
Fagopyrum signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Fagopyrum is used…

      Fagopyrum esculentum. Polygonum Fagopyrum. Buckwheat. *N. O. Polygonacae. Tincture of the whole mature plant.


Arteries, throbbing of. Diarrhoea. Eczema. Eyes, affections of. Genitals, offensive sweat of. Granular lids. Hands, sweat of. Headache. Heart, affections of. Heartburn. Intertrigo. Itching eruptions. Liver, affections of. Mumps. Nausea. Nose, soreness of, crusts in. Ophthalmia. Palpitation. Pruritus pudendi. Rheumatism. Styes. Taste, altered. Throat, sore.


*Fagopyrum has had an extensive proving, and though there is little clinical experience with the drug on record, some features are sufficiently well marked to justify their being classed as characteristics. One of the most marked symptoms is a visible pulsation of the carotids and other arteries. Offensiveness distinguishes many excretions. Headaches involving eyes, root of nose, and back of neck, hot head, worse bending head forward, better bending head backward. Headache with tired neck. Itching is general, scalp, eyes, margins of lids, ears, nose. The nose is sore and has crusts in its. Lips dry and cracked. Many symptoms of sore throat. Rheumatic symptoms are better by motion. Heat and restlessness after retiring. Perspiration often offensive. The symptoms are worse in afternoon from 3 to 6, worse 11 P.M., worse after retiring, worse from warmth, worse from motion, better by cold applications, from cold air, better from pressure. Berridge has recorded two cases in which *Fago. was of service. In one it removed the following symptoms after aggravating the pain in the shoulder: On waking, dull, bruised pain in top of left shoulder, rather posteriorly, extending up neck, worse on moving the part, going off after breakfast and returning later in the day, constipation, nausea a little before 11 a.m., afterwards dull pain in left temple, feeling of heat all over. In the other case it permanently removed (after a week’s aggravation), sinking in the stomach about 6 or 7 P.M. and temporarily removed a chronic diarrhoea about 6 or 7 a.m. The diarrhoea was increased later and was met by *Lachesis Hale mentions that there is a popular belief that indulgence in buckwheat cakes is a prolific cause of skin eruptions. He has found it curative in cases of eczema, erythema, and intertrigo.


*Compare: Rhus ( better by motion), Senega ( better bending head back), Lycopodium (hours of aggravation 3 to 6 P.M.), Pulsatilla, Polygonum. Coffee relieves stomach symptoms.



Exceedingly happy. Depressed, cross, irritable. Inability to fix attention.


Dull headache. Head hot and neck tired, dull pain all through head in evening. Bursting headache, pressure from within outwards, feeling as if eyes were pressed out from behind. Headache on waking, better by eating: worse after retiring in evening, better bending head back, better walking in open air. Itching of scalp worse sitting still in warm room. Sharp, thread- like pains of scalp.


Eyes swollen, red, hot, itching, as if sand in eyes. Meibomian glands of left lower lid inflamed, itching in margins. Lachrymation, worse by reading. Aching deep in eyeballs. Feeling as if eyeballs were being pushed out and at the same time held back by cords.


Heat, itching and neuralgic pains in external ears. Itching along Eustachian tubes.


Soreness of nose. Nose red and sore externally. Septum deeply cracked. Fluent coryza. Crusts in nostrils.


Face flushed. Soreness of left malar bone, also of temporal region. Lips dry and cracked, longitudinal crack on upper lip.

Teeth and Mouth

Soreness of teeth in closing them, worse by cold water. Gums sore and bleed easily. Swelling in roof of mouth. Bad taste in mouth in morning. Taste of ingesta after dinner with eructations.


Thick mucus collects in throat on rising. Throat sore, dry, raw, inflamed, aching, feeling as if a lump in oesophagus, painful on swallowing. Tonsils swollen, badly-smelling cheesy mass coughed up. Throbbing of carotids. Parotid and submaxillary glands swollen, sore, and painful.


During the day occasional eructations of scalding, acid, watery substance, so hot as almost to cause strangulation. Nausea better by eating. Uneasy, empty feeling in stomach. Bruised, sore feeling in stomach.


Pain in region of liver on stooping, and a bruised, sore feeling at 10 a.m., worse lying on right side. Sharp sticking through liver from before backward. Abdomen distended with flatulence, tympanitic, worse by pressure of clothes. Soreness in hypogastrium, sharp pains through hypogastric region extending into left inguinal region.


Burning in rectum after stool, creeping, urging, tenesmus. Diarrhoea with tenesmus, stools watery or pappy, with flatulence, very offensive.

Urinary Organs

Cutting in urethra. Difficulty in voiding last drops of urine, several drops pass after he thinks he has finished.

Male Sexual Organ

Profuse, offensive sweat of genital organs.

Female Sexual Organ

Pains in right ovary, on walking in afternoon. Pruritus, better by cold water. Leucorrhoea staining yellow. Mamma less painful than usual before period.

Respiratory Organs

Breath very offensive. Touching the neck occasions a cough with a smarting sensation extending to the ear and throat, under lobe of right ear.


Heavy feeling, bruised pains and stitches in chest. After retiring, severe sticking through breast from nipple backward, better by pressure. Sharp, stitch-like needle prick in right breast on inspiration. Twinges of pain up and down left breast, outer side.


Pain around heart, better lying on back, extending to left should and arm. Throbbing of heart and all arteries, even those of lips, comes on after retiring, sour perspiration breaks out. Palpitation with oppression. Pulse irregular and intermittent.

Back and neck

Stiffness of neck and soreness of all neck muscles. Neck tired, as if unable to support head. Dull pain in back of neck, at base of occiput, better bending head backwards. Stitching pains in region of right kidney.

Upper Limbs

Pain in shoulder every morning, greatly worse by getting chilly. From 5 to 6 P.M. pain in left axilla extending down biceps muscles and also into pectorals. Numbing pain in left axilla extending down arms. Pain in hands as if in bones, worse touching cold table, visible throbbing of arteries.

Lower Limbs

Pain from hips up to small of back, also down to feet. Numbness from knees down. Feet numb and pricking, especially toes. Pain in left os calcis.


General and excessive itching, with or without eruption, most marked on pubes, pudenda, whiskers and hairy portions of body generally, worse in afternoon, 5 to 7.


Constant desire to yawn and stretch, 5 to 6 P.M. Restless night, wakes 5 a.m. and sleeps again, many dreams.


Chills along back in afternoon. Heat 4 to 6, soon perspiring. Heat and restlessness after retiring. Face, head, and hands burn in afternoon. Hands and feet alternately hot and cold. Cold, clammy sweat at night, very profuse. Sweat of hands, though cold. Soles of feet moist, disagreeable odor in axillae.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica