
Epistaxis on going out into the heat of the sun, face flushed, hot, red.


Paleness of the face with heat and congestion of blood to head and chest. Pale during heat, sunstroke, congestions, etc., flushed and hot with headache. Heat in the face with pulsations in the head and palpitations of the heart. Redness of the face, especially upper part of it, with headache. Redness of the face, which comes and goes. Itching, especially in the middle of the face. Pain and stiffness of the articulation of the jaw. Sensation as if the under lip were swollen.


Throbbing pain in all the teeth. Pulsating toothache with headache. Stabbing pains in gums right side passing to left without ceasing in right, worse from hot, better from cold applications.


Taste: bitter with nausea, aromatic, sweet, warm, leaves a fatty taste. Tongue numb, as if burnt, prickling, stinging. Tongue feels swelled and raw with spasmodic twitchings. Tongue: milk- white without coating, coated heavily at back. Difficulty in conversing from diminished power of tongue and confusion of ideas. Tongue swollen with pricking in it, the tongue smarts. Sensation of soreness and swelling on the roof of the mouth with pulsation.


The soft palate feels contracted and dry. Itching of the soft palate and throat. In the throat tickling, heat, soreness. Sensation as if the throat were swelling.


Appetite lost. Wants cold water, also from dry parched feeling. Increased desire to smoke. Wine worse all symptoms.


Nausea causing perspiration. Nausea with and caused by the headache, with colic, congestion of blood to the head and chest, and pale face. Nausea and vomiting in brain-congestions, or during sunstroke. Faint feeling at pit of the stomach, also with throbbing. Sensation of emptiness in the pit of the stomach. Sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach, especially on stooping. Gnawing in the pit of the stomach.


Colic, cutting pain principally below the navel, wakening one in the morning, before and after loose stools. Gall-stone colic. Rumbling in lower part of the abdomen, principally when lying on left side.

Stool and Anus

Diarrhoeic stools with rumbling and discharges of flatus, beginning in the morning and lasting all day. Diarrhoea, copious, loose, blackish, lumpy stools. Morning diarrhoea with sharp burning, with rumbling. After eating peaches diarrhoea evening and night. Constipation and haemorrhoids which itched and pained. At an unaccustomed time, a hard and unusual stool, pinching in abdomen before and after it. No stool.

Urinary Organs

Increased secretion of pale (albuminous) urine, has to rise frequently during the night, and must pass large quantities of albuminous urine. Tubal nephritis, with headache, brought on by walking in sun, numbness in arms and hands alternating with intense tingling.

Female Sexual Organs

Menstruation suppressed by *Gloninum Instead of menses congestion to head, face pale, worse in warm room, fainting, throbbing. During menstruation congestion of blood to head and chest, headache, fainting. At climaxis, flushes of heat, pressure in head, nausea, loss of senses, vertigo, swelling of feet. During pregnancy, headache, congestions of blood to the head and chest. Eclampsia, unconscious, face bright-red, puffed, pulse full, hard, urine copious and albuminous.

Respiratory Organs

Inclination to deep respiration. Desire to take a long, deep inspiration. Sighing.


Constriction of the chest. Constriction and oppression of the chest. Oppression of the chest alternating with headache. Congestions to the chest.


Palpitation of the heart with heat in the face, accelerated pulse and pulsation of the carotid arteries. Violent action of the heart, distinct pulsation over the whole body. Excessive perceptible palpitation of the heart. In the heart sensation of fullness, heaviness, and heat, with laboured beating of the heart. Pulse accelerated, rises and falls alternately, low and feeble in sunstroke. Laborious action of the heart, oppression. Sharp pains in heart. Severe stitches from the heart, extending into the back. Purring noise in region of heat when lying, pulse intermittent.

Back and neck

Tightness around the neck. The neck feels weak and tired, cannot support the head. Stiffness of the neck, clothing seems to be too tight. On the neck sensation of fullness, tension, pulsation. Burning heat between the shoulder-blades. Hot sensations down back. Pain in the whole spinal column, or heat and chilliness.

Upper Limbs

In the arms restlessness, weakness, want of circulation. Sensation of weakness and numbness in left arm. Feels the beating of all the pulses in the tips of the fingers, accompanied by trembling of the fingers.

Lower Limbs

Weakness and numbness of left thigh. Weakness of the legs, the knees and ankles give way (during headache). Limbs relaxed, motionless in sunstroke. Acute pain in left knee on moving, seems to be deep in joint without much heat or swelling, sudden twinges or pricks while at rest, is obliged to rise and straighten limb. Jerking of limbs with loss of consciousness. Restlessness in the limbs causes him to rise. (Sciatica.) Cold feet, with nausea, palpitation.


Fainting, with consciousness. Great weakness and prostration. Unconscious falling down. Painless throbbing in the whole body. Pulsations, tingling, thrills, and a peculiar sensation of warmth through the body, extending from above downward. Convulsions (from congestions to the head), the fingers are spread apart and stretched out. Seeming plethora, rapid deviations in distributions of blood.


Yawning with headache, congestion of blood to the head. Sleepiness early in the evening. He is difficult to waken. Weakness as from loss of sleep.


Pulse accelerated, irregular, intermitting, full and hard, small and rapid. Chill: after getting heated, alternates with sweat, with vomiting, head as if screwed up, intermittent fever. Heat, especially in face, ascending from pit of stomach to head. Warmth general, flushes of heat, waves of heat upward. Perspiration principally in the face, after sleeping. Perspiration on forehead. Profuse sweat, mostly on face and chest. Perspiration relieves the nausea.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica