Frequent micturition, especially at night; large quantities of colorless urine after hysteric spasms. Nocturnal enuresis.

Urine fetid, with greasy-looking pellicle on it.

Burning in orifice or urethra, during micturition.

Redness and inflammation of orifice of urethra.

Painful desire, with discharge of bloody urine, requiring great effort.

Mucous discharge from urethra.

Male Sexual Organs

      Involuntary discharge of semen, with burning in urethra.

Coldness of penis; weak sexual powers; impotence.

Inflammation and swelling, with deep rhagades, burning and redness of prepuce, with phimosis.

Deep suppuration ulcer on glans and prepuce, with puffed edges.

Phimosis, with discharge of fetid pus.

Testicles relaxed, hanging down.

Offensive sweat around genitals.

Soreness and moisture of scrotum.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses: too late, of short duration; or, suppressed; blood thick, dark, acrid, sour smelling, makes the thighs sore.

Before the menses: headache; cough in evening; nose bleed.

During menses: nosebleed; rush of blood to head; weak, faint spells.

Bearing down in pelvis, toward genitals.

Sterility, with too early and too profuse menstruation.

Leucorrhoea of yellow mucus, corroding, preceded by pains in abdomen.

Burning in vagina, is scarcely able to keep still.

Sore feeling in vagina, during coition.

Troublesome itching of vulva, with pimples all around.

Labor-like pain over the symphysis.

Weak feeling in genitals.


      Promotes expulsion of moles.

After nursing, nipples smart, burn and bleed; chapped nipples.

Suppuration of mammae, with chilliness in forenoon, heat in afternoon.

Hemorrhoids in childbed.


      Voice rough, hoarse, with much mucus on chest; aphonia.

Talking fatigues and excites the pains; shooting pains through left chest to back.

Catarrh, with fluent coryza, chilliness, rawness of chest and cough.


      Shortness of breath and oppression, on bending arms backward.

Nightly suffocative fits; wants doors and windows open.

Difficult breathing, with visible beating of heart.

Rattling in chest, worse after expectoration.


      Dry, choking; short, dry, with stitches in chest, or under left scapula; dry, with hoarseness dryness in throat and watery coryza; with much rattling of mucus in chest; loose, with soreness and pressure in chest; expectoration of thick mucus; rattling in trachea; hoarseness; expectorating greenish lumps of sweetish taste.

Expectoration of bloody pus.

When coughing headache, as if bruised or torn; sometimes vomiting; pain in abdomen.

Spasmodic whooping-cough, two paroxysms in quick succession.

In the paroxysm the successions follow each other rapidly.

Cough excited by tickling in the larynx, as if caused by “down,” evening and night without, morning and day with, expectoration of dark blood, or of yellow, greenish, purulent, or milk-white, watery mucus; usually of sourish, sometimes putrid, flat, or saltish taste, or like the offensive discharge of an old catarrh.


      Congestion of blood to chest.

Feeling as if a lump of ice was in right chest.

Stitches through chest, extending into left scapula; worse lying on back and during least motion.

Pain in chest from overlifting, or after inflammation of lungs.

Burning in chest rising to face.

Pain as if chest would fly to pieces, when coughing or drawing a deep breath.

Weakness in chest; in evening while lying down; when talking.

Exudation, after pneumonia.

Heart Pulse

      Palpation of heart, worse when going up stairs or when climbing a hill.

Sensation as if heart was enlarged.

Pulse full, hard, accelerated, at times intermittent.

Outer Chest

      Shooting in sternum.

Neck Back

      Sensation as if vertebrae, were gliding one over the other, when turning in bed.

Cracking in cervical vertebrae, especially on bending backward.

Stiffness in neck of back.

Pain in small of back, on rising from a seat.

Gnawing pain in small of back.

Stitches in scapulae.

Pain in small of back, after heavy lifting and taking cold at the same time.

Curvature of spine, vertebrae softened.

Upper Limbs

      Pain as if sprained, or as if bruised in left shoulder.

Rheumatic pains in shoulders, especially the left.

Lacerating pains in shoulders and shoulder-joints, especially at night.

Drawing and tearing in arms and hands.

Sweat in arm-pit, smelling like garlic.

Rhagades on hands, especially between fingers, on finger-joints and in palms.

Thick red chilblains on fingers.

Numbness of fingers, in morning.

Hang-nails. Cold hands and feet.

Lower Limbs

      Heaviness of limbs when walking.

Swelling of knees, white or red.

Dropsy of the knee-joints.

Stiffness of knee and ankle-joints.

Cramp: in calves at night, also with diarrhoea; in soles at every step.

Burning soles, wants them uncovered.

Soles cold but sweating.

Limbs in General

      Chilblains thick and red, with cracks on joints.

Corns, with aching and stinging pains.

Limbs “go to sleep.” Tearing in limbs, muscles and joints, from above downward.

Weakness, cracking, swelling of joints.

Gouty or rheumatic complaints, with or without swelling.

Pain in limbs, worse when covered with feather covering.

Position etc.

      Mental work: Rest: Lying:; with head high: motion: Turning in bed: Raising head to a sitting posture: moving head: Stooping: Bending forward: Bending backward: Rising from bed:; from a seats; driving out of bed Walking:, Crossing a river or a bridge: Ascending: Standing: Sitting: Must bend double: Bending arms backward: Every step: Talking :, Writing : Excitable mood. Rest : Half-open eyes : Pus burning soles out of bed for a cool place :.


      Child jumps, starts and screams fearfully.

Frequent spasmodic jerking in whole body.

Great debility and trembling; talking fatigues.

Weak, faint spells, frequently during day, after nursing or right-watching, with great sleepiness.

Epilepsy with stiffness; sensation like from a mouse running up arms to back, before the fit.

Unsteady gait, tremor of hands.

Cannot walk erect, stooped shoulders.


      Heavy, unfreshing sleep.

Child falls asleep as soon as tenesmus ceases.

Drowsy in afternoon and after sunset; wakeful at night.

Easily awakened, takes short naps. Sleep, with half-open eyes. Talks loudly while sleep.

Jerks and twitches during sleep.

Awakens with a start or scream.

Dreams : vivid; anxious.


      Morning L,. Forenoon : 11 A.M.:. Afternoon : 3 P.M. : Evening :, Night :, 21, Day :,.

Temperature and Weather

      Warm room : Indoors. Warmth of bed :,. Covering. Wants soles to be uncovered : Wants doors and windows open : Sultry weather : Heat :. Open air : Out-doors :. Draught :. Wet and cold weather : Bathing eyes : Washing in cold water :. In bed :. Children dislike being bathed or washed :. Taking cold :.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill : mostly internal and without thirst generally in evening, but also at other times; external, with simultaneous internal heat and red face; with thirst, preceded by heat; spreading from the toes; running up the back.

Heat : afternoon or evening, skin dry, much thirst; soles; or cold feet, with burning soles, seeks a cool place for them, or puts them out of bed.

Frequent flushes of heat, sometimes ending with a little moisture and faintness.

Sweat : at night and in the morning hours; profuse, sour smelling, the whole night; in the evening, most on the hands; at night, only on the nape and occiput.


      Every eighth day : Every one or two weeks : Every day Diseases from eating sweet things :;.


      Right :, Left,,, Right to left :. Front to back : Within outward Below upward : Above downward : From backward :.


      Sensation as of a hoop or hand around parts. Sensation as it flesh was loose : Sensation of a lump in throat : of a hair in throat,. Sensation as of a lump of ice in right chest -Sensation as if vertebrae were gliding one over the other: Sensation of a mouse running up arms to back :.


      Scrofulous and rickety complaints.

Emaciation of children, face has a very old look.

Dry, flabby skin.

Glandular swellings indurated or suppurating.

Borders of mucous membranes are very red.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch,. Pressure :. Stepping (jar) : Scratching : Overlifting. Every steps (cramps) :.


      Voluptuous itching and tingling, with burning or soreness after scratching.

Itching, worse in warm bed.

Bright redness of whole body in scarlatina.

Freckles. Yellow, brown, flat spots.

Skin rough, scaly, scabby.

Herpes, scabby and scurfy.

Sore feeling of the skin, with disposition to excoriation.

Soreness in folds of skin.

Ecchymoses from a slight bruise.

Rhagades after washing. Furuncles, particularly on the nates.

Eruptions :,,,.

Erysipelas, with throbbing and stinging.

Dropsical swelling of external parts.

Ulcers : with raised, swollen edges, bleeding easily, surrounded with pimples; with tearing, stinging pains and discharging fetid pus.

Stages and States

      Especially suitable for lean, stoop-shouldered persons; and for children with bid and emaciated limbs ().

Body offensive despite washing.


      Sulphur frequently serves to rouse the reactive power of the system, when carefully selected remedies have failed to produce a favorable effect, especially in acute disease.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.