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We have seen that the lens is differentiated skin, a dermoido-epithelial structure; and hence cataract may well be conceived as being a metastatic, or primitive psoric expression. This I conceive to be the Hahnemannic Pathology and Etiology of Cataract. …

Psora as Bearing on Cataract, from a Therapeutic Standpoint. THE expression Psora means different things to different minds. In the Hahnemannic historico-pathological case-taking it plays a most important part. Here its true appreciation is of the utmost significance and incalculable range.

Psora may not, perhaps, express an absolute truth, but it is of extreme practical worth. It must not be regarded as synonymous with the acarus disease, although it may be possibly included in it. As far as I understand the subject, it has not any more to do with scabies than with eczema, psoriasis, rhagades, phthisis, or cancer; but psora is the soil in which these weeds thrive, the psoric individual is their appropriate host.

Those who ridicule the Hahnemannic doctrine of psora, believing it to be synonymous with the acarus malady, are both right and wrong; right in refusing to subscribe to the teaching of such identity merely, but wrong in supposing that Hahnemann ever taught so. At least I cannot see that he does so in the original.

The mucous membrane in its entirety and the common integument must be looked upon as homologous : what is on one to- day may appear on the other tomorrow, and conversely. Metastases from the one to the other are most frequent. Both are dermoido- epithelial structures; and, for me, psora means a constitutional crisis that manifests itself as a disorganisation of some portion or portions of these homologous structures, whereby we may have ITCHING when it is on outside.

We have seen that the lens is differentiated skin, a dermoido-epithelial structure; and hence cataract may well be conceived as being a metastatic, or primitive psoric expression. This I conceive to be the Hahnemannic Pathology and Etiology of Cataract. On this line cataract is curable with medicines. Further, I submit that this is pretty clearly demonstrated in quite a number of the cases of cure that I have cited and narrated.

It is vague, I admit; neither would I maintain that it is an absolute truth; it certainly requires reading of books and of nature, and some reflection withal. But the willing mind, with fertile receptivity and docility, may in this wise get behind, and beyond, and under many otherwise inscrutable forms of disease, and he will be thus often enabled to cure what from any other standpoint, seems hopelessly incurable.

It would lead me too far, were I to attempt to follow this up and to elaborate it.

I have, myself, obtained more insight into the doctrine of psora in working at this “Curability of Cataract with Medicines” than I ever before could; the light-crepuscular only as yet-is nevertheless, better than the darkness of despair.

“Censeurs savants, je vous estime tous;

Je connais mes defauts mieux que vous”.

James Compton Burnett
James Compton Burnett was born on July 10, 1840 and died April 2, 1901. Dr. Burnett attended medical school in Vienna, Austria in 1865. Alfred Hawkes converted him to homeopathy in 1872 (in Glasgow). In 1876 he took his MD degree.
Burnett was one of the first to speak about vaccination triggering illness. This was discussed in his book, Vaccinosis, published in 1884. He introduced the remedy Bacillinum. He authored twenty books, including the much loved "Fifty Reason for Being a Homeopath." He was the editor of The Homoeopathic World.