Carbo Animalis

Carbo Animalis signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Carbo Animalis is used…

      Animal Charcoal. Made from charred ox-hide. Contains Calc-p. C (impure). Trituration.


*Acne rosacea. Aneurism. *Appetite, *disordered. Breast, cancer of. *Bubo. Cancer. Cataract. Constipation. Coccygodynia. Cough. Empyema. *Eructations. *Face, eruption on. Gangrene. Glandular indurations. *Haemorrhoids. Headache. Home-sickness. Hypertrophy. Lactation, effects of. *Legs, pains in. Leucorrhoea. Lumbago. *Nose, affections of. Otorrhoea. Pancreas, indurated. *Perspiration, altered. Pleurisy. Polypus. Scrofula. Strabismus. Syphilis. *Tongue, *affections of. *Trachea, affections of. Ulceration. Uterus, cancer of. Vision, disorders of.


*Carb-an. is suited to old persons, greatly debilitated, especially when there is venous plethora, and blueness of skin. Complaints occurring in scrofulous or venous constitutions. Ulceration, gangrene, and decomposition are marked, and may be looked upon as the counterpart of the antiseptic properties of the crude substance. Copper-coloured eruptions show the appropriateness of the drug to many cases of constitutional syphilis. Glands of stony hardness. Buboes. It is often indicated in the last stage of pneumonias, bronchitis, phthisis. Right chest is most affected. Cancer of breast with burning, drawing pains through breast. Cancer of uterus, burning pains down thigh. Affections from loss of animal fluids, especially nursing women. Weakness of nursing women, can hardly walk across the room. “Gone” feeling from loss of fluids. Too weak to eat. Weeps when she eats. Nausea at night. Hunger in early morning. The goneness of *Carb-an. is not better by eating (*Carb-v. better eating). Constipation where patient thinks bowels will be moved but only wind passes. There is a smothering feeling on closing eyes. Aversion to dark. A peculiar symptom is: A feeling of looseness_of eyes in sockets, of brain on motion or coughing. Far-sighted (*Carb-v. is near-sighted). Objects seem farther apart and brighter. Aversion to cold (*Carb-v. to heat). There are many sensations of coldness: in chest, about stomach. Discharges are ichorous, but the discharge from piles is inodorous. *Carb-an. 3X trituration has been used for insufflation in aural polypi. The leucorrhoea stains linen yellow. Sweat stains yellow. Expectoration is greenish, purulent, offensive (*Carb-v. yellow, more fetid). Gnawing pains in tibiae (during the night), such as usually followed cold feet. A. W. K. Choudhury reports a case of cough of two years’ duration, in an unhealthy boy of twelve, cured by *Carb-an. The symptoms were: “Cough evening and morning, or *after lying down, especially *at night, thick or frothy whitish or yellowish sputa, sweetish when thick, worse lying on right side, worse from exposure to air, to which he is very sensitive. Great tendency to catch cold.” The pains in the coccyx are peculiar, a dragging, bruised pain, when touched it becomes burning. It has cured many cases of injured coccyx and of neuralgia of the bone. The lumbago, of *Carb-an. occurs when walking, standing, and lying, feels as if the back were broken. The mental state is one of low spirits, sadness, weeps when she eats, easily frightened, afraid in the dark, home- sick, wants to be alone. Fear of the dark and worse on closing eyes is very marked. Hearing is confused, cannot tell the direction from which sounds come. There is an ichorous otorrhoea, and swelling of the periosteum over the mastoid bone is very characteristic. Tip of nose red, or blue. Disagreeable smoothness of the teeth. There is a hoarse, suffocating cough producing a shaking of the brain as if it were loose. Green, purulent, horribly offensive expectoration. Axillary glands inflamed, buboes in groins. Pressure with hand better coldness of stomach. Symptoms are worse in cold air, better in warm room. worse From sprains, from touch. worse After shaving. Rest worse head symptoms. worse Lying on right side (cough). After menses, throbbing headache, worse in open air. Weakness worse during menses.


*Compare: Calc-p. (nearest analogue, Carb-an. contains Calc-p.), in indurations, suppurations etc., Bad., Bromium, loss of fluids, China, Graphites, nostrils adhere to septum, Phosphorus, gone feeling, loss of fluids, induration of cervix, pressure on back, groins, and thighs during menses, Sepia (Sepia has not the venosity, the copper-coloured face, flatulent gastric disturbances, or offensive ichorous discharges, or throbbing headache after menses of Carb-an., Carb-v. has not the indurations of Carb-an. or Sepia), Cocc. has the same weakness and prostration as Carb-an., but in the case of the latter the weakness and prostration as Carb-an., but in the case of the latter the weakness is in consequence of the loss of fluid, while with Cocc., it is part of the general effect of the remedy, Pulsatilla, Silicea, in vertigo with epistaxis, Sulphur, aversion to darkness, Am-m., Barayta carbonica Calcarea, Stroph., Stramonium, hunger in early morning, Antim crud., Asarum europaeum, Calcarea, Sabad., swelling behind ear, Caps., Aurum, burning pains, Caps., weakness of nursing women, Olnd. *Antidoted by: Arsenicum, Camph., Nux-v. Vinegar. *Antidote to: Effects of Quinine. *Complementary: Calc-p.


Loss of fluids. Lifting. Strain. Eating. Eating spoiled fish. Eating decayed vegetables. Quinine.



Nostalgia and mournful feeling of isolation, with tears. Weeps during a meal. Fear and apprehension, especially in the evening. Discouragement and despair. Disposition to be frightened. Fright in the dark. Alternate feeling of gaiety and gloom, or of irascibility and ill-humoured taciturnity. Confusion of ideas and dulness, especially in the morning.


Vertigo, especially in the evening or in the morning, and sometimes with nausea in the act of rising, after remaining long in a recumbent posture, or with obscuration of the eyes, on moving the head. Headache in the morning, as after a debauch. Headache at vertex as if skull torn open. Headache in the open air, and aggravated by damp weather. Heaviness, especially in the occiput, with bewilderment. Pressive headache, even after a meal, forces the closing of the eyelids. Congestion and internal heat of the head. Sensation of wavering of the brain, at every movement. Sensation of torpor in the head. Acute, drawing pains in the teguments of the right side of the head. Tension of the skin of the forehead, and of the crown of the head. Sensibility of the scalp to the pressure of the hat. Scabs and eruption on the head.


Sensation as if the ball of the eye were detached from the socket, with weakness of sight. Presbyopia with dilatation of the pupils. A net seems to swim before the eyes.


Running from the ears. Discharge of pus from the ears. Confusion of hearing, sounds reach the ears indistinctly, does not know from what direction they come. Buzzing in the ears. Swelling of the periosteum behind the ear. Swelling of the parotids.


End of the nose red and cracked, with burning pain. Nose swollen, with scabby pimples (as at the commencement of a cancer?). Desquamation of the skin of the nose. Painful sensibility of the bones of the nose. Epistaxis, preceded by vertigo, or pressive headache. Stoppage of the nose. Dry coryza. Fluent coryza, with loss of smell, sneezing and frequent yawning.


Spots in the face, which are smooth, palpable to the touch, and rose-coloured. Shootings in the cheek-bones, in the teeth and jaws. Painless copper-coloured eruption in the face. Erysipelas

in the face. Swelling of the mouth and of the lips, with burning pain. Heat of the face and head in the afternoon. Blisters on the lips. Lips cracked and bleeding.


Pulling odontalgia on eating bread, or with dull pulsation after drinking anything cold. Excessive looseness of the teeth. Tractive pains in the gums. Red and painful swelling and bleeding of the gums. Purulent vesicles in the gums.


Fetid smell from the mouth. Burning vesicles in the mouth and on

the tongue. Dryness of the tongue and of the palate.


Sore throat, as from excoriation, with scraping and shooting from the throat to the stomach. Accumulation of mucus in the throat, with coughing and rattling.


Bitterness in the mouth, especially in the morning. Acid and mucous taste. Repugnance to fat and tobacco smoke, which cause nausea. Great weakness of digestion, to such an extent that almost all food occasions suffering.


Risings with taste of food, or else acid. Empty risings with pain. Pyrosis, with scraping in the throat. Hiccough after a meal. Considerable inflation after a meal. Flow of sour water from the mouth. Nausea, also at night. Faint, gone feeling, also from suckling child, not better by eating. Water-brash. Pressure at the stomach, as if from a weight, when fasting, and in the evening, after lying down. Cramp-like or contractive pains in the stomach. Burning pain in the stomach. Squeezing in the stomach, as if by claws. Noisy grumbling in the stomach.


John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica