Baryta Carbonica

Baryta Carbonica signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Baryta Carbonica is used…

      Carbonate of Barium Ba CO3, with which are included symptoms of Baryta acetica Barium acetate Ba(C2 H3 O2) 2. (I follow Hering and Hahnemann in combining the two, as I agree with Hering that “there is hardly any difference between the two, and certainly none in the symptoms cured. “) Solution of acetate, trituration of carbonate.


*Aneurism. Apoplexy. Atrophy. Baldness. *Brain, affections of. Cysts. Foot-sweat. *Glandular swellings. Haemorrhoids. *Heart, affections of. *Memory defective. Oesophagus, spasms of. Panaris. *Paralysis. Parotitis. Prostate, enlarged. *Quinsy. *Throat, sore. *Tonsils, enlarged. *Tumors. Warts. *Wens.


Baryta corresponds to scrofulous conditions in children and old age, dwarfish children and childish old people. Old people who are fat. Those liable to take cold easily, sore throat from cold, glandular affections. Many cases of aneurism have been cured with *Baryta, mostly in lower attenuations. It corresponds to the atheromatous condition. A paralytic condition runs throughout the pathogenesis. There is paralysis of mind and body. Mistrust, want of self-confidence, aversion to strangers (the child does not want to play.) It has cured a case of fetid foot-sweat with spells of despondency, seeking solitude, sobbing and crying. Deficient memory (children cannot remember and learn). Sensation as if brain loose. Vertigo: with nausea, from stooping, when lifting arms up, in old people. Pressure and sticking in brain, at vertex on waking. It has cured baldness in young people, tinea, wens. The scalp is very sensitive to touch. Enlarged glands in occiput and neck. On the face there are rough, dry and herpetic eruptions. Dark redness. Tension of whole face as if white of egg had dried on it, as if a cobweb (*B. acet.) over face, temples, and scalp. Painful swelling of parotid and of submaxillary glands. The sense of smell is very acute. There is an illusion of smell as of pine smoke. Nose-bleed before menses. The tongue is paralysed. Salivation, saliva runs out during sleep. The digestion is weak, after eating, pressing in stomach, and pain in hard, swollen abdomen. Sensation of soreness of stomach, while eating it feels as if the food had to force its way through some raw place. It has proved curative in the habitual colic of children who do not thrive, enlarged mesenteric glands, hungry, but refuse food, swallowing painful. The anus is sore and humid. Piles protrude with urination as well as stool. Constipation, with hard, knotty stools, Haemorrhoids, burning and soreness. The paralytic condition appears in the sexual organs. Impotence. Soreness and moistening between scrotum and thighs. Enlarged prostate. There is also a paralytic condition of the respiratory organs. There is a feeling in the larynx as if inspiring smoke or pitch. Hoarseness and loss of voice from cough, mucus in larynx and trachea. Suffocating catarrh and paralysis of lungs in old people. Sensation as if lungs full of smoke. There is a spasmodic cough, like whooping-cough, from, roughness and tickling in throat and pit of stomach. Cough worse evening till midnight, after getting feet cold, exercise, lying left side, cold air, thinking of it. Palpitation with soreness of heart, worse lying on left side, worse thinking of it. Violent long lasting palpitation, felt in head. Palpitation worse on exertion. Slightest exertion makes him feel tired and sleepy. These heart symptoms of *Barayta carbonica are met with in many cases of aneurism and atheroma, and no remedy has a better record here. I cured an advanced case of thoracic aneurism with the 3X. *Baryta carb. has cured tumors of several kinds. Induration in the breasts. Sarcoma in neck with burning. Fatty tumors, especially about the neck. Swelling and induration of glands. A marked symptom is, pulsation in the back. Stiffness and tension in small of back, in evening, especially while sitting, allowing neither to rise nor to bend backwards. Painfulness of arms and swelling of axillary glands. Cold feet. Fetid perspiration of feet. Corns with burning and stinging. Burning and drawing pains are frequent in lower limbs. A case has been recorded in which *Baryta. removed in an old man a pain, coming suddenly, in hollow of knee and running down back of leg like a thin stream of hot fluid or molten metal, running down under the skin. Tearing in limbs with chilliness. Tension and shortening of muscles. Intolerable irritation all over like prickings and tingling, waking him at night. Itching, sore and humid skins. Warts. Burning pains are found in many parts. General soreness and sensitiveness. Small wounds ulcerate and get very sore.

Chilliness predominates. It has cold, clammy feet as notably as *Calcarea. Worse Cold air, cold washing, damp weather, warm food, in sun (headache), near warm stove (headache). worse From raising arms, worse from mental emotion. Worse Thinking of complaints. Worse In company, better alone. better From cold food. Left side much affected. Offensive sweat of one side (mostly left). worse Lying on painful side, on left side. Worse After eating. After eating, so weak cannot raise his hands, too weak to masticate.


*Compare: Alumina, Antim tart. (paralysis of lungs), Belladonna, Calcarea c. (scrofulosis, coryza, etc.), Calc-i. (large tonsils), Causticum (paralysis), Chamomilla, China, Conium (old people), Dulcamara (catching cold), Fl-ac. (old people), Iodium (glands), Lachesis, Lycopodium (tonsils), Mag-c., Mercurius (colds, glands, diarrhoea), Nat-c., Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sepia (tinea), Silicea (glands, fetid foot-sweat, but Barayta carbonica lacks the head-sweat of Silicea, and Silicea Has self-will instead of the weak-mindedness of Barayta carbonica), Sulphur, Tell. *Antidoted by: Ant-t., Belladonna, Camph., Dulcamara, Mercurius, Zincum met. *Compatible: after Scilla, Arsenicum Before and after Sulph. *Incompatible: Calcarea


Checked foot-sweat.


Lachrymose disposition. Repugnance to strangers or to society, (the sight of them worse symptoms or causes a recurrence). Mistrust, want of self-confidence, the child does not want to play. Anxious inquietude about domestic affairs. Scrupulous, irresolute, suspicious temper, with mistrust of one’s self. Fear and cowardice. Aversion to play (in children). Sudden fits of passion from trifling causes Incessant activity. Great weakness of memory. Inattention to studies in children. Deficient memory (children cannot remember and learn).


Vertigo, with nausea, and headache on stooping. At night everything rocks with him as on a ship. Aching pains in the head, principally in the forehead, over the eyes, and the root of the nose, or with tension in the occiput, towards the nape of the neck. Pricking, lancinating pains in the head, especially provoked by the heat of a stove. Pressure in brain under vertex, towards occiput, on waking, with stiffness of neck. Digging in the head, with a sensation of looseness of the brain. Painful sensibility in the scalp. The scalp is very sensitive to the touch, especially on the side on which he lies, with the sensation of suggillation, worse from scratching. Numbness in skin of forehead to root of nose. Tendency to take cold through the head. Itching and gnawing in the scalp, and external head, particularly behind the ears, lobe of the ear, or lobes of the ears, upper lip, nape of neck. Eruptions and humid or dry scabs on the head. Baldness. Losing hair from crown of head.


Aching and burning pain in the eyes, especially on fatiguing the sight. Inflammation of the ball of the eye and of the eyelids, with pain as of excoriation, sensation of dryness with photophobia. Swelling of the eyes in the morning. Exophthalmos. Scrofulous inflammation with phlyctenula and ulcers on cornea. Stye in inner corner of left eye. Tarsal tumour. Agglutination of the eyelids. Confusion of sight, which prevents one’s reading. Specks flying about, and black spots before the eyes. Sparks before the eyes in the dark. Dazzling of the eyes by the light.


Itching in the ears. Nocturnal pulsation in the ears when they are lain upon. Eruptions on the ears or behind the ears. Parotids swollen and painful. Hardness of hearing. Tinkling and roaring in the ears. Cracking in the ears on swallowing, on sneezing, and on walking quickly. Tearing in bone in front of right ear.


Epistaxis, especially after having blown the nose, before catamenia. Crusts below the nose. Very acute sense of smell. Smells pine smoke. Fluent coryza with abundant secretion of thick mucus. Painful dryness of the nose. Coryza, with upper lip swollen, worse mornings.


Face deep red, with purple lips, and great ebullition of the blood. Sensation of swelling and tension in the face, as if it were covered with cobwebs. Pains in the face with tensive swelling. Eruption on the face. Lips dry and cracked. Swelling of upper lip, with burning pain. Acute pain in the joint on closing the jaws. Swelling of the submaxillary glands, with induration.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica