

Shooting pains in the ears, principally in the evening, or at night. Stitches in the (left) ear (evening). Itching and sensation of burning in the ears. Frequently, in the evening, heat and redness of one ear. Purulent discharge from the ears. Crackling noise and buzzing in the ears, chiefly when chewing, but also on swallowing.


Pain in the root of the nose and in the forehead. Pain, swelling, and redness of the nose. Soreness and scabs in the nose, with discharge of thick yellow mucus. Discharge of solid, yellow, greenish substances from the nose. Accumulation and flow of a thick and yellowish matter from the nose. Nostrils ulcerated. Furunculus in the nose. Ozaena. Blood from the nose when blown. Epistaxis. Sour smell in the nose. Smell either exceedingly delicate or weak. Coryza, with defluxion from one nostril, with stoppage of the other. Coryza, alternately dry and flowing. Stoppage of the nose.


Aspect gloomy, morose. Rapid alternation of redness and paleness of countenance. Copper-like redness of the cheeks, as in drunkards. Tingling on the face, and tension of the skin, as if it were covered with white of egg dried. Sensation of swelling, and of heaviness of countenance. Bulbous swellings and blood- boils on the face and nose. Red painful spot on the cheek. Roughness of the skin of the face, especially over the forehead. Heat and redness. Itching and eruption of small pimples over the face. Moist scabs on the temples. Shooting and drawing sensation in the cheek-bones. Transient heat of face. Furunculus in the cheeks. Leprous tubercles in the face. Lips dry, and cracked, with exfoliation of the skin. Swelling of the lips. Pimples and scabby eruptions on the lips. Swelling of the jaws, with tensive pain on opening the mouth, and on chewing. Shortening of the lower jaw. Involuntary spasmodic twitching of lower jaw. Trismus.


Pain as of excoriation in the mouth, palate, tongue, and gums, which almost prevents eating. Small ulcers in the mouth. Dryness of the mouth, chiefly on waking. Accumulation of a sweetish or sour saliva in the mouth, like actual salivation. Musty or putrid smell from the mouth. Tongue loaded with a black or yellowish coating. Expectoration of bloody mucus.


Pains in the teeth on chewing, or in the evening, in bed. Tearing in the teeth, extending to other parts, as far as the zygomatic bone, and in the forehead and temples. Piercing pain in the carious teeth. Ulceration of the roots of the teeth. Ulcer on the gums. Swelling of the gums, which have a tendency to bleed. Sensation as though the teeth were elongated. Odontalgia, with nervous irritation, as after a chill, or after the use of *Chamomilla.


Sore throat, which is aggravated in the evening and at night, but which is ameliorated on taking anything warm, and which is less painful in the morning. Contractive, or shooting pains in the throat, chiefly on swallowing. Difficult deglutition, as if the gullet were contracted. Cramp-like pressure and squeezing in the oesophagus. Sensation, as if the oesophagus were contracted when swallowing a small morsel of food, it is felt until it enters into the stomach. Pains in throat worse evening and night. Swelling of the tonsils. Great dryness in the throat. Accumulation of a thick and viscous mucus in the throat, with difficult expectoration. Painful ulcers in the fauces, secreting a brown, badly-smelling pus. Sensation of a splinter in the throat.


Sweetish taste, or a taste of blood in the mouth. Rough taste, astringent, or bitter and insipid. Bulimy. Irregular appetite, at one time too strong, at another too weak. Food appears insipid, especially in the evening, and principally bread and meat. Distaste for animal food. Craving, with want of appetite. Appetite for dry foods, for starch, chalk, clean white rags, charcoal, cloves, acids, coffee or tea grounds, dry rice. Desire for hot drinks. Desire for vegetables, for fruits, and spoon meats. After having eaten, and chiefly in the evening, hiccough, pressure in the stomach and abdomen, distaste, nausea, and lassitude. Potatoes excite nausea and bitter eructations. All irritating things immediately start cough.


Eructations, sour and acrid, and pyrosis. Chronic tendency to eructation, Frequent eructations. Nausea, with faintness. Frequent nausea and inclination to vomit, chiefly when speaking, when re-entering the room after walking, and in the morning. Pressure in the stomach, chiefly in the evening and after eating. Contraction and constriction in the region of the stomach, often as far as the throat and breast, and sometimes with difficult respiration. Pain, as from excoriation, in the pit of the stomach and in the hypochondria, principally on turning the body in bed, or on stooping.


Painful sensibility of the liver on stooping, followed sometimes by shooting pains. Colic whenever the body is exposed to a chill. Colic with drawing pains, principally in the evening, or at night, or after dinner. Cutting pains, chiefly in the morning. Flatulent colic. The colic is ameliorated by heat applied externally. Painter’s colic. Protrusion and incarceration of inguinal hernia,.

Stool and Anus.

Stools hard, infrequent, and scanty, sometimes with pain in the anus. Constipation and obstruction of the abdomen. Difficult Stool, from inactivity of the intestines. Difficult evacuations from want of peristaltic motion of the intestines, even the soft Stool can only be passed by great pressing. Constipation of pregnant women, children, and painters. No desire for, and no ability to pass Stool, until there is a large accumulation. Hard, knotty Stools, covered with mucus. Small Stools, sometimes like pipe stems (also *Phosphor). Voiding of much slimy matter with the Stool, during the continuance of colic. Loose Stools with pain in the belly and tenesmus. Green Stools in summer complaints. Loss of blood during and after the Stools. Burning and itching in the anus. Blind piles protrude, become moist, with lancinating pain, are hard and itch. Pressure and shooting pain in the perinaeum.

Urinary Organs

Pain in the kidneys, principally when walking or stooping. Sensation of weakness in the bladder and in the genital parts. Eager desire to make water, with increased aqueous evacuation, accompanied sometimes by a sensation of burning. Frequent ineffectual desire to urinate: the urine can only be passed during a Stool. Urine less copious, with red and sandy sediment. Nocturnal urination. Urine turbid, white, as if chalk had been put into it. Thick whitish sediment in the urine.

Male Sexual Organs

Sexual desire increased, or suppressed. Frequent pollutions and nocturnal erections. Copious secretion behind the glans. Excoriation of the prepuce. Contractive pain in the spermatic cord, with contraction of the testicle. Hardness and painful sensibility in one of the testes. Flowing of prostate fluid during difficult Stools. Pains in the perinaeum, during coition, and while the erection continues. Increase of suffering after pollution. Sweat on perinaeum at beginning of erection or during coition.

Female Sexual Organs

Menstruation scanty, too early, and of short duration, blood pale. Menses too copious, with inflation of the abdomen. During the period of menstruation, sleep agitated, with many dreams, great activity in the circulation, heat in the face, headache, and palpitation of the heart. Before and during menstruation, colics, headaches, and other painful affections. After the menses great fatigue. Corrosive leucorrhoea, with smarting in the genital parts. Leucorrhoea before or after the menses, and often with trembling, fatigue, and colic. Leucorrhoea flesh-coloured, or aqueous, and causing stiffness of the linen, transparent mucus before and after menstruation.

Respiratory Organs

Dry cough, principally in the morning, sometimes, at a later period, followed by expectoration. Short, dry cough. Dry, short cough, especially in the morning, with dyspnoea. All irritating foods immediately start cough. Cough with impeded respiration, or with pains in the head and at the nape of the neck. Catarrh of the larynx and of the bronchi, with scraping sensation in the throat. Sudden taking cold, with loss of voice, morning and evening.


Oppression at the chest. Dyspnoea when seated. Nocturnal pressure in the chest. Sensation of constriction in the chest, chiefly when seated in a bending attitude, or while stooping. Pain, as of excoriation, in the chest and in the pit of the stomach, sometimes with cough. Pain in the sternum on touching



Palpitation and shocks at the heart. Palpitation every morning on waking, irregular beats. Wakes 4 to 5 a m. with anxiety at heart, better immediately after rising.

Neck and Back

Itching of nape of neck and throat. Stitches in nape. Pain in the loins during repose. Pain like that of a bruise in the loins and in the back. Shooting pains in the back. Sensation in the back as if it were pierced with a hot iron, through the lower vertebrae.

Upper Limbs

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica