Mammae hard, bluish-red and covered with little scurfy protuberances, from which blood oozes whenever the scurf is removed.


      Scraping and roughness in the throat; also with hoarseness, ceasing in the morning, after sneezing. Rough, hoarse speech.

Perichondritis of the larynx, septic form, with softening and degeneration affecting the mucous membrane of larynx, and particularly that of the oesophagus.


      Shortness of breath, with sensation of heaviness in the chest and frequent desire to take a deep breath; chest feels bruised, as if beaten; pain as if sternum were being crushed in; nervous asthma.

Difficult breathing, with anxiety; oppression of chest.


      Whistling, dry; evening, in bed; caused by crawling below the larynx, or, as if in the upper bronchi, with dyspnoea; dry, spasmodic, in the morning, causing, retching; with escape of urine; with easily detached white expectoration; scraping, with profuse, thick, yellow, or white mucous expectoration.

After every coughing spell, copious purulent expectoration.

Periodical blood-spitting, with greenish-yellow, pus-like sputa.

Expectoration of black, coagulated blood.

Frequent blood-spitting, severe pains in chest, afternoon fever and morning sweat.

Fatiguing cough with old people, copious sputa, thick, yellow or white.


      Stitches : in left chest, just over the heart; across the

chest, during the morning till noon; first in left, then in right chest; in the right chest, interrupting breathing; also under the scapula.

Pains in chest, better from pressure.

Anxious feeling of heaviness in chest.

Heart Pulse

      Anxiety at the heart.

Stitches : over the heart; in the heart.

Pulsation in all the arteries, when at rest.

Pulse : small, weak and quick; soft, quick and trembling; small and hard, slow.

Outer Chest

      Chest pains as if bruised, particularly the sternum, and especially on pressure or from inspiration; also extending to clavicles and cervical muscles.

Pain as if the sternum or the whole chest were pressed in.

Neck Back

      Glands of neck swollen.

Pain in back at night; worse when lying.

Pain as if small of back would break; worse during rest, better from motion.

Pain in small of back and in sacral region, like a labor-pains, urging to urinate and ineffectual desire for stool.

Spasmodic drawing from behind forward, also into the genitals, or down into the thighs.

Continuous burning in the small of back.

Upper Limbs

      Scapulae as if bruised.

Stitches in arm, from the shoulder-joint through to the fingers, which feel as if asleep, without power of feeling.

Pain as if bruised when touched on inner side of upper arm.

Pain in elbow-joint, as if the tendons were too short.

Slightly elevated red blotches on left forearm.

Pain in the ulnar muscles, extending to little finger; cramp- like in left arm : drawing, with lameness, in right.

Fingers become white and insensible, especially in the morning after rising.

Pain in left thumb as if sprained.

Cracking of the skin of the hands.

Lower Limbs

      Pain in left hip-joint, as if it were luxated, with sensation as if the leg was too long when standing.

Bruised pain on crest of ilium : as if from a heavy burden, or after running; stitches from the same through the abdomen, pain in the same and in the lumbar vertebrae in the morning, as if tired.

Tingling or buzzing sensation in lower limbs.

Pain as from an ulcer in the whole leg.

Boring pain in hip-joints, alternating with numbness and loss of sensation in the whole thighs.

Sensation as if the knee-joint would suddenly give way.

Alternate swelling of the knee-joints and wrists, with sensation of numbness and rigidity of the limbs.

OEdematous, white swelling of both feet.

Stitches in the right ankle and left heel.

Ulcerative pain in soles; burning-itching in soles.

Cold swelling of the feet.

Limbs in General

      Pain in all the limbs, as if beaten, or as after a long walk.

Skin on the extremities dry and rough.

Lassitude of all the limbs; heaviness, with tired sleeplessness.

Position etc.

      During repose, a sensation as if all parts of the body were in motion.

Rest seems to increase the pains.

She dares not keep quiet for a long time after getting up from sleep.

Inclination for motion.

Sitting up :. Being carried :. Must rise : Rising: Running : Resting : Lying : Motion : Standing : Exertion : Emotions : Staggering : Talking : Lying on unaffected side : Tosses about :.


      Great debility.

Faintness in the morning, when rising earlier than usual.

Fatigue from the least exertion; also as from too long a foot- journey.

Prostration, with sleeplessness.

Spasms during dentition; swelling over a tooth not quite through.

Great restlessness and excitation of the whole body, worse in repose than during motion.


      Great drowsiness, with frequent yawning. Sleeplessness, worse before midnight.

Child moans constantly, or dozes with half-open eyes; or in cross, sleepless; during dentition.

Tosses about all night, without any apparent cause.

Starting, when scarcely fallen asleep.

Laughs aloud during sleep.

Dreams of crying; of the falling from a height; of being out in a snow storm; of being poisoned; of bright fire; of very dirty (clothes) wash.

Generally better after sleep.


      Morning : Afternoon : Evening : Night :. Morning till noon :.

Temperature and Weather

      Generally better from warmth, and in the room Many symptoms are aggravated in the open air, from growing cold and in cold weather; from washing or bathing with cold water; eating cold food.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Transient chill without thirst.

Chill, predominating when at rest.

Shaking chill, with severe flushes of heat in the face, red face and icy-cold feet; after the chill, thirst.

Chill, with great bodily restlessness.

Chill, alternating with heat.

Coldness of face and hands.

Heat mostly in the face.

Flushes of heat, with circumscribed redness of the face.

Sweat scant and only during the morning, with heat and redness of the cheeks.


      Intermittent : Periodical : Boring pain, alternating with numbness :.


      Right :,, Left :,,,, 2, Left to right : Above downward:, below upward : Before backward : Within outwards :.


      Loss of sensation Sensation as if brain would burst : of coldness in abdomen :; as if something coming out the vagina.


      Hemorrhages; small wounds bleed much.

Hemorrhage and fetid stools. Typhus.

Excoriation of mucous surfaces.

Rheumatic pains in joints, also stitches, most of hip and knee; with numbness of whole limb as if asleep.

Numbness, loss of sensation.

Rapid emaciation.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch : Combing : Being carried :. Pressure of clothing :,. Pressure :, Scratching : Must hold on to something : Rubbing :.


      Itching : toward evening so violent as to drive one almost wild.

Wheals like urticaria.

Large, greasy-looking, pock-shaped pustules, over the whole body; skin tense, shining, deep red, with a greasy moisture.

Eruption, dry as well as moist, in almost all parts of the body, especially on the backs of hands and feet in the palms, in the ears, in the popliteal region, and on the knuckles of hands, with much itching.

Old ulcers, painful, putrid.

Skin remarkably pale.

Stages and States

      Very tall for her age; blonde; delicate.

Dark complexion, slight, lean.

Complexion livid, disposition sad, irritable.

Old-looking children, hard to awaken.

Often indicated for old women.


      Kreosot. is followed well by Sulphur. also by Arsen (in cancer).

Antidotes to Kreosot. : Nux vomica against the violent pulsations in every part of body; Aconite against the vascular irritation.

After Carb. veg. it disagrees.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.