation of compression and contraction in the forehead. Compressive pain in the vertex in the afternoon, with rotatory movement in the head. Burning on the top of the head on a small spot. Ebullition of blood, with beating and buzzing in the head. Fullness in and congestions to the head, the menstruation being suppressed. Tearing and pulling in the scalp, in the teeth, and in the glands of the neck. Itching in the scalp. Humid scabs on the head. Humid, spreading, scurfy eruption on the top of the head, painful to the touch, as if from subcutaneous ulceration, and emitting a disgusting odour, extending down to sides of the head into the whiskers, after scratching, more sore and humid, later drying up to white scurf. Sweat on the head, while walking in the open air. Smooth large wens on the hairy scalp, the hairy scalp is very hot, and itches very much, esp., when walking in the open air. Abundant desquamation of the scalp. Falling off of the hair, even on the sides of the head and the whiskers. Rheumatic pains in the scalp, principally in the sides, extending to the teeth and cervical glands, worse when walking and becoming cold in open air, better from warmth and while getting warm when walking. Perspiration smelling acid or very offensive, colouring the linen yellow, on the head (as on the whole body) at night and during the day, from he least exercise, worse even while talking, better when walking in the open air. The hair turns grey.


Eyelids heavy and falling, as if paralysed. Aching in the eyes and eyelids, as if sand had been introduced into them. Shootings in the eyes. Heat and burning sensation in the eyes, especially by candle-light. Inflammation of the eyes, with redness of the sclerotica, injection of the veins, swelling and abundant mucous secretion of the eyelids. Hordeolum, with drawing pain. Dry humor in the eyelids, and in the eyelashes. Agglutination of the eyelids and lachrymation. Pressure and stinging in the eyes, with lachrymation. Agglutination of the eyes early in the morning. Dry gum in the eyelashes. Obscuration of the sight on stooping. Myopia. Confusion of characters on reading. Sparkling before the eyes. Photophobia, especially by day, inflammation and red, swollen eyelids. Intolerance to the light of day.


Shootings and beatings in the ears. Dryness of the internal ear. Fetid smell and discharge of blood and of pus from the ears. Scabs, tetters, running, and excoriation, behind the ears. Hardness of hearing. Hardness of hearing. Better by the motion of the carriage. Singing, tinkling buzzing, and rumbling like that of thunder in the ears. Buzzing in the ears at night. Sensation, as if air were enclosed in the Eustachian tube. Sensation as if the (left) ear were filled with water. Sensation as if a skin were before the ear. Whistling in the ears. Cracking in the ears when moving the jaw.


Swelling of the nose. Sensation of tension in interior of nose. Black pores on nose. Dry scabs in nose. Painful dryness of nose. Nostrils, excoriated, cracked and ulcerated. Fetid smell from nose. Discharge of blood when the nose is blown. Epistaxis, especially in the evening and at night, preceded by rush of blood to head, and heat in the face. Discharge of fetid pus from the nose. Sense of smell sharpened (too sensitive, cannot bear the smell of flowers).Stoppages, and troublesome dryness of nose. Quotidian coryza, on being chilled. Dry coryza, with headache and nausea, which compel the patient to lie down. Flow of mucus from the nose, liquid, or yellowish, or thick, with putrid smell. Fluent coryza, with catarrh (as soon as he becomes cold).


Pale yellow complexion, with livid circles under eyes. Flushes of heat in face. Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the face (burning and stinging, the erysipelas spreading in rays), with eruption of vesicles. Erysipelas preceded by chills and heat alternating, beginning right side of face, going to left Encysted tumour on the cheek. Constant sensation, as if the face were covered with cobweb. Semi-lateral paralysis, and distortion of the muscles of the face, with difficult articulation. Drawing and tearing pains in the bones of the face. Eruption on the face in appearance as if the skin were raw. Scabs and moist pimples on the face. Ephelis. Falling off the beard. Ulcers on the internal surface of the lips. Fissures in the ulcerated lips. Ulcerated corner of the mouth. Lips cracked. Scabby eruption on the chin and round the mouth. Painful nodosities in the lower jaw. Swelling and hardness of the submaxillary glands.


Toothache at night, or in the evening in bed, worse by heat, and sometimes with heat of the face and swelling of the cheek. Pains in the molars, on closing the jaws. Lancinating and drawing tooth-ache, esp., after drinking anything cold, and worse by warmth. Pain, as from excoriation, in teeth and gums during and especially after a meal. Easily bleeding & swelling of gums. Fetid odor from the gums and mouth. Discharge of black and sour blood from the teeth.


Dryness of the mouth in the morning. Putrid and urine-like smell from the mouth, gums, and nose. Pains as from excoriation, vesicles and ulcers on the tongue. Bitter taste in the mouth, the tongue being much coated. Taste of rotten eggs in the morning, after rising. Profuse salivation, and accumulation of mucus in the palate and throat. Speech impeded by paralysis of the muscles.


Almost constant soreness of the throat, on swallowing, generally lancinating, with feeling of strangulation. Pain in the throat, even at night, as if there were a plug within it, or as if the food had stopped there. Swelling of the tonsils, with pains when swallowing. Cramps in the throat with feeling of strangulation. Roughness and scraping in the throat.


Bitter or acid taste, with sourness in the mouth and throat. Great thirst in the morning, and after a meal. Immoderate hunger (with acidity of the stomach). Repugnance to cooked food, and to meat: also to anything saline or saccharine. Weakness of digestion, with drowsiness, headache, pains in the stomach, fullness, and inflation of the abdomen, after a meal. Hot things disagree with stomach.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica