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Ferrum Phosphoricum

Detail description of the tissue salt Ferrum Phosphoricum biochemic remedy by E.P. Anshutz in his book A Guide to Twelve Tissue Remedies of Biochemistry, published in 1909….

Phosphate of Iron.

This element is contained in the red blood corpuscles and possesses “the property of attracting oxygen” from the inhaled air. Any disturbance in this salt is shown primarily by relaxed muscular tissue with inflammation, fever, heat, congestion, throbbing, swelling, with the innumerable succeeding ills. From its character Ferrum phos. is necessarily almost always the first remedy required in every attack of acute illness. It is the first in every it is, from bronchitis on through the list to tonsilitis. It is of the blood and is, as Rademacher said, a “universal remedy.” It precedes and then the other remedies follow in acute ills. In long-seated ills, this remedy does not always hold true. It is also required in some anaemic conditions and those following loss of blood.

This remedy has proved curative in bronchitis, gastritis, laryngitis, mastitis, nephritis, pericarditis, periostitis, phlebitis, pleuritis, tonsilitis, as a primary remedy; abscess, rheumatism, haemorrhages (red blood), boils, catarrhal colds, congestions, inflammations, coughs, croup, deafness, diarrhoea, earache, erysipelas, swellings, gonorrhoea, gum-boils, haemorrhoids, nose-bleed, fever headache, irritations, neuralgia, palpitation, pleurisy, quinsy, scarlet fever, sprains, wounds, etc., when the indications noted above are in evidence.

E.P. Anshutz
Edward Pollock Anshutz – 1846-1918. Editor - Homeopathic Recorder and author of New Old and Forgotten Remedies. Held an Hon. Doctor of Medicine from Hering Medical College.