Baryta Carbonica


Toothache only in the evening, in bed. Pullings, throbbing, and shocks in the teeth, extending even to the ear and the temple. Toothache worse when thinking about it. Burning shootings in the carious teeth, excited by contact with anything hot. Toothache before the catamenia, with pale red swelling of the gums and of the cheek. Bleeding of the gums. Fistula dentalis.


Buccal cavity feels numb. Dryness of the mouth. Accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Offensive smell from the mouth. Inflamed vesicles in the mouth and on or under the tongue. Cracks in the tongue, with burning pain as of excoriation. Paralysis of tongue. Cold tongue, somewhat black (Acet.). Tongue coated as if fuzzy.


Sore throat, with swelling of the palate and of the amygdalae. which suppurate. Sensation, as if one had a plug in the throat. Suffocation and contraction in the throat. Shootings, and pain as of excoriation, in the throat, especially during the act of deglutition. Spasm of oesophagus, can only swallow liquids. Sensation in oesophagus as if a morsel of food had lodged there.


Disagreeable, or bitter taste, generally in the morning, with tongue much loaded. Sour taste, especially before, but not after a meal. Continual thirst. Appetite weak, and soon satisfied, although the food pleases the palate. After dinner, pains in the stomach, uneasiness, indolence, and aversion to labor. Weakness of digestion. Cough from warm food. Better from cold diet.


Sinking sensation in the afternoon. Risings after a meal. Frequent risings, abortive or sour. Discharge of phlegm from the stomach. Vomiting of mucus. Nausea, chiefly in the morning, when fasting, and sometimes as if in consequence of indigestion. Pains in the stomach, when fasting, after a meal, or on pressing upon the epigastrium. Sensibility and pain in the epigastrium at every step taken. Heaviness, fullness, and pressure in the stomach and epigastrium, even after having eaten little. Weakness of the digestion after eating, pressing in the stomach, and pain in the hard, swollen abdomen. Sensation as if stomach were hanging relaxed. Pain, as of excoriation, in the region of the stomach, with a sensation when eating as if the parts through which the food passes were raw.


Pain in the abdomen, relieved by eructation or by external heat. Painful tension and inflation of the abdomen. Colic, with retraction of the navel. Pinchings and cuttings in the abdomen, with inclination to evacuate, as if diarrhoea were coming on. Accumulation of flatulency in the abdomen.

Stool and Anus.

Evacuations difficult and knotty, or hard and insufficient. Frequent inclination to evacuate, with a sensation of anxious uneasiness in the lumbar region, shiverings passing over the thighs, and evacuations soft and loose. Sudden irresistible urging to stool, with painful soreness in the lumbar region, followed by frequent diarrhoeic stool (Acet.). Urgent desire to evacuate, which can scarcely be repressed. Expulsion of ascarides. Crawling in the rectum (ascarides). Appearance of hemorrhoidal excrescences, with shooting pain. Itching, sensation of burning, excoriation and oozing at the anus.

Urinary Organs

Frequent inclination to make water, with abundant emission. Urgent inclination to make water, it can hardly be retained. During urination, burning in urethra.

Male Sexual Organs.

Diminution of sexual desire, and weakness of the genital functions. Relaxed penis, premature emissions. Falling asleep during coition, without the emission having taken place. Gleet. Hypertrophied prostate. Excoriation and oozing between the scrotum and the thighs. Erections only in the morning before rising.

Female Sexual Organs.

Diminution of sexual desire in women. Catamenia too feeble, and of too short duration. Leucorrhoea a little before the catamenia. Before and during menses: toothache, colic, pain in back.

Respiratory Organs

Catarrh, with cough, voice hollow and low, and fluent coryza. Suffocative catarrh and paralysis of the lungs in old people. Sensation of smoke in the larynx. Spasmodic cough (like whooping- cough) from roughness and tickling in the throat and pit of the stomach. Cough worse in the evening till midnight, after getting the feet cold, from exercise, when lying on the left side, in the cold air, from thinking of it. Hoarseness and loss of voice, from an accumulation of viscid mucus in the throat and on the chest, with dry cough, chiefly at night, in the evening, or in the morning.


Difficulty of respiration and shortness of breath, with sensation of fullness in the chest. Pains in the chest, mitigated partly by eructations and partly by external heat. Sensation of soreness in the chest. Sensation, as if something hard dropped down in the chest. Fullness and pressive heaviness on the chest, especially when ascending, with shooting in the act of respiration.


Very violent throbbings of the heart. Throbbing of the heart excited by lying on the left side, or renewed by thinking of it. Palpitation felt in head. Atheroma and aneurism.

Neck and Back.

Stiffness at the nape of the neck. Shootings in the nape of the neck. Aching pains in the nape of the neck. Steatoma in the nape of the neck, with burning pain in the bottom of it. Swelling and induration of the glands of the neck. Encysted tumour under the arm-pit. Sacral pains, more violent when seated than when in motion. Tensive stiffness in the loins, aggravated in the evening to such an extent that one cannot get up from one’s chair, nor stand up straight. Tension in the shoulder-blades, the nape of the neck, and the muscles of the neck, especially in a sharp and cold air. Burning pain and throbbing sensation in the back, especially after mental emotion. Beating and pulsation in the back. Stiffness in the small of the back in the evening, especially while sitting, which allows neither to rise nor to bend backwards.

Upper Limbs

Swellings of the arms, with pain of the axillary glands. Pain in the deltoid muscle on raising the arm. The arm becomes numbed when one lies down. Hands cold, with bluish spots. Swollen veins and redness of the hands. Hands dry, like parchment. Trembling of the hand when writing. Violent tingling and gnawing in the palm of the hand, with desire to scratch. Peeling off of the skin of the back of the hand, and of the tops of the fingers. The fingers are numbed. Panaris.

Lower Limbs

Pain, as of dislocation or of stiffness of the coxofemoral joint. Tension in the legs, as if the tendons were too short Drawing pain right nates as if the flesh were being torn off. Violent stitches, burning in nates. Drawing pain down whole left leg (Acet.). Burning pains: in nates, in bend of thigh, in knee- pan, in soles. Tractive and acute pains in legs, as if in the bones. Itching in the thighs, even at night. Shootings in the joints of the knee. Tension in the tibia and in the calves and the legs. Cramps in the calves of the legs and in the toes on stretching out the limbs. Inquietude and trembling in the legs and feet. Pain in the joint of the foot, as from a sprain. Fetid sweat of the feet. Ulcers in the feet. Lymphatic and painful swelling in the fleshy part of the great toe. Pain like that of a corn in the callous part of the sole of the foot, especially when walking. Corns, with burning shootings and pinchings.


Pains in the joints and in the hollow bones. Cramp-like pressure or pulling, with paralytic weakness, or tension, as if from contraction of the tendons, in different parts. Paralysis and palsy of aged persons. Acute drawing pains in the limbs, with shuddering. At night, starting of the muscles. Shaking and startings of some of the limbs, and of the whole body during the day. Tearing in the limbs with chilliness. The symptoms exhibit themselves particularly on the left side, and when sitting, they disappear on movement, or in the open air. Swelling and induration of the glands. Heaviness in the whole body. Great uneasiness and over-excitability of all the senses. Great weakness, which does not permit a long-continued standing posture. Great weakness of mind and body of old men. Necessity to lie down, or to be seated. Intellectual, nervous and physical weakness. Emaciation, or bloating of the body and of the face, with inflation of the abdomen. Great tendency to catch cold, which commonly occasions inflammation in the throat.


Sensation in different parts, like the pricks of burning needles, itching and crawling sensations. Intolerable itching and tingling over the whole body at night. Excoriation and oozing in several parts of the skin. Injuries in the skin healing with difficulty. Swelling and induration of the glands. Warts. Whitlows.


Somnolency in the daytime. Drowsiness night and day. Nocturnal sleep, agitated, with frequent waking and anxious dreams. At night, ebullition of the blood, strong pulsations of the heart, and sensation in the heart as if it were excoriated, with great anxiety, and inability to lie on the left side. Sleep with many unquiet dreams.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica