Throbbing in all blood- vessels; soft bellows sound at apex.

Pulse full, hard: increased by exertion.

Outer Chest

      Drawing in chest and around heart; scalp sore.

Neck Back

      Neck: sore as if bruised; stiff.

Neck and shoulder painful when lying on right side, Constant pains along back, worse in those parts she had to lie


Lumbago all night, goes off on rising.

Pain in region of kidneys, with desire to make water.

Upper Limbs

      Shoulders sore to touch, painful, also arm.

Pinching in right deltoid.

Boring in right shoulder, and from biceps to elbow; worse from motion; better from heat; worse from weight of bedclothes.

ARight arm lame.

Irresistible desire to bend arm, with intense pain; derives out of bed. 2 A.M.; better walking slowly about.

Arms nearly rigid.

When writing the hand trembles, does better when writing fast.

Hands cold, stiff, numb; palms hot.

Fingers; stiff, numb, contracted.

Lower Limbs

      Violent pain in the hip-joint, worse evening until 12 P.M.; must get out of bed and walk about; can hardly put foot to the ground; but pain lessens while walking.

Varicose veins inside of right thigh, then of left.

Numbness of thighs.

Neuralgia, throbbing at night; worse rest; better moving.

Legs feel weak.

Calves weak, as if bruised.

Cramps in calves, worse at rest, especially at night.

Toes contracted.

Shooting-pricking in right instep.

Cramp in soles of feet.

Heel pains.

Feet cold, numb, stiff.

Soles feel hot.

Limbs in General

      Nightly tearing in arms and legs.

Swelling of hands; also of feet to the ankles.

Position etc.

      Motion: Walking: Exertion: Stooping: Lying: in one position: back: Sitting:, Must sit up: rising: Must bend arm: Rest Get out of bed: Tossing in bed: In bed: In bed: Uncovering chest:.


      Increased bodily irritability; excitable.

Restlessness, must walk slowly about.

Tired, aching, as from lying long in one position.

Prostration, lethargic dulness, vertigo.

So weak she must lie down.

Paralysis from loss of fluids.


      Falls asleep: from debility; while sewing, sitting and studying.

Sleep at night with inability to sleep.

Anxious tossing in bed after 12 P.M.

Can lie only on the back, at night.

Child does not sleep because of itching from ascarides.

Dreams: vivid; confused; unpleasant.



      Morning:,, Morn till noon: Evening:, Night:, 9,, After midnight: Day:, 2 A.M. : Until 12 P.M. :.

Temperature and Weather

      Generally worse in cold, or wet weather; better in warm air.

Cold air:; weather: Cold washing: Over heating: Heat: Warmth of bed: Inclines to uncover:.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chilly every evening: hectic fever.

Frequent short attacks of chilly shivering.

Chill with hot and red face, thirst.

General coldness in evening, in bed, often lasting all night.

Chilly and want of animal heat.

Thirst with chill.

Dry heat, worse towards evening; face red; inclined to uncover; better moving or speaking, and after meals.

Sweat profuse, long-lasting, as well by day at every motion, as at night and morning, in bed.

Clammy, generally debilitating sweat.

Every other (third) day sweat from morn till noon.

Strong-smelling nigh-sweat (with cramps of different parts) Sweat stains yellow, is fetid on going to sleep.

Worse while sweating.

Intermittent fever after abuse of quinine; congestions to head; veins distended; vomiting ingesta; swelling of spleen; anaemia maskes by pseudo-plethora.


      Periodical attacks of pain.

Menses intermit.

Every other day:.

Pains increase gradually.


      Left:,,,. Right:, Right to left: Left to right: cramp in feet: pain in lungs.


      Red parts become white.

Hemorrhages; blood light or lumpy; coagulates easily.

Blood-vessels distended, especially those of head, face, feet.


Pseudo-plethora; congestions, etc. yet. yet anaemic; the face is earthy, flushing easily.

Ereth ic chlorosis, worse during cold weather.

Dropsy after loss of fluids, abuse of Cinchon, intermittent fever; anasarca.

Gland swollen, with rending, tearing pains.

Bones disposed to soften or bend; fractures unite slowly.

Cracking in joints.

Sudden emaciation; muscles lax, limbs cold; weak digestion.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch:, Pressure:. Weight of bedclothes:.


      Dry skin. Pneumonia.

Skin pale, yellow, sallow, dirty, withered, flabby, Yellow-brown spots, sore to touch.

Scarlatina during desquamation.

Skin peels off on shoulders and left hand.

Warts on fingers and backs of hands.

Ulcers pale, oedematous.

Stages and States

      Delicate, chlorotic women.

Weak, nervous; yet face is very red.

Sanguine, choleric.


      Ailments from Arsen., Iodium., cinchon.

Complementary to : Alum, Cinchon.

Antidotes to Ferrum: Arsen., Cinchon., Hepar., Ipecac., Pulsat.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.