Homeopathic remedy Sulphur drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Brimstone. HAHNEMANN. Flowers of Sulphur.


      Weak memory, particularly for names.

Dulness; difficult thinking; misplaces or cannot find proper words when talking or writing.

Foolish happiness and pride, thinks herself in possession of beautiful things; even rags seem beautiful (also when recovering from spasms).

Indisposed to everything (work, pleasure, talking or motion), in the evening.

Disgust, up to nausea, about any effluvia arising from his own body.

Melancholy mood; dwelling on religious or philosophical speculations; anxiety about his soul’s salivation: indifferent about the lot of others.

Hypochondriac mood through the day; merry in evening.

Peevish; irritable; quick-tempered.

Excitable mood, easily irritated, but quickly penitent. Great obstinacy, dislike to have any one near him.


      Vertigo: while sitting, or standing, with nosebleed, in the morning; when stooping; when rising from bed; when walking in open air; when crossing a river; with nausea; with vanishing of sight; with inclination to fall to the left side; worse after meals, particularly after dinner.

Rush of blood to head, with roaring in ears and heat of face, worse when stooping, talking, in open air; better sitting in warm room. Heaviness and fulness in forehead, worse when raising the head to a sitting posture; worse after sleep; after talking; better when sitting, or when lying with head high.

Inner Head

      Tearing or stitches in forehead or temples, from within outward; worse from eating or stooping; better when pressing head together, and when moving about.

Shooting in forehead from in-outward; worse from stooping or eating; better from pressing teeth together, and when moving head.

Pressure in temples and tight feeling in brain when thinking or doing mental work.

Painful tingling on vertex and in temples.

Sensation of emptiness in occiput; worse in open air and from talking; better in-doors.

Drawing and tearing through head.

Headache every day, as though head would burst.

Throbbing headache at night.

Sick headache, very weakening, once a week or every two weeks; pains generally lacerating and stupefying, numbing.

Every step is felt painfully in head.

Outer Head

      Sensitiveness of vertex, pressing pain when touched; worse in evening; from heat of bed; in morning when awaking; smarting and burning after scratching.

Roots of hair painful, especially to touch.

Severe stitching on forehead, also on scalp.

Dry, offensive, scabby, easily bleeding, burning eruption begins on back of head and behind ears, with sore pain and cracks; better from scratching.

Humid, offensive eruption, with thick pus, yellow crusts, itching, bleeding and burning.

Contractive pain as from a band around cranium, with sensation as if flesh was loose, followed by inflammation, swelling and caries of bones; worse in wet, cold weather, and when at rest; better from motion.

Hair dry, falling off, scalp sore to touch, itching violently, in the evening, when getting warm in bed.

Fontanelles close too late.



      Photophobia, with stitches; worse in sultry weather. Shunning light, during the sweat.

Retinitis, caused by over-use of eyes, congestion of optic nerve.

Obscuration of sight; like a gauze before eyes.


Halo around gas or lamplight.


Pustular inflammation of cornea, or conjunctivae, with marked lachrymation.

Superficial and deep ulcers on cornea, intense redness of eye, great photophobia.

Inflammation of eyes, or lids, itching, smarting, burning, feeling like from sand.

Painful inflammation of eye, from presence of foreign body (after Aconite) Ulceration of margins of lids.

Lids swollen, burn and smart, with itching; aggravation from bathing eyes.

Dryness of eyes in room, lachrymation in open air. Agglutination of lids at night.

Lids drawn together spasmodically, in morning.


      Hardness of hearing, preceded by oversensitiveness of hearing.

Humming or hissing in ears.

Wabbling as if water was in ears.

Stinging in left ear.

Purulent offensive otorrhoea, worse left ear.

Catarrhal discharge, every eighth day.

Ears very red; with children.


      Smell before the nose as from an old catarrh.

Nosebleed at 3 P.M., with vertigo, afterwards nose sore to touch.

Bloody discharge when blowing the nose.

Profuse catarrhal discharge of burning water.

Fluent, burning coryza, out-doors, nose stopped up indoors.

Chronic stoppage; also of one nostril.

Dry ulcers, or scabs in nose.

Swelling and inflammation of nose; red nose.

Freckles and black pores on nose.


      Face: pale, sickly looking; pale, eyes sunken, and with blue margins; spotted red; circumscribed redness of the cheeks: freckled.

Erysipelas, beginning at right ear and spreading over face.

Swelling of the cheek, with pricking pain.

Lower Face

      Painful eruption around the chin.

Herpes at the corners of mouth.

Bright redness of lips, particularly with children.

Swelling of lips, especially upper lip.

Lips dry, rough, and cracked.

Burning twitching, or trembling of lips.


      Great sensitiveness of teeth.

Teeth feel too long.

Tearing toothache on left side.

Pulsating and boring in teeth, worse from heat.

Toothache coming on in open air, or from least draught, or at night in bed, or from washing, with cold water; with congestion to head or with stitches in ears.

Painful feeling of looseness of teeth.

Swelling of gums, with beating pain in them.

Bleeding of gums.

Tongue etc.

      Taste; sour; bitter; sweetish; foul, when awaking in morning.

Talking: Tongue: white with red tip and borders, mostly in acute diseases; white or yellow; brown and dry; furred in morning, but wears off during day (chronic cases).


      Ptyalism from abuse of mercury, or during a fever.

Saliva profuse, with nauseous taste, “all her trouble seems to be caused by this nauseous saliva.” Bad smell from mouth, mostly after eating.

Blisters in mouth; thirst.


      Sensation of a lump in throat; dryness of throat.

Stitches in throat when swallowing.

Painful contraction of throat when swallowing.

Burning up into throat, with sour eructations.

Sensation as of a hair in throat.

Sore throat, great burning and dryness, first right then left side.

Elongation of palate; swelling of palate and tonsils.

Pharyngeal wall looks dry.

Whole back part posterior to palatine arches appears in a state of ulceration or sloughing.

Desires Aversions

      Great craving for food, especially with little children.

Drinks much, eats little.

Violent thirst for beer; longing for brandy.

Desire for sweets, and diseases from eating sweet things; also in pale, lean children with large abdomen.

Milk disagrees, causing sour taste and sour eructations.

Aversion to meat.

Aversion to of being bathed or washed;.

Eating and Drinking

      After eating but little, feels fulness in stomach.

After eating:,,,; and drinking: After eating sweet things:,.

Nausea and Vomiting


Eructations: generally empty, or tasting of the food; sour; after eating; as soon as he presses on stomach.

Regurgitations: sour; of food and drink.

Vomiting: of food, especially early in morning, and in evening; first watery, then of food; sour; of blood.

Nausea: in morning; after each meal.


      Sensitiveness to touch in region of stomach.

Marked weakness about 11 A.M., empty, gone, or faint feeling.

Pressure at stomach, also after eating.


      Stitches, or pressing pain in region of liver.

Swelling and hardness of liver.

Stitches in spleen, worse when taking a deep inspiration, and when walking.

Stitches in left side of abdomen, when coughing.


      Intestines feel as if strung in knots, worse from bending forward.

Rolling and rumbling in bowels, as if empty.

Incarcerated flatulence in left side of abdomen, with heaviness, fulness and constipation. Colic after eating or drinking, obliging one to bend double, worse from sweet things.

Painful sensitiveness of abdomen to touch, as if internally raw and sore.

Painful swelling of inguinal glands.

Big belly and emaciated limbs, with children.

Stool etc.

      Stools: brown, watery, fecal; green mucous; bloody mucus; undigested; frothy; sour; changeable; fetid.

Diarrhoea: at night, with colic, tenesmus, watery white, mucous stools of sour smell; driving out of bed in morning, painless; fetid, watery or involuntary; of scrofulous children; as if bowels were too weak to retain their contents.

The odor of stool follows him as if he had soiled himself.

Dysenteric stools at night, with colic and violent tenesmus; blood in mucus in thready streaks.

Frequent unsuccessful desire for stool.

Alternation of constipation and diarrhoea.

Constipation; stools hard, knotty, insufficient.

Hemorrhoids, blind, or flowing dark blood, with violent bearing down pains from small of back toward anus.

Suppressed hemorrhoids, with colic, palpitation, congestion to lungs; back feels stiff as if bruised.

Lancinating pain from anus upward, especially after stool.

Pulsating pain in anus, all day. Itching, burning and stinging at anus.

Anus swollen, with sore, stitching pains. Stools excoriate.


      Retention of urine.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.