Heart Pulse

      Palpitation and faintness.

Pulse small, but tense and accelerated, frequently very unequal, and then for a time weak.

Neck Back

      Drawing pain in the back.

Pain in the small of the back, especially at night.

Bruised sensation in the muscles of the loins and back.

Small of back feels bruised.

Upper Limbs

      Pain in the arms, cannot bear the slightest motion.

Stiffness of the arm, tendency to formication when grasping with the hand.

Finger joints red and swollen.

Lower Limbs

      Violent drawing, tearing pains, from the left ischium to the os calcis and sole of the foot, with cramp-like tension of the


Tearing pains from abdomen down into legs. See.

Cramp in the calves.

Tearing pain in the feet after a severe chill: must lie down and keep quiet; pain in ankle, worse from every motion.

Redness and swelling around the malleoli.

Heaviness and lassitude in the legs.

Burning of the soles at night; puts the feet out of bed.

Limbs in General

      Pain in the periosteum, with paralytic weakness.

Drawing and tearing pains in the limbs, worse at night.

Joints sore, as if bruised and tired out; no power in the hands and feet.

Cracking in the joints, especially of the lower limbs, with pains therein, as if bruised.

Aching in all the limbs, with lassitude.

Limbs feel heavy.

Position etc.

      Inclination to lie down.

Motion : Rising from sleep :; from bed : Sitting up in bed: Lying down: Stooping: Must lie down and keep quiet: Tosses about, starts up : Bending head back : Bends backward : Writing or speaking : Moaning, talking, tossing about : Carried : Legs moved up and down : Mental exertion : Grasping:.


      Child makes itself and bends backwards, kicks with the feet when carried, screams immoderately, and throws everything off.

Convulsions of children: legs moved up and down, grasping and reaching with the hands, mouth drawn from side to side, eyes staring.

Twitching in the eyelids, eyeballs, lips and facial muscles.

Pain in limbs, with weakness and slow, dragging gait.

General prostration, faintness.


      Yawning and stretching.

Sleep, with half open eyes; sleepy, but cannot sleep.

Sleepless and restless at night.

Scarcely sleeps, and on falling asleep is tormented by anxious, frightening dreams.

During sleep : moaning; weeping and wailing; starting up, crying out, tossing about and talking.


      Morning: Forenoon : Afternoon :. Evening : Night :,,.

Temperature and Weather

      Warmth:; of bed;. Dry weather: Cold air : damp : Open air:, Fresh air: Cold change of weather and cold atmosphere: Winter : Wants fresh air: Uncovering : Room : Cold water :, Warm drinks, diet, Heat aggravates the pains.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Coldness with thirst.

Chill and shivering, generally of single parts only, with heat of others.

Chill and coldness of the whole body, with burning heat of the face and hot breath.

Chill of posterior part with heat of anterior of body, or vice versa.

Slight shiverings, alternating with heat, creep over the back and abdomen. Shivering when uncovering and from cold air.

Heat and shivering intermingled mostly with one red and one pale cheek.

Burning heat in lightly covered parts, though when not covered almost cold.

Anxious heat, with sweat of the face and scalp.

Long lasting heat, with violent thirst and frequent startings in sleep.

Sweat during sleep, most on the head, usually of sour odor, and with smarting sensation in skin.

Revulsion of, and therefrom entire want of sweat.


      Right:, Left :,, Above downwards :, Below upwards : Behind forwards: Right to left : Symptoms in provings go from right to left; therefore cures from left to right.


      The paralytic sensations are always accompanied by drawing or tearing pain, and the drawing or tearing pains rarely occur without the paralytic or numb sensation in the part.


      Muscular or articular rheumatism, with great nervous excitability; also when pains are erratic, worse knees and ankles; numbness afterwards. They drive him out of bed and compel him to walk about.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch :, Wants to be carried: Wounds which suppurate (topically and internally).


      Unhealthy, every injury suppurates.

Exanthema difficult to heal.

Red rash on the cheeks.

Skin inclined to inflammation.

Burning and smarting pain in the ulcer, at night, with crawling and painful oversensitiveness to touch.

Itching pimples covered with scurfs, and ulcerating around the ulcer.

Severe itching of the sweating parts.

Skin yellow, jaundiced.

Stages and States

      Children. Light or brown hair, nervous, excitable temperament.

Adults; even persons with arthritic or rheumatic diathesis.


      Antidotes to Chamom. : Acon; Alum, Borax., Camphor., Coccul., Coffea, Coloc., Ignat., Nux vom, and especially Pulsat.

Similar to Tarax. See; Hepar., Calendula, (suppuration).

Chamom. antidotes : Coffea, Opium.

Complementary to Magnes.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.