
Copaiva homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Copaifera officinalis, L.

Natural order: Leguminosae.

Preparation: Tincture of the balsam.



Unconquerable dislike for his usual employment.

Disgust with life and at the same time fear of death. During the menses, sadness in the morning, depression, pains in the loins and extreme excitement of the nervous system. In the morning, soon after waking, deep sadness which ceases during a walk, but returns in the evening. Periodical attacks in the afternoon of sadness and weeping, with coldness of the extremities, and hot flushes in the face. A young girl bursts into tears on hearing the sound of a piano. Anxiety about his health. Peevish, irascible, morose, intolerable temper during a whole week, with ebullition of the blood, heat of the head and trembling of the hands from the least contradiction. Absurd recriminations about trifling and long-post occurrences.



Entire unfitness for study; the head is empty and the ideas are confused; dull pain in the forehead when striving against this.

Defective memory, which vexes him, and finally throws him into a state of gloomy discouragement.



Vertigo and headache. Attack of vertigo, when riding on horseback, in the forenoon, although he was talking at the time and walking the horse. Transient attacks of vertigo when sitting, working, walking, but especially when standing upright and motionless.

General Head.

Rush of blood to the head and face during and after eating.

Heaviness of the head, and especially of the occipital region, which is instinctively pressed against the collar of the coat; this affords relief. Headache in the forenoon.


Pressure at the forehead.


Stitches in the temples and behind the ears.

Sudden stitches in both temples when washing the face with cool water in the morning. Tearing pain in the temporal regions, especially in the left, alleviated by gentle pressure with the hand. Bruised pain in the right temple, evening and night, becoming intolerable when the affected part is pressed against the pillow.

Vertex. Pulsating stitches at the top of the head, not synchronous with the pulse.

Parietals. Hemicrania (on the left side), with boring pain, sense of coldness in the affected part, weeping and constant moaning for three days, in a young man of twenty-two years, disposed to hypochondria. (The pain was relieved by Mercurius).

Occiput. Dull pain in the occiput. Lancinating pressure at the right occipital protuberance. Pulsating deep seated stitches in the occiput. Stitches in the left occipital protuberance, with occasional shocks in the whole head, only in the morning.

External Head. Falling of the hair after the first doses.

Sensitiveness of the scalp and even of the hair.


Objective. Redness of the left eye.

Lids. Spasm of the right upper lid, recurring several times in the daytime and accompanied by a slight pressive pain in the eyes.

Involuntary contraction of the orbicularis muscle of the eyes in the morning. Agglutination of the lids in the morning.

Pupil. Contraction of the pupils.

Vision. Sensitiveness of the eyes to the light. Transient obscuration of sight. Upon alternately closing the right and the left eye, the same objects look paler when seen with the latter than when seen with the former. Black points hovering before the eyes.


Stitches for a whole night in the left ear, causing one to cry out; some days after this a little purulent matter is discharged from the meatus (after three days). Formication in the ear.

Hearing. Excessive sensitiveness of hearing, especially as to sharp sounds, to such a degree that the report of a pistol caused an extremely disagreeable and even painful sensation; this sensation did not arise from the detonation of the powder, but from the impact of the ball against the metallic disk at which it was fired. Painful reverberation of every sound in the head, ceasing after half an hour’s walk. Humming in the ears. Buzzing in the ears.


Frequent sneezing. Stoppage of the nose for two days, only in the morning. Fluent coryza, with headache, pressive pain at the root of the nose, and itching in the eyes.


Paleness and sickly look of the face. Bloating of the face.

Transient tearings in the left cheek.



An unpleasant smell seems to come from the teeth. The teeth seem less firm and are loose in their sockets. The teeth are on edge.

Sensation as if the teeth were elongated. Sense of coldness in the teeth. Gnawing and throbbing pain in a carious tooth, worse when drawing in cool air, or by the contact of cold drink.


Excoriating pain in the gums, palate and pharynx.


Redness, with smarting, on the sides and at the tip of the tongue. The tongue is covered with a whitish coat, green at the base.

General Mouth. Dryness of the mouth, especially at night and in the morning. Tenacious phlegm in the mouth and throat, which is constantly reproduced.

Saliva. Transiently increased secretion of saliva. Flow of saliva in the evening, at night and in the morning. Every now and then sudden and profuse flow of sweetish saliva.

Taste. Bitter taste in the mouth. Every article of food seems too salt.


Some pains in the throat, without the slightest swelling of the tonsils or fauces. Constriction of the throat.


Swelling of both tonsils (especially of the right).


Sensation of a foreign body in the pharynx. Troublesome pressure in the pharynx.

External Throat.

Sensitiveness without perceptible swelling of the parotid glands, but bruised pain and evident swelling of the submaxillary glands.



Unwonted hunger in the evening, when on the point of going to bed. Excessive hunger (the first two days), then loss of appetite. Loss of appetite, the whole second day. Loathing of food, all day.


Thirst and diminished appetite.

Eructation and Hiccough.

Eructations after eating. Frequent eructations. Sour eructations.

Foul eructations. Eructations tasting of the ingesta. Hiccough after eating.

Nausea and Vomiting.

Nausea. Nausea in the morning. Nausea, vomiting and weakness of the stomach. Excessive nausea. Excessive nausea, with diarrhoea.


Gastro-enteritis. Disorders of the stomach during menstruation.

Sort of faintness at the stomach, without any real appetite.

Cardialgia and vomiting. Burning pain in the stomach. The whole epigastric region is tensive and painful to contact. Spasm of the stomach. Pressure at the pit of the stomach, even before breakfast. Stitches in the stomach, at intervals, as if in paroxysms.

Beating at the pit of the stomach, followed by palpitation of the heart and obnubilation of leaving the table, after eating.



Stitching in the hypochondria. Pressive, at times pulsating, pain in the hepatic region.

General Abdomen.

Rumbling with flatulence in the intestines and a sensation as if colic would come on. Noisy borborygmi. Emission of extremely fetid flatulence, in the morning, in bed and after rising.

Griping. Violent grips in the abdomen. Pinching in the abdomen.

Violent cutting pains, followed by two diarrhoeic stools, immediately after taking a cup of cafe au lait (as usual). Colic and looseness.

Painful colic.

Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Swelling of the lower abdomen.

Pressure in the lower abdomen, as from a stone. Beatings in the lower abdomen. Swelling (not very large) of the inguinal ganglia.

Swelling and sensitiveness of the inguinal glands. The inguinal glands are painful to contact.

Rectum and Anus.


Spasms of the rectum. Pressing in the rectum, causing a constant urging to stool. Stitches in the rectum.

Anus. Bleeding piles. Constant oozing from the anus, of a serous or even purulent liquid. Burning itching at the anus.



Diarrhoea in the morning. A diarrhoea accompanied the exudation from the skin. Diarrhoea of which faces, especially in the morning, with coldness and drawing tearing in the abdomen, which obliged him to bend double, before and after an evacuation.

Diarrhoea, alternating with obstinate constipation. Violent diarrhoea in one night (fifteen evacuations in ten hours) with spasms at the stomach, coldness of the extremities and cramps in the calves. Frightful diarrhoea. Frequent excretion of faces, which are at first shaped but afterwards pasty, and at last mucous and mixed with blood.

Several soft stools every day, followed by general prostration.

Stools thin, two or three a day, without pain and without urging; there seems to be an increase of secretion of mucus in the rectum. Copious stools.

Whitish fecal stools of a sour smell, with discharge of ascarides.

Stools like sheep’s dung. Stools at first dry and formed, and ending in diarrhoea. Two liquid stools. Involuntary diarrhoeic stool.


Insufficient stools. No stool for five days.

Urinary Organs.


Dull pain in the bladder. Burning in the neck of the bladder and urethra. Pressure on the bladder. Pressure on the bladder with frequent ineffectual urging to urinate, and passage of urine drop by drop.


Inflammation of the urinary passages and adjacent parts. It has also been known to cause inflammation of the urethra, retention of urine, phlegmasia of the bladder, of the prostate, the anus and the rectum. It is interesting to see this medicine prescribed by some physicians for almost the same complaints which others have remarked that it causes. Inflammation and swelling of the urethra with pains along the whole penis.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.