Ferrum Phosphoricum


Poor appetite, with attacks of sickness. Great thirst for much water. Vomiting at irregular times, sometimes awaking her out of sleep. Green vomit. Hematemesis. Vomiting with the pains. Weight and fullness in stomach, with fullness in forehead. Pain in stomach worse after eating, and by pressure.


Distension in hypochondria and region of stomach. Feeling of layer of hard substance in abdomen, later of hardness in spots. Intolerance of clothes touching abdomen and chest, throws them off at night. Colic before stool. Hernia: inflamed and incarcerated.


Chronic diarrhoea, yellow, watery (with pneumonia). Lienteria from relaxation of intestinal muscles. Dark green stools, odorless. Hot flatus. Dysentery with violent fever, fever continues worse from pressure on stomach, no tenesmus. Summer diarrhoea, stools green, watery, or hashed, mixed with mucus, scanty, straining at stool, also retching, child rolls its head and moans, eyes half open. Stools pure blood, bloody mucus or slime, worse midnight to morning. Green and hard stools expelled with much effort. Habitual constipation, piles, disposition to prolapse.

Urinary Organs

Frequent desire to urinate, with pain in neck of bladder and end of penis, must urinate immediately, which better the pain, worse during the day, worse standing. Enuresis nocturna from weakness of sphincter. Enuresis diurnal from irritability of trigone, better lying down. Urine spurts out with every cough. Complaints before urinating Urine smells like *cafe au lait. Haemorrhage from bladder or urethra.

Male Sexual Organ

Seminal emissions. Sexual instinct completely in abeyance. Dull aching in right testicle. Gonorrhoea, inflammatory stage.

Female Sexual Organ

Bearing-down in uterus, with constant dull pain in either ovarian region. Vaginismus. Pain in vagina during coition, cannot bear examination. Dryness of vagina. Dysmenia, with accelerated pulse and red face. Menses pale first half of period. Menses every three weeks, profuse, with pressure in abdomen and small of back. During profuse menses, pain on top of head. During pregnancy: cough with ejection of urine, headache during third month.

Respiratory Organs

Laryngitis, with hoarseness from over-straining voice. Hoarse, raises greenish mucus in biggish lumps. Much mucus in throat and rattling in chest. Pleuritic stitch with a deep inspiration, or cough. Acute, short, spasmodic, and very painful cough. Suddenly a loose cough, painless indoors, but painful in open air. Tormenting cough when bending over or touching larynx. Cough: causes spurting of urine, worse in open air, worse touching larynx, worse at night. Whooping-cough, with retching and vomiting. Hemoptysis, after concussion or fall.


Dull, aching pain at heat, sometimes extending to back, left of spine. Palpitation with full pulse (less bounding than *Aconite, less flowing than *Gels).

Back and neck

Crick in neck of back.


Rheumatism attacking one joint after another, joints puffy, but little red, high fever, worse slightest motion. Rheumatism of wrist and knee.

Upper Limbs

Violent drawing, tearing pain right shoulder and upper arm, worse violent motion of arm, better gentle motion, so that patient hardly kept it still at all, somewhat sensitive, deadness in right hand. Acute rheumatism of right deltoid, unable to wear cloak. In right shoulder-joint acute rheumatism, red, swollen, very sensitive. Swelling of elbow from sprain. Rheumatism in wrist. Wrists ache with loss of power to grasp. Palms of hands hot, with children. Nodule on dorsum of left little finger. Contracted fingers from acute rheumatism.

Lower Limbs

Pain and soreness in hip. Pains in knees spreading to other joints, finally to shoulders and upper thorax (after *Ferrum *phos. it went downwards from joint to joint, to knees, and then passed off). While walking constrictive pain in anterior aspect of shins, lower third, as if he had been walking very hard and fast (which was not so), worse left Ankle, outer side, pale red, foot greatly swollen and sensitive, toe feels as if burning. Steady, terrible pain all over foot and ankle, extorting cries, shooting pains around ankle and up inside of leg. An acute, very painful suggillation on dorsum of foot.


Capillary congestion, with burning of skin, worse from severe exercise or in a warm room. Measles. Erysipelas. Acne.


Drowsiness, with rush of thoughts. Eyes half open in sleep. Restless at night. Restless sleep with anxious dreams, great depression in morning. Sleepless from severity of pains. Dreams of quarrelling, suddenly changes to happy conversation with another person.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica