Buboes indurated or with fistulous openings and hectic; after mercury.

Indurated foreskin, after chancres.

Female Sexual Organs

      Sexual desire. Nymphomania.

Swelling, induration, neuralgia, suppuration, etc.., of left ovary.

The uterine region feels swollen, will bear no contact not even of the clothing; bearing down pains.

Uterine and ovarian pains relieved by a flow of blood.

Pains like a knife thrust into the abdomen.

Uterus feels as if the os was open.

Menses scanty feeble, but regular; blood lumpy, black or acrid.

Before menses :desire for open air; vertigo, nosebleed; labor- like pains, worse in left ovarian region; bruised feeling in the hips all better when the flow begins.

Leucorrhoea copious, smarting, stiffening the linen, staining it greenish.

Redness and swelling of the external parts (with discharge of mucus).

Suitable at the menopause :flashes, hot vertex; metrorrhagia; fainting.


      Lochia fetid; urine suppressed; face purple; unconscious; abdomen swollen. Puerperal fever.

Milk thin, blue; she awakens always sad, despairing.

Lancinating pains in the mamma, pains down the arm; breast bluish, with blackish streaks.

Fungus haematodes, frequently bleeding.


      Hoarseness, rawness and dryness; larynx sensitive to touch.

Aphonia in phthisis; sputum tough and green.

Impending croup (during diphtheria), awakens suffocating, grasps the throat; fears he is dying.

Larynx externally sensitive to least touch which causes suffocation, feeling of a lump in the throat.

Croup, when the patient is worse after sleep; or, seemingly sleeps into the croupy spell.

Suddenly something runs from neck to larynx, stopping the breathing, it awakens him at night. Spasmus glottidis.


      Asthma, worse from covering mouth or nose, or touching the throat, or moving the arms; on awaking; after eating or talking; better sitting up bent forward.

Chest feels constricted.

In the morning when sitting up quickly, the breathing becomes slow, difficult, whistling.

Chest stuffed; short cough, with scanty, difficult expectoration.

Asthma during scabies, if the itching ceases.


      Gagging, persistent cough, from tickling in the throat under the sternum, or in the stomach; worse on falling asleep or during the day; from change of temperature; after alcoholic drinks.

Has to cough hard and long before he can raise.

Expectoration scanty, difficult, watery, saltish, must be swallowed again;or is accompanied with straining and vomiting.

Spitting large quantities of ropy mucus. Diphtheria.

Cough from ulcers in the throat.

Cough, with slimy, bloody sputum.

After a long, wheezing cough, suddenly spits up profuse, frothy, tenacious mucus.


      Oppressive pain in chest as if full of wind, better eructations.

Pain in the chest as from soreness.

Burning in the chest.

Stitches in the (left) chest, with dyspnoea.

Pneumonia, hepatization, mostly of left lung; great dyspnoea on awaking.

Useful when tubercles follow pneumonia.

Dropsy of the chest; awakens with suffocating spells; liver swollen; scanty, dark urine; palpitation. After scarlatina.

Heart Pulse

      Palpitation, can bear no pressure on throat or chest; must sit up or lie on the right side; numbness of the left arm, fainting, anxiety.

Pericarditis, dropsy, diphtheritic patches in the throat after scarlatina.

Restless, trembling; anxiety about the heart; hasty speech; suffocation on lying down; weight on the chest; heart feels constricted. Rheumatism of the heart.

Cyanosis neonatorum.

Pulse :small, weak and accelerated; unequal; intermittent; alternately full and small.

Neck Back

      Stiff neck, moves jaw with great difficulty, tearing from nape of neck up either side, to top of head.

Pain in the small of the back, with constipation.

Pain in the os coccygis, when sitting down, feeling as if sitting on something sharp.

Upper Limbs

      Left shoulder and arm weak and lame, worse when lying on the arm.

Soreness of the right shoulder, worse when lying on it.

Axillary glands swollen.

Garlic-like smell of the sweat in the axillae.

Tingling-prickling in the left hand.

Trembling of the hands. In drunkards.

Rheumatic swelling of index-finger and wrist; worse after sleep.

Panaritium, bluish swelling; even necrosis, with fistulous openings, or erysipelas; stinging-pricking pains.

Numbness of the finger-tips (morning).

Lower Limbs

      Contraction of psoas muscle, after abscess.

Sciatica, left-sided; pain as from a hot iron; worse after sleep.

Uneasiness in the lower limbs.

Contraction of the hamstrings, after a popliteal abscess.

Stinging-tearing in the knees, with swelling.

Aching pain in the skin-bones.

Flat ulcers on legs, with thin, offensive discharge, and bluish areolae.

Caries of the tibia.

Lacerating, jerking, rheumatic pains in the legs, as soon as he falls asleep.

Swelling of the feet, worse after walking. During pregnancy.

Tingling in the toes.

Rhagades of the toes.

Gangrenous ulcers on the legs and toes.

Limbs in General

      Erysipelas of the legs or arms; surface bluish, glossy, swelling, impending gangrene.

Bluish swelling of the joints, after sprains.

Dark bluish swelling of cellular tissue on hands, arms, legs; very sensitive; impending gangrene, Nightly burning in palms and soles.

Limbs stiff or curved after mercurialization,.

Position etc.

      Motion : erysipelas excited by too much walking; relieves the periodical sufferings.

Walking in open air : After walking : Moving the arms: Turning over : On rising : Must sit up : Sitting up :; down : Sitting up bent for wards : Lying down : Must lie on back : Lying on right side : Lying on arm or shoulder : Tossing :.


      Crawls on the floor, spits often, hides, laughs, or is angry; spasms.

Epilepsy comes on during sleep, from jealousy, onanism, loss of fluids.

Spasms of the legs.

Awkward gait; left side weak; gressus galinaceous.

Paralysis, left-sided; after apoplexy, or cerebral exhaustion.

Trembling all over; exhausted, faint.

Fainting, with pain in heart, nausea, pale face, vertigo.


      Sleepy day and night; sleeps well unless the cough annoys him.

Children toss about, morning, during sleep.

Restless sleep, with many dreams and frequent waking.

Persistent sleeplessness; sleepless in the evening, with talkativeness.

Awakens at night and cannot sleep again.

The mind worse after sleep.


      Morning : Afternoon : Evening Night :,, Day : Day and night : 2 P.M. : Alternate days :.

Temperature and Weather

      Worse from the sun’s rays : Worse during Spring and Summer; or from extremes of temperature, debility : Recurs every

spring : Change of temperature : Wet weather :. Desire for the open air : Worse in the open air : Warmth : Warm room and external warmth : Hot drinks :.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill. runs up the back to head, often on alternate days; abates in the warm room; with chattering of the teeth, desires external warmth.

Wants to be held, or to be pressed down during chill.

After icy-cold calves, shaking chill with warm sweat; then strumming through limbs, intermingled with flushes of heat.

Spasms during every paroxysm, in nursing children.

Chill at night, flushes of heat by day.

Heat, particularly on the hands and feet, in the evening.

Burning in the palms and soles, evening and night.

Heat at night, as from orgasm of blood, throat sensitive.

Internal sensation of heat, with cold feet.

Profuse sweat, with most complaints; sweat about the neck after the first nap; phthisis.

Sweat cold, stains yellow; or bloody, staining red.

Intermittent fever recurs every Spring, or after suppression in the previous Fall by quinine; worse in the afternoon, 2 P.M.; face red, headache, feet cold; talking during hot stage; excessive burning and rending pain during relapse into bilious

intermittent after quinine.


      Periodical attacks : every fourteen day, every Spring :.


      Right : left : Left to right : throat and ovarian symptoms; also Below up : Within outwards :.


      Neuralgic pains change locality, with palpitation.

Tearing pains; prickling; pulsating.


      Blood dark, non-coagulable; small wounds bleed much.

Affected parts bluish.


Ulcers sensitive to touch; ichorous, offensive discharge; many small pimples surround them; areolae purple; better from warmth.

Dropsy from liver and spleen diseases; after scarlatina; urine black, legs oedematous, first left, then right.

Cellulitis, with burning and blue color of skin.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch :, Pressure :, 2 The greatest sensitiveness, even to touch of edge of bed- clothing on throat, common bed-covering on abdomen.


      Itching of the whole body, burning; yellow or purplish blisters; scabies.

Military eruption; rash appears slowly or turns livid or black; comatose.

Bullae dark from bloody serum within.

Carbuncles, with purple surroundings and many small boils around them; must rise at night and bathe to allay burning; also when suppuration is tardy and systemic weakness obtains.

Malignant pustule.

Scars redden, hurt, break open and bleed.

Bed-sores, with black edges.


      Followed by Arsen., Bellad., Carb. veg., Caustic., Conium, Mercur., Lycop.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.