Drawing pain in the limbs, especially in the morning when awaking.

Weakness in the limbs; they feel bruised.

Position etc.

      Motion: Moving eyes: Shaking the head: Walking:; in open air: up or down stairs:. Sitting:; with head bent back; Stooping: Lying in bed: In bed: Must change position:.


      Trembling weakness, after tobacco smoking.

Fainting from slight pains.

Spasms after injury, as of pressure on the head; trismus of the newborn:.


      Sleepiness during the day, worse toward evening; with frequent, almost spasmodic yawning.

Excess of thoughts prevent sleep, after midnight.

Violent starts, when falling asleep.

Start from sleep, feeling as if about to suffocate.

Wakes at night, with erection and desire to urinate.

Dreams : anxious; of fire.


      Morning :,, Forenoon :. Toward morning : Toward evening: Evening : Night : Before midnight : After midnight : Midnight till morning : Day : Day and night : or P.M. :.

Temperature and Weather

      Warm room :. Covering head warmly : Uncovered head : Open air: Cold air : Cold water : Dry cold winds : Cold northwest winds.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill during the day, alternating with heat and photophobia.

Chill about or P.M. Nightly chill in bed, with aggravation of all complaints.

Chill, then thirst; one hour later, much heat, with interrupted sleep.

Great chilliness in the open air.

Dry, burning heat, with redness of the face and violent thirst, all night.

Flushes of heat, with sweat.

Sweats day and night, without relief; or first can’t sweat at all, and then sweats profusely; easily by even slight motion.

Night or morning sweat, thirst.

Cold, clammy, frequently sour, or offensive-smelling sweat.


      Right : Left : Without inward :.


      Painful sore feeling on the side on which he lies, at night; must change position.



Glands inflame, swell and suppurate.

Rheumatic swelling, with heat, redness and sensation, as if sprained.

Hard, burning nodosities.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch :, Pressure :. Scratching : Concussion :.


      Yellowness of the skin.

Burning itching on the body, with white vesicles, after scratching.

Humid soreness on the genitals, scrotum, and the folds between the scrotum and the thigh.

Eruptions very sensitive, sore to touch.

Miliary rash in circles.

Itching rash in bends of knees and elbows.


Dry, pimply eruptions.

Eczema, spreading by means of new pimples appearing just beyond the old parts.

Unhealthy skin: slight injuries suppurate.

Ulcers : discharge bloody pus, smelling like old cheese; edges very sensitive, and have a pulsating sensation; discharge corroding.

Stinging, burning of edges of ulcers.


      Hepar is frequently indicated after; Bellad., Laches., Silicea, Spongia, Zincum. Arnic. (traumatic spasms).

After Hepar the frequently indicated : Bellad, Mercur., Nitr ac., Spongia, Silicea

Hepar s.c. antidotes : mercurial or other metallic preparations; also iodine, and particularly the iodide of potassium and cod liver oil.

Antidotes to Hepar s.c. Acid aceticum, Bellad., Chamom. Silicea

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.