Tarent. cub. compare well in carbuncles; the pains are atrocious.

Follows : Arsen., Bellad., Mercur., Nitr. ac., Hepar.

Complementary to Lycop.

Antidotes : Arsen., Bellad., heat, alcohol, salt.

Compare : Lact. ac. in lump or fulness in throat like a puff- ball, not better swallowing, keeps swallowing frothy mucus; constricted feeling low in throat with nausea.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.