Homeopathic remedy Secale Cornutum drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Ergot. A nosode from the rye, called a parasite. No Proving. A collection of the monographs of epidemics, supposed to have been caused in Germany and France, principally by the ergot and other mixtures which spoil the bread, was made in 125, by C. Hering, and left the next year, on his departure for Surinam, with Trinks, who had it completed by some of his assistants, and published. Later addition are mostly cases of poisoning.


      Stupid, half sleep state.

Impaired power of thinking.

Delirium : quiet; wandering.

Mania; with inclination to bite; with inclination to drown oneself; room is a troubled sea into which she desires to plunge. She think two are sick. One recovers, the other dies.

Uncomfortableness and depression.

Fear of Death.

      Anxiety, sadness, melancholy.

Great anguish; wild with anxiety.

Apathy, indifference.


      Feeling of lightness of head, most in occiput.

Giddiness; unsteady gait.

Heaviness of head and tingling in legs.

Unconsciousness, with heavy sleep, preceded by tingling in head and limbs.

Inner Head

      Pulsations in head, with giddiness, so that she cannot walk.

Pain and confusion, most in occiput.

Congestion in the head and chest.

Outer Head

      Hair falls out.

Twisting of head to and fro.



Obscuration of sight.

Double or triple vision.

Blue and fiery dots flying before the eyes.

Pain in eyes, with feeling as if they were spasmodically rotated.

Stitching pain in eyes.

Cataracta senilis.

Pupils generally dilated.

Suppressed secretion of tears.

Injection of the conjunctiva.

Eye sunken, surrounded by a blue margin.

Paralysis of upper eyelids, from coal gas.

Immovable state of eyelids after facial erysipelas.

Eyes looked fixed, wild, glazed.


      Undue sensitiveness of hearing, so that even the slightest sound re-echoed in her head and made her shudder.

Confused hearing.

Singing in ears and difficult hearing.

Humming and roaring in ears, with occasional deafness.

Hard hearing, after cholera.



Nosebleed : blood dark, runs continuously, with great prostration, small, thread-like pulse, in old people, or drunkards; of young women.

Nose stopped up, yet watery discharge running from it.


      Pale; pinched, pale, earthy looking; dark red and swollen; contracted and discolored, with sunken eyes, blue rings around eyes.

Wan, fearful countenance.

Tingling in face.

Muscular twitchings, usually commence in face and then spread all over body, sometimes increasing to dancing and jumping.

Spasmodic distortion of the mouth and lips.

Forehead hot.

Lower Face


Lips deathly pale.


      Looseness of the teeth.

Grinding of the teeth.

Bleeding from the gums.

Tongue etc.

      Tongue thickly coated with yellowish-white; dry, tenacious substance; discolored, brown or blackish, deathly pale.

Slight, but unpleasant warmth on tongue, during day.

Spasm of tongue, projecting it from mouth, forcing it between teeth and rendering speech indistinct.

Feeble, stuttering, indistinct speech, as if the tongue was paralyzed.


      Bloody or yellowish-green foam at the mouth.

Increased secretion of saliva.

Much acid fluid in mouth.

Spitting of blood.


      Dryness of soft palate, throat, and oesophagus, with thirst.

Burning in throat, with violent thirst.

Painful tingling in throat and on tongue.

Desires, Aversions

      Hunger, as from long fasting.

Disgust for food, especially for meat and fatty things.

Thirst, during all stages of fever.

Unquenchable thirst. Desire for : sour things; lemonade.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Eructations : with disagreeable taste; sour; tasteless, but with subjective, disagreeable empyreumatic odor.

Nausea; inclination to vomit; painful retchings.

Vomiting of food; of a yellowish-green, frothy mass; first of contents of the stomach, then only mucus, of mucus mixed with lumbrici; of decomposed matter.

Vomiting of large quantities of dark brown slime, bile and shreds; typhoid.

Haematemesis, patient lies still; great weakness; but no pain; abdomen soft.


      Anxiety and pressure in pit of stomach, with great sensitiveness to touch.

Severe anxiety and burning at pit of stomach.

Pain in pit of stomach.

Violent pressure in stomach, as from a heavy weight.

Warmth and feeling of repletion.

Burning in stomach.

Painful constriction of epigastrium.


      Enlargement of liver.

Acute pain in hepatic region.

Inflammation and gangrene of liver.

Burning in the spleen.


      Distention of the belly.

Flatulence, with rumbling.

Painful sensitiveness and rumbling, with continued nausea and confusion of head.

Inclination to colic, diarrhoea, and bloatedness of abdomen.

Pain in lower belly, preventing an upright posture, even forcing him to lie doubled up in bed.

Continual bearing down in lower abdomen.

Burning in abdomen.

Cold feeling in abdomen and back.

Strong pulsation in umbilical region.

Lumps and welts in abdomen; in affections of the uterus.

Stool etc.

      Stools : watery, slimy; offensive, watery; yellowish or greenish, discharged rapidly with great force, or even involuntary; painless, without effort, with great weakness.

Colliquative diarrhoea.

Cholerine, with more retching than vomiting.

Cholera Asiatica, with collapse, face sunken, distorted, particularly the mouth; crawling sensation as from ants.

Paralysis of the rectum.

Bleeding from the bowels.


      Unsuccessful urging to urinate.

Retention of urine. Ischuria paralytica.

Urine : pale, watery; bloody in old people. Enuresis in old age.

Urinary deposit looking like white cheese.

Discharge of thick, black blood from bladder. Kidney affections.

Male Sexual Organs

      After lightness in occiput, violent dragging in spermatic cord, causing sensation as if the testicle was being drawn up to the inguinal ring.

After sexual excess, palpitation of the heart.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses : too profuse, and lasting too long; with tearing and cutting colic, cold extremities, cold sweat, great weakness small pulse; or with violent spasm.

Menstrual blood : thin and black; black, lumpy, or brown fluid, and of disgusting smell.

Uterine hemorrhage, worse from the slightest motion.

Passive hemorrhage, of very fetid, or dark blood.

Atonic hemorrhage, burning the critical age.

Uterine ulcer, feels as if burnt, discharge putrid, bloody fluid.

Burning pains in greatly distended uterus, which felt hard and was painful to touch.

Leucorrhoea brownish and offensive; like cream; from weakness and venous congestion.

Ulcers on outer genitals discolored and rapidly spreading.


      Arrested development of the foetus.

Threatened abortus : more especially at the third month; with copious flow of black, liquid blood; false labor-pains, with bloody discharge.

After abortus: difficult contraction of uterus; thin black, foul-smelling discharge.

During pregnancy; frequent and prolonged forcing pain, particularly in thin, ill-conditioned women; cramps in calves.

During labor: prolonged bearing down and forcing pains in the uterus; pains irregular; pains too weak; pains feeble, distant or ceasing; everything seems loose and open, no action; fainting fits; after labor retained urine.

Strength of uterus weakened by too early or perverted efforts.

Labor ceases, and twitchings or convulsions begin.

Puerperal convulsions, with opisthotonos.

Retained placenta, with constant strong bearing down in abdomen; or with relaxed feeling of parts.

After pains: too long and too painful.

Lochia: dark, very offensive; scanty or profuse; painless or accompanied by prolonged bearing down pain.

Suppression of lochia followed by uterine inflammation.

Lack of milk, with much stinging in mammae.


      Voice: hollow, with difficult breathing; feeble and inaudible.

Thickening of the mucous membrane of the air passages.


      Respiration: slow; labored and anxious: oppressed.


      Hard, hoarse cough, with little expectoration.

Concussive cough.

Spitting of blood, with without cough.


      Cramp in the chest.

Spasmodic shocks, from right half of chest into right arm and right leg.

Pains over nearly all the front of chest, worse from coughing and motion.

Heart Pulse

      Palpitation, oftener at night, with congestion and frequently intermitting pulse.

Pulse: often unchanged even during violent attacks; generally slow and contracted, at times intermittent or suppressed; somewhat accelerated during the heat; small: empty, weak; thread- like in hemorrhages.

Neck Back

      Tenderness of lower cervical and upper dorsal spinous processes, with stiffness of the neck.

Gentle creeping sensation in back, as if a soft air was blowing through it.

Tingling in back, extending to fingers and toes.

Pains at sacrum, with bearing down, as if parts would be forced out, worse when moving.

“Kink” in the back.

Spine disease, with gressus vaccinus.

Pressure upon affected portion, causes pain there as well as through chest; exciting an irritation to cough; aggravation from every exertion, or strain upon the spine.

Upper Limbs

      Spasmodic jerks of the hand, with flexion of hand at wrist, or of forearm.

Numbness and insensibility of hands.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.