
Crocus homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

    Common names: Saffron, Safran.


Crocus sativus, L.

Natural Order: Iridaceae.

Preparation: Trituration of the dried stigmas.



Childish foolishness; silly dementia. Suddenly there arises before her fancy a concert which she attended a long time since, as vividly as if she were listening to it; she even imagines she can hear the different instruments; after a time this vivid recollection of the past disappears, and she is no more able to recall the music. An unpleasant sensation, as if he were longing for something without knowing what, with a kind of apprehension, wherewith, however, he was very joyous. Inclination to sing (after half an hour). If any one happens to sing a single musical note, she begins involuntarily to sing, and then is obliged to laugh at herself; she, however, soon sings again in spite of her determination to stop.

Even when out of humor, quiet repetition of a lively melody.

Singing in sleep. Children begin to laugh immediately on smelling the bottle.

Almost constant unbecoming laughter. Immoderate laughter, as if he would die. Sardonic laughter, and attacks of morbid jollity.

It causes a lively mood in a most unnatural degree. Lively and joyous mood, much more than natural. Very lively mood, witty, jocose, excessively talkative. Very gay and laughing mood in a dream. Great joyousness even in those who are naturally melancholic and hypochondriac. Excessive gayety, bordering upon delirium; paleness, headache, obscuration of vision. Irresistible inclination to joke and laugh, with great prostration, and great dilatation of the pupils (after four hours and a half).

Melancholic, sad, hypochondriac mood.

Deep melancholy. During an interesting lecture he became suddenly and peculiarly sad, so that he was unable in spite of every exertion to fix his mind upon the subject (after ten hours). Uneasy, anxious, sad mood. The slightest thing puts her out of humor; she then does not know what she is doing; with anxiety and trembling of the whole body. A slight cause which would usually have made her laugh, now causes a most violent ill-humor, almost rage, so that she frequently loses her consciousness; afterwards she is astonished at this outbreak (fourth day). Indifference to everything. Joy and sadness alternating; with paleness. A joyous mood frequently alternates with a sad one. Vacillating, peevish mood; the slightest cause excites his anger, for which, next moment, he is sorry, which however, soon returns, because his calmness frets him and prevents his exposing his feelings; usually he changes a hard word which he has on his tongue to a mild one, but the latter seems too mild, and he now chooses a more severe word, which he again changes to a still milder one and so on in speech, thought, and action; after several days, in the evening. He takes everything in anger and suddenly repents of having injured others. Great ill-humor; the behaviors of relatives and friends excites her to anger, and she is at the point of permitting an outbreak of passion towards them, but at this moment she feels calm; at the next moment this calmness seems a weakness; she is vexed with herself, and her anger becomes greater than ever; this very unusual vacillation of mood lasts several hours (second day, towards evening). Disagreeable mood; vehement, peevish, quarrelsome; an hour later talkative, lively, laughing, singing. At times she is very peevish, and morose to others, and, next moment, wishes to embrace.


Disinclination to every work. It suddenly seems, for a moment, as though her thoughts would vanish. The least thing which affects her makes her very thoughtless. On attempting to write down anything, he is unable to do so, without loss of ideas. Senses easily vanish, and it becomes black before the eyes. Confusion of mind. He makes mistakes about the time or about objects, although they are quite clear and distinctly visible (after eight hours).

Great forgetfulness; she asks about something, and next moment entirely forgets that she has done so. Absence of mind and forgetfulness; he does not recognize a person whom he frequently sees; on coming near she seems like one wholly unknown to him; he looks wondering at her, remembers having seen her, but cannot recall her name, and mistakes her for another; only recognizes her after a long time.


Confusion and Vertigo.

Confusion in the head; momentary vertigo, with dull pain in the eyes. Tensive confusion first in the forehead, soon afterwards in the whole head, as if intoxicated (after ten minutes). Vertigo and much confusion of the head. Dizziness and staggering after rising from lying down, in the night; much whirling in the head, with heat of the whole body. Head feels intoxicated; with confusion of the eyes as if he could not see, and sensation of warmth in the face (after seven minutes).

General Head.

Dulness in the head, with painful confusion in the occiput (after two hours). Stupidity in the head (immediately).

Headache. Headache on moving; it seems as if the brain were loose and fell back and forth. Violent headache, lasting three days.

Sticking headache with stopped coryza. Sensitive tearings in the head and right eye; as also in a hollow tooth of the left side; with dimness before the left eye and a feeling as if a draft of cold air blew into it.


An empty feeling in the forehead. Dulness in the forepart of the head as if drunken and reeling; in a moderately warm room, not in the open air (after one hour). Dull tension in the left frontal eminence. Headache in the forehead (the whole of the second and third days after taking). Headache above the eyes, with burning and pressure on them, which compels rubbing and is much increased towards evening, especially in the right. Painful drawing in the forehead, with nausea. Pressive-drawing pain in a narrow line down the middle of the forehead (after three-quarters of an hour).

Pressure in the forehead. Constant sensitive pain beneath the left frontal eminence, as if a dull point were pressing inward; succeeded by intermitting paroxysms of the same pain (first day).

A transient broad thrust, extending deep into the brain above the left frontal eminence, so that he started up, from time to time (after twelve hours); a painful confusion remains for a moment, relieved by external pressure.


A broad thrust suddenly in the right temple, extending deep into the brain, so that he started up.


Headache in the morning after waking; a pressure on the vertex with heaviness in the whole head, so that he could scarcely hold it up.


A sudden cooling sensation in a small spot on the left parietal bone, as if a drop of water fell upon it from a height.

Momentary drawing headache, like a painful vessel, on the right side, rather externally, extending from behind forward; recurring at intervals. Headache on the right side (after three hours), then disappearing. Dull headache in the left side of the head.

Dull pain in the left side of the head, extending into the right temple as a contractive drawing pain, and then to the ear and throat, where it is especially sensitive on swallowing.

Rhythmical pulsation of the whole left half of the head and face (after two hours and a half).


Drawing pressure in the right half of the occiput.


Weak, glassy eyes, with great sleepiness. Very dry eyes.

Feeling in the eyes as though he had wept very violently, with a corresponding expression of countenance. Feeling in both eyes as though she had wept much; everything seems swollen and tense without its being noticeable externally; several days together.

Burning in the eyes. After reading a while (even during the day), the eyes pain with a sore burning, and some dimness, so that he was frequently obliged to wink. Feeling as though the eyes were smaller than usual (after half an hour. Feeling as of biting smoke in the eyes.


Crawling in the brows so that he is obliged to rub them (after a quarter of an hour).


Twitching and jerking in the upper lid. Visible twitching of the lids, with a sensation as if something must be wiped from the right eye (after a quarter of an hour). Sudden muscular twitches in the lids, with crawling in the left eyebrow, with sensation as if something were in the eye which he must wipe away; very transient (after three-quarters of an hour). The lids draw together with running of water from the eyes. Inclined to press the eyes tightly together from time to time. Sensation of heaviness in the upper lid as if it were too heavy, as if the eyes were constantly inclined to close, with dim vision (after half an hour). Burning in the lids; worse on closing them.

Violent burning in the lids. Burning pinching beneath the left lower lid (after nine hours). On waking at night, she is unable to open the eyes, because it seems as though a weight were lying upon them; if she forcibly opens them there is tension and pressure, and they can be opened only incompletely after much effort by rubbing and pressing them. A long-continuing dull pressive stitch in the left lower lid (after four hours and a half).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.