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The Lens and its Capsule

Speaking anatomically, the lenticular opacities, i.e., cataracts, are different according to whether the nucleus or the cortex is involved. There is a difference between the nucleus and the cortical substance….


If this be granted, then cataract is a constitutional state, and our remedial measures must be directed to the constitution, and they should be taken at the earliest stages and continued for a long time, for chronic disease can only be cured by chronic treatment….


We have seen that the lens is differentiated skin, a dermoido-epithelial structure; and hence cataract may well be conceived as being a metastatic, or primitive psoric expression. This I conceive to be the Hahnemannic Pathology and Etiology of Cataract. …

Curability of Cataract with Medicines

Curability of Cataract with Medicines. Any little homoeopathic David can overcome the greatest allopathic giant, if he will only keep to his Materia Medica and the directions of Hahnemann….


Opinion of Dr. Henry V. Malan and Dr. Burnett on the pathogenecity of Cataract in regards to miasm in the book Curability of cataract with medicine by J.C.Burnett….


Cases of Cataract with follow up treated with homeopathy have been presented by Dr.J.C.Burnett….

Important Remedies for Ophthalmic Diseases

Important Remedies for Ophthalmic Diseases include ammonium mur, aurum met, ars alb, baryta carb, calcarea carb, calc flour, calcarea phos, canabis sativa, caro animals, chelidonium, silicea etc….