Carbo Animalis

Pain in the liver, as if from excoriation, when the region is touched. Pressure and cuttings in the hepatic region. Abdomen inflated and extended. Constriction and squeezing, as if by claws, in the abdomen. Cuttings and shootings in the groins. Inguinal hernia. Loud rumbling in the abdomen. Incarceration of flatus. Fetid flatulency.

Stool and Anus

Ineffectual efforts to evacuate, discharge of wind only. During stool, pain in the small of the back, with inflation of the abdomen. faeces hard and knotty. Frequent evacuations during the day. Before the evacuation, traction from the anus to the vulva. Sacral pains during the evacuation. Burning haemorrhoidal tumors in the anus. Burning pains and shooting in the anus, and in the rectum. Excoriation and oozing (inodorous) at the anus. Discharge of tenia. Viscid oozing at the perinaeum. Tendency to crawling at the anus from riding on horseback.

Urinary Organs

Urgent desire to make water, with abundant emission. Emission of urine at night. Involuntary emission of urine. Fetid urine. Burning urine. Burning soreness in the urethra when urinating.

Male Sexual Organs:-

Absence of sexual desire. Frequent pollutions, followed by weakness and anxious inquietude.

Female Sexual Organs:-

Premature catamenia. Leucorrhoea burning, smarting, or which imparts a yellow tinge to the linen. Serous and fetid lochia. Painful nodosities and indurations in the mammae. Erysipelatous inflammation of the breasts. Nausea of pregnant females, coming on principally at night, faint and empty sensation in the pit of the stomach is produced by nursing. Menses are followed by great exhaustion. Uterine haemorrhages where there is much affection of the glands.

Respiratory Organs

Oppression of the chest, especially in the evening and at night. Aphonia at night. Matutinal hoarseness. Hoarse cough, with pain as of excoriation in the throat, in the morning, after rising. Dry cough at night. Suffocating cough, especially in the evening, after having slept. Matutinal cough with expectoration, excited by a sensation of dryness in the throat. Cough, with purulent expectoration, and shootings in the right side of the chest. Cough, with discharge of greenish pus (suppuration of the lungs). Cough worse lying on right side.


Panting respiration. Rattling in the throat, in bed in the evening. Oppressed respiration, especially in the morning and after a meal. Suffocating constriction of the chest, especially in the morning, in bed. Sharp burning stitches. Shootings in the chest, as from an abscess, especially on breathing. Pleurisy assuming a typhoid character, sickly bluish colour of skin, expectoration puriform, often putrid in character. Far gone pleurisy. In pleurisy where everything is cured but the stitch, and that remains. Green pus from chest. Right side most affected, stitches in right side. Sensation of cold in the chest.


Palpitation of the heart, in the morning, in the evening, and on singing in a public place. (Atheroma and aneurism.).

Neck and Back

Painful swelling and induration of the glands of the neck, and of the parotid glands, with shooting pain. Tetters under the arm- pit. Moisture in the arm-pit. Induration of the axillary glands. Nocturnal pains in the back. Pressure and shooting in the loins, especially on breathing deeply. Burning pain in the sacrum. Contusive pain, with straining in the coccyx, or aching pain which increases towards evening, so violent as to force the patient to curve his body, with pain as of an ulcer when the part if pressed. Burning in the coccyx, when it is touched. Burning pain in the back.

Upper Limbs

Aching in the bones, digging pains in the arms. Pressure on the shoulders. Pain as of dislocation in the wrist. Torpor and numbness of the hands and of the fingers. Painful tension and arthritic stiffness of the joints of the fingers. Shootings in the fingers.

Lower Limbs

Shooting pain in the (left) hip when seated (the pain causes limping). Tension and contraction in the groins, which do not permit the legs to be extended. Tension in the hams and the instep, with contraction of the parts. Drawing and sensation of contraction under the knee Pain as from excoriation in the knees. Cramps in the calves of the legs the legs and the toes. Pullings and shootings in the legs. Loss of strength in the joints of the feet, which give way readily when walking. Pain as of dislocation when walking or moving the limbs. Coldness of the feet. Inflammatory swelling of the feet and of the toes, as if they had been frozen with heat and burning. Burning pain in the toes.


Pressive pains in the joints, and the muscles of the limbs. Burning pains. Nocturnal pains in the joints. Pain as from a bruise, want of strength, and cracking in the joints, which yield easily. Arthritic stiffness and gouty nodosities in the joints. Tension in some limbs, as if from contraction of the tendons. Spasmodic contraction of several parts. Tendency to strain the loins. Numbness of all the limbs. Torpor of all the members, especially of the head. Great fatigue and weakness, produced especially by walking, with easily produced perspiration, chiefly on eating and on walking in the open air. Excessive sensibility to the open air, and especially to the cold air of winter. Ebullition of the blood, and tendency to become easily overheated.


Itching over the skin of the whole body, especially in the evening in bed. Erysipelatous inflammations. Chilblains. Hard and painful swelling of the glands. Swelling of the external parts, with burning pain.


Sleep deferred, and nocturnal sleeplessness, caused by inquietude, anguish, ebullition of the blood, and fear of being stifled. Frightful visions before going to sleep. Sleep, with unquiet dreams, tears, talking, and hollow groans.


Pulse accelerated, especially in the evening. Chill, especially in the afternoon, in the evening, and after eating. Shiverings, especially in the evening, in bed, with perspiration during sleep. Excessive cold in the feet and in the hands in the evening. Nocturnal heat. Easily produced perspiration during the day, especially at a meal, or when walking. Debilitating, and fetid sweat, especially at night and in the morning, principally on the thighs. Sweat, which stains the linen a yellow color.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica