

Abdomen inflated, with sensation of fullness. Distension of the

stomach and abdomen (the stomach feels distended in the morning before eating anything). Cramp-like pains in the abdomen. Pinching in the abdomen after drinking (water). Pains in the abdomen from taking cold. Movements in the abdomen, stomach, pit of the stomach, arms, and other parts of the body, as of something alive hopping about. Shocks above left hypochondrium. Sensation of heaviness in the inguinal region. Sensation of heaviness in the abdomen, with pressing towards the uterus.

Stool and Anus

Itching and tingling in the anus. Creeping in the anus, as from ascarides. Obtuse shooting in the side, and above the anus. Stitches and itching at the anus (stitch extending from the anus through the small of the back into the left groin, increasing during an inspiration).

Male Sexual Organs.

Excitement of the sexual desire.

Female Sexual Organs.

Sensation of something living and moving in the abdomen, abdomen swollen, (these symptoms, when occurring in females, as they often do at the change of life at other times, may lead to the erroneous idea of pregnancy). Urging of blood towards the genital parts, as if the menses were commencing. Catamenia too frequent and copious. Catamenia painful. Metrorrhagia of black and slimy blood. Flow of blood, during the new and full moon. Haemorrhage from the uterus (during the least movement), blood viscid, black, smelling badly (miscarriage third month). Threatened abortion, especially where there is a haemorrhage of dark, stringy blood. Postpartum haemorrhage.

Respiratory Organs

Violent dry, shaking cough, much mitigated by passing the hand over the epigastrium. Cough, with spitting of blood. Disagreeably smelling breath. Difficulty of respiration. Inclination to breathe deeply, occasioned by a sensation of heaviness about the heart. Oppression of the chest, with desire to draw a long breath, better by yawning. On breathing, a sensation is felt as from the vapor of sulphur in the throat.


Shootings in the chest and especially in the sides. Movements, as if something alive were hopping in the chest. Shocks in the chest, which suspend respiration. Peculiar jerking pains in interior of left breast (chest) as if drawn towards the back by a thread.


Sensation of heat, which ascends to the heart, with anxiety and difficulty of respiration, mitigated by yawnings. Sensation of heaviness at the heart. Sensation of great emptiness in precordial region. Drawing in precordial region extending to stomach. Stitches beneath heart, worse on inspiration. Frequent palpitation. Anxiety at heart, with sense of weakness extending thence through abdomen to soles of feet.

Neck and Back.

Sensation of stiffness in the neck during movement. External swelling of the neck. Pulling in the loins, with pains in the groins. Sensation of coldness in the back.

Upper Limbs

Pain in the shoulder-joint, on moving the arms, as if it were out of joint, or on the point of being dislocated, cracking. Numbness of the arms and of the hands, with immobility, especially at night, during sleep. Digging pulling in the forearms. Heaviness and pain, as from a bruise in the forearms, after any slight movement of them. Burning pricking, and tension in the tips of the fingers, as from stagnation of the blood, after a walk in the open air. Chilblains in the hands, and in the fingers.

Lower Limbs

Sensation of weakness in the thighs, when seated. Violent cracking of the hip-joint, of the knee-joint (when stooping). Nocturnal tearing in the leg, with uneasiness in that part. Pain, as from a bruise, in the calves of the legs. Fatigue in the soles of the feet (from standing), with burning pain and tingling. Chilblains on the toes.


Movements, as of something alive (hopping and jumping) in various parts of the body. Tingling in different parts of the body. Convulsive attacks, like chorea (every seven days), with laughter, dancing and leaping, alternately with violent paroxysms of whooping-cough. Sensation of relaxation and bending in the joints. Numbness of some of the limbs, at night, during sleep. Amelioration of symptoms in the open air, several of them *appear at night, and are generally *aggravated in the morning. Ebullition of blood, sometimes throughout the body. Discharge of a black viscid blood from different organs. Epistaxis. Dark stringy blood from the nose, mucous blood from the same. Cough with bloody (dark) expectoration. Heaviness and failing of the limbs, after light exercise. Striking alternation of the most opposite, physical, and mental symptoms. Symptoms generally appear on the left side. Excessive general weakness, with fainting fits, during movement. Desire for open air. Great depression in the morning.Trembling of all the limbs.


Pricking, crawling, burning, and tingling in skin. Red (scarlet) colour of the body. Chilblains. Suppuration painful, of old wounds (old cicatrized wounds open again and suppurate).


Continuous yawning and desire to sleep. Great inclination to sleep in the day, especially after a meal, sometimes in the evening. Sings while sleeping. Drowsiness, with eyes dull and glassy. Cries, and starts, while sleeping. Frightful, or gay and pleasant dreams.


Pulse accelerated, feverish. Chill in the afternoon, growing worse in the evening, with chilliness extending from the back into the legs, with trembling. During the chill (and heat), thirst. Chilliness, only of the back part of the body. Flushes of internal heat, with pricking and tingling of the skin. Heat, mostly of the head and face, with paleness of the cheeks and thirst. Perspiration very little, and only at night, cold and debilitating. Perspiration only on the lower part of the body.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica