
Pains in the arms while kept hanging down or extended on the bed. Tearing in the arms from the shoulder to the fingers. Pain, as if burned by a hot iron, in the elbows and the fingers. Paralytic weight in the arms. Swelling of the arm and the fingers. Tetters and moist scabs on the forearms. Mealy desquamation of the hands. Fissures in the hands, which readily bleed. Gnawing pain under the nails, sometimes with tingling in the arm. The nails have a tendency to break when they are cut. Panaris.

Lower Limbs

Stiffness, numbness, and insensibility of the legs at night. Sensation of tearing in almost all parts of the lower limbs. Great heaviness and weakness of the legs, chiefly in the hips. When sitting, the nates go to sleep. Drawing pain in the knees when going upstairs. Tension in the calves when walking, and cramps on crossing the legs and on resting the toes on the ground. Pain as from fatigue in the joints of the feet when seated. Pains in the soles of the feet when walking. Cold in the feet. Itching and redness in the toes, as if from chilblains. Sensation of burning under the toes.


Pulling pains in the limbs. Sensation of constriction in internal organs (esophagus, stomach, rectum, bladder). Aggravation of suffering from potatoes, and often on alternate days. Several painful symptoms show themselves after dinner, and continue till evening, when they disappear, or are replaced by others, which begin only then. The pains which appear in the morning, or in the evening, are abated after eating. Suffering in consequence of disappointments. Trembling and convulsive movements of the limbs, and even of the head. Great heaviness in the legs and arms. Spasms, with tears and laughter alternately. Exaltation of the whole nervous system. Illusive sensations, some parts of the body feel as if they had become larger. Trembling of the whole body, with desire to lie down, which, however, increases the fatigue. Great general fatigue, even after a short walk, but principally after speaking. Frequent stretching while sitting. Want of vital heat.


Miliary eruption in the arms and legs, with much itching and serous bleeding after having scratched. Chapped skin and bulbous eruptions. Boils or itching exanthemata on perinaeum. The slightest injuries of the skin smart, and become inflamed. Leprous pimples. Scurf and tetters, which itch or become moist chiefly in the evening. Renewal of cutaneous symptoms at every new or full moon. Rhagades. Brittle nails.


Sleep tardy, and wakefulness before midnight. Restless sleep, always awakening with palpitation of the heart. Nocturnal sleep too light, agitated, with frequent starts. Deep sleep, not refreshing, with a desire in the morning to sleep more. Frequent waking in the night. Dreams frequent, anxious, with talking, laughter, tears, lamentations, groans and somnambulism. Dreams of horses, of quarrels, and of vexations, of fire, of marriages, of spectres, of death, of robbers. Dreams, with fear of death after waking. Nightmare. During the night, anxiety, agitation, and tossing about, or heat, toothache, headache, spasms, and oppression of the chest, or diarrhoea, with pains in the stomach, and shiverings. After sleep, on waking in the morning, mind weighed down by vexatious ideas, or nausea, with insipidity in the stomach, and feverish movements.


Pulse full and accelerated. Shivering, even when near a fire, and at night, in bed, not able to warm oneself. Fever towards the evening, with predominant chilliness. Sensation of cold immediately after taking soup at midday. During the day chill, during the night, fever. Heat in the evening which spreads from the face, at times only over the right mostly in the face, or on one side of the face. Inability to perspire.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica