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Important Remedies for Ophthalmic Diseases

Important Remedies for Ophthalmic Diseases include ammonium mur, aurum met, ars alb, baryta carb, calcarea carb, calc flour, calcarea phos, canabis sativa, caro animals, chelidonium, silicea etc….


Ammon Mur.-Hoarseness. Cough at night, when lying on the back. Frequent hawking, with expectoration of mucus. Coldness in the back, especially between the shoulders. Capsular cataract, Dimness of sight, as if obscured by a fog. Flying spots and points before the eyes. Constipation; stools hard, crumbling. Head feels full and too heavy. Irritability and bad humour.

Arsenicum Alb.-Cannot rest in any place; changing his position continually. Vomiting of the ingesta after each meal. Violent, unquenchable, burning thirst, with frequent drinking, but, little at a time. Tongue dry, brown, black, cracked. Burning sensation all over the body. Everything appears green. Sees as through a white gauze. Pulsative throbbing in the eyes, worse after midnight. Periodical headache. Ulceration of the cornea. Burning in the margins of the eyelids. Corrosive lachrymation making the lids and cheeks sore. Pains are relieved by warm application.

Aurum Metallicum.-Is especially called for persons with syphilitic mercurial dyscrasia. The least contradiction excites his wrath. Fiery sparks before the eyes. Vertical half sight. Eyes look protruded. Objects seem smaller and more distant. Fog or smoke before his eyes. Bones around the eyes feel bruised. Putrid smells from the mouth. Constipation. Stools very hard and knotty. Discharge of fetid pus from the nose. Passes more urine than what corresponds to the quantity he drinks.

Baryta Carb. Weakness of memory. Inflammation of the throat with swollen inflamed tonsils. Cracking in the ears when swallowing. Great liability to take cold. Cough worse in the evening till midnight. Sensation of dryness in the eyes. Scrofulous inflammation, with phlyctenula and ulcers on the cornea. Photophobia. Flying webs and black spots before the eyes. Paralysis and palsy of the aged persons. Fetid perspiration on the feet. Tearing in the limbs, with chilliness. Dry or humid scurf on the head.

Calcarea Carb.-Great liability to take cold and great sensitiveness to moist, cold air. Acidity of the whole digestive tract with sour taste, sour vomiting and sour smelling stools. Profuse and easy perspiration. Intense thirst and great hankering for milk or half-boiled eggs. Catamenia too early and too profuse in fat women. Pressure, itching, burning and stinging in the eyes. Watering of the eyes in the morning, or in the open air. Dimness of sight. Mist before the eyes when looking sharp, Cutting in the eyes and eyelids. Vertigo, when ascending a height, walking in the open air, or turning the head quickly. Anguish, with palpitation of the heart. Perspiration on the feet.

Calcarea Fluorica.-Indurated glands. Syphilitic ozaena, with offensive discharge. Constipation, with inability to expel the faeces. Blind or bleeding piles. Cataract. Blurred vision. Spots on the cornea. Flickering and sparks before the eyes. Enamel of the teeth, rough and deficient. Mal-nutrition or caries of the teeth. Sorethroat, better from warm drinks.

Calcarea phos.-Forgetfulness; can remember things only for a short time. Difficulty in performing intellectual operations. Staggering when rising from a seat. Aching pain in the eye-balls as if beaten. Ulcers and spots on the cornea. Cataract. Eyes water with yawning. Sensation as of veils before the eyes. Gums painful and inflamed. Loss of appetite. At every attempt to eat, the belly aches. Belching, followed by burning in the epigastrium. Offensive, hot and noisy stools. Protruding piles; oozing of a yellow fluid. Anal fistula.

Cannabis Sativa.-Asthmatic attacks; he can only breathe when standing up. Difficult respiration when lying down. Violent palpitation of the heart. Feeling of weariness. Injection of the vessels of the conjunctiva. Great photophobia and lachrymation. Cornea, opaque and vascular. Dimness of vision. Cataract. Sensation as if intoxicated. Congestive headache. Sensation as of a heavy weight on the vertex. Constipation. Strangury. Burning and smarting pain in the urethra while urinating.

Carbo Animalis.-Panting and rattling breathing. Sensation of coldness in the chest. Hoarseness. Painful swelling and induration of the glands of the neck, etc. Sensation as if the eyes were lying loose in their sockets. Senile cataract. Vision of a net swimming before the eyes. Eyes feel weak. Hardness of hearing. The tip of the nose is red, chapped and burning. Repugnance to greasy food. Weak digestion.

James Compton Burnett
James Compton Burnett was born on July 10, 1840 and died April 2, 1901. Dr. Burnett attended medical school in Vienna, Austria in 1865. Alfred Hawkes converted him to homeopathy in 1872 (in Glasgow). In 1876 he took his MD degree.
Burnett was one of the first to speak about vaccination triggering illness. This was discussed in his book, Vaccinosis, published in 1884. He introduced the remedy Bacillinum. He authored twenty books, including the much loved "Fifty Reason for Being a Homeopath." He was the editor of The Homoeopathic World.