
Urinary Organs

Ineffectual urgency to urinate, with incisive pains in the urethra, and swelling in the lumbar region. Urgent inclination to urinate. Frequent emission of urine even in the night. Hot urine. Acrid fetor of urine. Soreness in the urethra after micturition, and especially on being touched, even when not making water.

Male Sexual Organs.

Absence of sexual desire. Erections, with painful tension, on waking in the morning. Gonorrhoea. Chancres studding prepuce. Stitches. Sticking, sore pain, worse when touched.

Female Sexual Organs.

Catamenia premature and too copious, of a pale red colour. During the catamenia, pulsative pains in the head, buzzing in the ears, nausea, with pains in the stomach and in the loins, or shootings and aching in the groin. Leucorrhoea, corrosive, and thick, like starch. Sterility. Acrid leucorrhoea, appearing for two weeks between catamenia, with swelling of labia and inflamed and discharging Duverney’s glands. Stinging and distended feeling in clitoris. During pregnancy, swelling, itching, and burning of vagina, with a discharge like gonorrhoea. False pains. Labor pains: spasmodic, more in stomach than in uterus, dart upwards, head of child goes back. Griping and sometimes stitches in left mamma, and when child has nursed she is obliged to compress the breast with the hand because it aches from being empty. Pain in the breasts when suckling. Flow of milk, which curdles speedily. Aphthae so tender they prevent child nursing.

Respiratory Organs

Acute, drawing pains in the larynx, extending to the chest, with inclination to cough. Hoarseness in the throat, with drawing shootings on coughing and sneezing. Dry cough, caused by a tickling and scraping in the throat, with pressure on the chest. Dry, hectic cough, with shootings in the right side of the chest, and the groins, relieved by washing with cold water, increased by drinking wine. Nocturnal cough. Cough, with expectoration of the smell and taste of mould. On coughing, expectoration of mucus with streaks of blood.


Difficult respiration, with urgent want to inspire deeply, and shootings in the right side of the chest. Constrictive oppression of the chest, especially on going upstairs. Shortness of breath after having ascended the stairs, with shootings in the chest on speaking. Feeling of congestion, with heaviness in the chest. Shootings in the chest, especially on the right side, and principally on yawning, on coughing, on breathing deeply, on running, and during every physical effort. Drawing shootings in the intercostal muscles of the right side, extending to the groins, augmented by the least movement of the chest or arms, with inability to remain lying on the side affected. Pains in the chest better, especially when lying quietly on the back, or on walking slowly, and pressing the part affected with the hand.


Sensation as if the heart were on the right side, and were going to be crushed. Infants cyanotic from birth.

Neck and Back.

Sharp and drawing pains between the shoulder-blades, on the shoulder, and in the nape of the neck, with inability to stoop. Furunculus in the arm-pit. Itching and crawling in the sacrum. Aching and burning pains in the sacrum, especially when seated and when stooping.

Upper Limbs

Sensation in the hands, as if they were covered with cobweb. Pulsative pains in the extremity of the thumb, day and night, preventing sleep. Burning pains, heat and redness of the fingers, like chilblains. Pustules on the fingers, with swelling and suppuration of the affected limb.

Lower Limbs

Ulcerating vesicles on the buttocks. Burning pain in the thighs. Sensation as if warm water were running down thighs. Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the leg and of the foot, principally after having danced a long time, and sometimes with drawing pains, burning and tensive, especially when touched. Great weakness and debility of the lower extremities. Shootings in the soles of the feet. Pain, as of excoriation, in the heel. Suppuration of a spot in the heel, where the rubbing of the shoe had occasioned a wound. Burning pains, heat and redness of the toes, as if from chilblains. Shooting piercing in the corns, especially in rainy weather.


Parts which are usually white, turn red. Shooting and drawing pains. Commencement and aggravation of sufferings from damp and unsettled weather, or during and subsequent to a meal. Sufferings from riding in a carriage or from eating fruit. Uneasiness in the whole body, which does not permit one to remain long in the same place. Restlessness and ebullitions, especially after talking, with nausea. Uneasiness, trembling nausea, giddiness, and vertigo, after an animated conversation, or when, thinking. Want of strength, especially in the joints. Attacks of syncope, with tingling, trembling of the feet, and nausea.


Skin difficult to heal, dingy, unhealthy-looking skin, every injury tends to ulceration. Erysipelatous inflammations, with swelling and tension of the part affected, and fever. Erysipelatous inflammation on the lower leg, with chilliness, followed by heaviness and pulsation in the head, later, bleeding of the nose. Tendency of old wounds to suppurate. Whitish pimples, with red areola. Herpetic eruptions. Purulent and phagedenic vesicles.


Sleepiness during the day, and sleeplessness at night. Inclination to sleep long before the usual hour, and too long sleep in the morning. Restless sleep, in consequence of ebullition of the blood, of colic, and of diarrhoea. Waking too early, with difficulty in going to sleep again, from heat and too great a flow of ideas. Anxious cries of children, during sleep, with convulsive movements of the hands.


Shivering, shuddering, or cold with trembling, heaviness and weakness, or with cephalalgia and pains in the periosteum of femur, followed by heat. Chilliness, especially during sleep. Flushes of heat (morning and evening). Perspiration during the morning sleep. Coldness, most frequently in the afternoon, afterwards heat, with headache or pain in the hypochondria, sometimes followed by sweat. Thirst before or during the cold, or else after the sweat. Heat in the evening in bed, with shivering on being on the least uncovered. Moisture of the body during the night.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica