Sensation as of a plug in the anus. Soreness at the anus.


      Pain across the back, with red urine.

Shooting in renal region, small pulse, prostration; suppressed urine.

Continuous desire to urinate during the day.

Frequent discharge of watery urine, of strong smell, awaking him at night.

Scanty, high colored urine, with copious whitish sediment and pain in the back.

Scanty urine, with a white film and whitish deposit; mucous sediment.

Painful drawing from perineum into urethra.

Drawing micturition heat in the urethra; burning in glandular part of the urethra, continuing long after.

After micturition, burning in back part of urethra, with sensation as if one drop had remained behind, with unsuccessful effort to void it; stitches in the urethra.

Male Sexual Organs

      Absence of sexual desire.

Constrictive pain at the root of the penis: morning on awaking.

Itching in the hairy parts, skin inflames, small pustules form, of the size of a pin’s head.

Chancres ulcerating deeply.

Pricking and itching at the glans penis; ulcers.

Stitches in the prostate when walking, must stand still; prostatic fluid escapes at stool.

Gleet, with stringy or jelly-like, profuse discharge.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses : too soon, with vertigo, headache, nausea and feverishness; obstinate suppression of urine or red urine.

Prolapsus uteri, seemingly from hot weather. Subinvolution of the uterus.

Leucorrhoea yellow, ropy; pain and weakness across the small of the back, and dull, heavy pains in the hypogastrium.

Soreness and rawness in the vagina.

Swelling of the genitals.

Itching, burning and excitement about the vulva; genuine pruritus.


      Hawks copious, thick blue mucus, in the morning.

Early, formative stage of croup; worse 2 to 3 A.M.; the tough mucus strangles him.

Membranous croup; diphtheritic croup; invading larynx, trachea and even the bronchi; voice hoarse, uncertain, cough hoarse, metallic; deglutition painful, tonsils red, swollen; covered with false membrane difficult to detach, with expectoration of tough, stringy mucus; coughs up casts of elastic fibrinous nature; loud mucous rales; wheezing; chubby, light-haired children..


      Wheezing, panting on awaking; then cough which forces him to sit up, bent forward.

Slight dyspnoea, as if the mucous membrane of the bronchi was thickened; on rising in the morning.

Tightness at the bifurcation of the bronchi.

Sensation of choking on lying down.


      Wheezing, with retching and expectoration of tough mucus, which can be drawn in strings to his feet.

Cough excited by: tickling in the larynx; or at the bronchial bifurcation; by oppression at the epigastrium; or accumulation of mucus in the larynx. Cough, with pain, from mid-sternum through to back; severe stitching, or weight and soreness in the chest.

Cough, worse undressing; morning in awaking; after eating; deep inspiration; better after getting warm in bed.


      Pains from back to sternum; or, from mid-sternum darting to between the shoulders.

Heart Pulse

      Cold sensation about the heart; tightness of the chest; dyspnoea.

Pricking pain in region of heart.

Palpation, dyspnoea, accelerated pulse, heat, awakens suddenly with start, 2 A.M.

Pulse irregular, small, contracted, with nosebleed; accelerated; often soft, weak, even fluttering.

Outer Chest

      Dull pain in the right side over a circumscribed spot, worse on inspiration.

Neck Back

      Stiffness of nape of neck on bending head.

Sharp shooting pain, first in left then right renal region, extending down the thighs; worse on motion.

Aching in the back and down the left side into the hip.

Pain in the os-coccygis, worse from walking, or touch, and on rising after a long sitting.

Upper Limbs

      Rheumatic pains in both shoulders, worse at night. Burning pain in middle of forearm, extending to wrist.

Rheumatic pains in elbow and wrist-joints; stinging in the left elbow.

Spasmodic contraction of the hands.

Rheumatic pains in the finger-joints.

Great weakness of the hands.

Bones of the hand as if bruised, when pressed; ulcers on the fingers, with caries.

Lower Limbs

      Rheumatic pains in hip-joints and knees, on walking or moving; also with restlessness in diphtheria Pain in course of the left sciatic nerve, from behind the great trochanter to the calf; better when in motion; pressure on nerve causes shooting along whole leg.

Pain in the tendons of the muscles of the calf, as if stretched, causing lameness.

Pain in the right hip, extending to the knees.

Heaviness of the legs; aching and weakness in the calves on walking or going up stairs.

Soreness in the heels when walking.

Ulcers on the previously inflamed feet.

Limbs in General

      Shooting, pricking pains, worse in the morning.

Stiff all over, could hardly move in the morning.

Periodical, wandering pains; also along the bones, generally without localized inflammatory processes.

Position etc.

      Averse to motion, inclination of lie down.

Motion:,, Walking:, Stooping: Rising from a seat: from bed: Cannot rise: Must sit bent forward: Sitting quietly: Lying: Pressing head against anything: Must stand still:. Tossing of arms: Bending head: Ascending:.


      Prostration; face pale, cold sweat on face and body.

Weariness in the limbs, as the pains subside.


      Unrefreshing sleep; feels debilitated, especially in the extremities.

During sleep frequent starts, incoherent talk, tossing of the arms.

Awakened : with desire to urinate; by dyspnoea; palpitation; heat; headache.

Worse on awaking : head and chest symptoms especially.


      Morning : Evening : 7, Night :, 2 A.M.:, 2 to 3 A.M.: Day : Increasing from morn till noon, decrease from noon till night :.

Temperature and Weather

      Complaints in hot weather: Better from warmth : Cold weather :. Open air :. Undressing : Pains worse in winter. Summer (dysentery):.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chilliness in the back, with sleepiness; seeks a warm place.

Chilliness alternating with flushes of heat.

Chilliness with giddiness and nausea, followed by heat, with sensation of coldness and trembling; periodical pains in the temples; without thirst.

Attack of chilliness from the feet upwards, and sensation as if the skull on the vertex became contracted, in frequently returning paroxysms.

Chill, followed in an hour by heat, with dryness of mouth and lips, which have to be moistened all the time; followed in the morning by great thirst but no sweat. Ill-humor.

Chilliness, especially on the extremities, and flushes of heat alternating with general sweat.

Flushes of heat in the face. Climaxis.

Heat of hands and feet; nausea; pain in the upper part of the abdomen; dryness of the mouth; sleeplessness; followed by sweat of hands, feet and thighs.

Burning heat of the upper part of the body and face, with internal chilliness and violent thirst.

Sweat : on the back, during effort at stool; profuse while sitting quietly; cold on forehead and hands.


      Pains fly rapidly from one place to another, not continuing long at any place, and intermit.

Periodical attack :, Symptoms alternate.

Gastric symptoms supersede rheumatic.


      Right :, Left;,,, Left to right : Before backward :, Behind forward : Above downward :,, Below upward :.


      Pains in small spots, which can be covered with point of finger.

Pains attack first one part then reappear in another.

Heavy feeling in many parts.

Sensation of a plug in anus, as if one drop of urine remained behind : Sensation of a hair on the back part of tongue; of choking :.


      Bones feel bruised; caries.

Cracking in all the joints from the least motion.

Rheumatic pains in nearly all the joints.

Diphtheritic formations in nose, mouth, fauces, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and even uterus and vagina.

Plastic exudations; ropy, stringy mucus.

Emaciation; anaemia.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Desire to rub : Cannot bear tight clothing :. Touch :, Pressure :, Pressure relieves : Rubs the eyelids :.


      Burning, stinging in the skin. Lupus with much burning.

Skin hot, dry and red.

Violent itching of whole surface; then small pustules form mostly on arms and legs; scabs smart, pain and burn; worse in hot, better in cold weather.

Heat and itching of skin at night, when warm in bed, followed by reddish, hard knots, from size of pin’s head to that of a split pea: centre depressed, with a dark scurf; surrounded by an inflamed base.

Dry eruption like measles.

Small pustules over body like small-pox; they disappear without bursting; mostly on face and arms.

Brown spots like freckles on the throat.

Blisters full of serum on the soled of the right foot.

Small pustules on the roots of the nails, spreading over hands to wrists; are red, axillary glands suppurate; small pustules on the hands secrete a watery fluid when broken; if not touched, fluid thickens into a yellow, tough mass.

Blood-boil on right thigh; right side of spine, near last rib; painful on the least motion.

Ulcers dry, oval; edges overhanging, bright red areola; base hard, corroding; becoming deeper; cicatrix remains depressed.

Scabs on fingers, corona glandis; deep, stinging cicatrices on the hands.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.